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From the email:

I just want to let you know I'm out of the hospital after getting hurt in a wreck last Sunday evening, 3-08-09. I got out 3-12-09. I was in ICU a day and a half. My left arm is in bad shape from the elbow to the tips of my fingers--fractures, tendon and tissue damage. The right arm is not too bad--ugly bruises and some swelling. Concussion and some ribs badly bruised. It could have been worse if God wasn't watching over me. He also prevented my wife from being in the explorer and getting hurt. One of the people in the truck that ran a stop sign into my path died at the scene. They were all 3 drunk. Please Pray for them and their families. Jerry


I thank everybody for their Prayers and emails. I'll be having more tests and possible surgery for awhile. Both arms and the left hand has tendon/ligament damage. I live just a couple of miles south of Jerry Rados but haven't been able to get over to his place after the tornado damage there. The pictures clearly show if he had been in the shop he would be beat up too. Seems like the devil has been after the Blacksmiths here! If God is with us who can be against us??



I missed the original post by Glenn.

I can't say how glad I am you weren't hurt worse and very happy you were alone on your rig.

You're on my list as are the poor souls who hit you.

Heal fast but don't push it. I did and may have caused myself another year of mending.



Hope you mend as good as new Jerry, glad it was not your family too. My thoughts are with you for a FULL recovery.

Have to say that while it's a shame someone died at the end of the day if they were drink driving they only have themselves to blame. We all know its WRONG and after losing a close friend several years ago to a D.U.I. my sympathy for anyone caught drink driving evaporated. I hope the lesson is learned by the other two.

  • 2 weeks later...

Jerry, How you doing? Good and stiff by now if things go as normal after a wreck. You had any repair work done on you arm/hand and if so how is that healing. I have had you on the prayer calender but if you ain't better may have to take to the whole congregation. Do you need the whole congregation praying for you? I think I heard a yes so I will put you name on the prayer chain. You know how them old ladies are? They ain't got a thing to do but pray.:rolleyes:

  • 4 weeks later...

Update on the healing process--God is good!!! Both arms and the upper back will be a long time healing. I can do things--carefully--and therapy has helped. Prayer is the best medicine tho! My left hand is not as ugly as it was and probably won't work as it did but it works! Thanks to all for the Prayers and concern, it really means a lot.


Glad to hear you are still here with us all. Enlightening to see you ask for prayers concerning the "all 3 drunk" who brought this. That marks a truly straight guy who is genuinely concerned for all because he sees the bigger picture, the one god painted...
Ya, they screwed up bigtime and deserve to get some lumps from the law but enough already, a person left early and that is going to impact so many lives for years to come.
May the Lord have mercy on their soul and may those left behind be able to cope...

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