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I Forge Iron

As the iron heats....

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A sort of philosophical question. So you are forging something big and it goes into the forge. What do you do whilst it is heating up? A genuine question.

You are all sworn to secrecy on this one. As I can 100% rely on my wife not being in the smithy I tend to grab my stash of smokes and have a quick one. Also as my shop is nowhere near finished I go round and tweak stuff

So come on, own up, what do you do?

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Usually, I gather all the tools needed for the job while the forge is first getting going, and then while the iron is heating I try to make sure I have everything needed for the job at hand. Also, I go through the motions in my head as far as the steps involved in doing what I'm triing to accomplish, so that the forging itself goes as planned/needed. - JK

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What Jeremy said, and if the iron is still not ready I'll do some sketching,measuring, cutting on the band saw, grinding,put away tools I don't need for the job, etc...
I do this when I'm working with the gas forge.
With the coal forge, I have a hand cranked blower so it basically comes down to me cranking the blower between heats.

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Commune with the element of Fire,which is a fancy way of saying I zone out.I have been known to let steel burn while staring at it. :blink:
Who knows where my mind goes sometimes,I know I sure don`t.Time to get a shorter leash as the training collar just ain`t cuttin` it apparently. :D

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What Jeremy said. There has got to be some attention and focus.

I tell my students, a little tong in cheek, that 90% of your work is done while you're taking a heat, because you're trying to figure out what the hell you're going to do when the piece comes out."

http://www.turleyforge.com Granddaddy of Blacksmith Schools

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I crank the blower, too. But that only takes one hand. I usually play with the coal fire with the other, with the poker.

incidentally, I have a technique that's half superstition when welding: I count blower cranks, usually 20, then turn the piece in the fire, 20 more, etc. Helps get an even heat, of course.

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