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He has a set of pipes.

I would like to see her take the counter point and compliment his voice. Not all the time, just in those songs where it works well.


I detest Simon, think he is over the top egotistical. But those two kids are fantastic! Thanks, Steve for the link. Took a while for my computer to load it but worth the wait for sure!


The human voice is the most profound of instruments, there is no doubt about that. This left me in tears - the young man is head and shoulders above his partner in skill, and his rebuttal to Simon proves the love, honor and character of the young man. It's wonderful - thanks for sharing!!


steve - my little daughter wanted me to watch this with her, and i cried at nearly all of them!!!!! that boy was an incredible and exceptional singer, and the girl a wonderful friend. it was very touching - its these kind of hugely talented contestants that make these tired tv formats still work - there was also a welsh male voice choir on with something like 134 teenage boys from the welsh valleys, where there is nothing for them except huge unemployment, and this fabulous man had talked all these young men into the coolness of the welsh singing tradition, and they were all totally into this choir - it was really something. i may even watch the programme again!


Simply Awesome. I agree with Tim's comments. Real character in this young man. Soooo much more than Simon. Thanks for posting.



Bummer, it won't play unless I subscribe to the site and allow it to store and collect data from my machine. Oh well.

Frosty The Lucky.


I also saw that was posted on You tube, Please try to find it it IS worth the effort, and you guys are correct, His attitude about themselves as a duo, and will remain one said a lot about him as a person, and as her true friend


Frosty, I got the same thing, needing to subscribe and all that. There is a bar just above the video screen that say if you are having trouble seeing it then try this other viewer or whatever. I clicked and it down loaded no problem and I was able to see it. Worth the time.


Amazing and uplifting. Not words I usually say. It was great to hear them, and great that they would stay together. Doesn't always happen that way. I hope to see more from them.

  • 4 weeks later...

Steve, thanks for sharing that clip. Very powerful and emotional. That young man embodies all that is noble and beautiful about humanity. Everything else I try to write I delete, because it sounds lame and insufficient. Success will obviously follow, but I wish him true happiness above all else.

Simon is who he is. I don't blame a shark, for being a shark.

Again, Thanks for that clip Steve! You made my day all warm and fuzzy. :)



Thank you for posting that Steve. I don't watch much television so I would have totally missed this if you had not posted it here. Like you said, not the sort of musical style I lean towards but I can certainly recognize talent when I see it.
After we lost Luciano Pavarotti I thought I might never hear another tenor of that caliber arise again anytime soon. This kid is it.
Wow, just wow! And only 17 years old. Like Susan Boyle who emerged from a similar stage I think this young man will at the very least have a CD released to rousing success and I cannot begin to imagine where he may be in say five years once he is taken under the wing of those properly connected in the music business and his voice is cultivated further.
Quite a humble young man. Loved how he put Simon Scowl right in his place with such grace and class too.
We will certainly be seeing much more of this young man.

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