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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by pnut

  1. Welcome aboard. Here's a collection of links that helped me get started almost immediately. Glad to meet you, be safe, and remember it's supposed to be fun. Pnut
  2. I stopped a home invasion robbery with my kitty cat. I literally grabbed my cat by the scruff and tossed her at the guy with the gun. She attached herself to his face and chest and he dropped the pistol immediately. As soon as the cat scrambled away he ran out the door. Indeed weapons are everywhere if you're willing to use them. Pnut
  3. If you plan on staying where you're at for a long time there's enough length to be able to bury it in the ground to your proper working height and make it extremely stable. Pnut
  4. Thanks, it sounds like it shouldn't be a problem. I appreciate it. Pnut
  5. It's become kinda trendy to drink PBR. I see lots of wannabe punk rockers drinking it. I guess they think it gives them some sort of working class credibility or they feel like "real" gutter punks. Weird but true. Pnut
  6. I received this in the mail yesterday from my sister. It's a 1/2 in. radius. Pretty nice gift for just showing up out of the blue. Pnut
  7. Is there anything special I should know before attempting to grind a ductile iron bottom fuller shank to fit my hardy hole? Pnut
  8. Those cheap urethane wheels are going to fail for sure. I've blown off whole wheels on hills in San Francisco. There's definitely a difference between quality urethane wheels and cheap ones. I can almost guarantee he bought or scavenged the cheapest he could find. He'll be replacing them and the bearings inside them soon. Pnut
  9. I used a bolt with a nut just barely on the end for the rivet header and a nut with the bolt cut off as the cupping tool to finish my first real set of tongs It worked well enough to get the job done. I'm planning on making a better riveting set soon. Hopefully it'll dry up before long. It's pretty swampy here on the Dry Ridge Pnut
  10. pnut

    Burners 101

    Phobias are weird critters. They're not rational. Back before I became a productive domesticated citizen I spent nine months locked in a room alone. It was a horrible experience so I can see how someone could fear it. Pnut
  11. I'm going to head to the tool rental store today to see if they have any. It's been about six months since I tried. Last time they didn't have any which I thought was weird. It made me wonder what condition the bits were in they were sending people out with. Pnut
  12. pnut

    Burners 101

    I have a fear of heights until I get about sixty feet up. I have no problem jumping out of an airplane or abseiling down a cliff face. On an extension ladder or walk boards I get nervous. It's strange. I can force myself to keep moving but I'm definitely uncomfortable. Sweaty palms, shaky stomach, trembling extremities. I had to quit a few jobs over having to use ladders but had no problem dangling from a building cleaning windows in downtown Cincinnati. I don't get it. Pnut
  13. pnut

    Burners 101

    I get nervous watching some people use right angle grinders. I nearly had a panic attack watching a guy cut a 55 gallon drum he was giving me. I was nauseous by the time he was done. I've never been so glad to get away from someone who was helping me out in my entire life. Pnut
  14. I don't like working on the horn with my hammer hand over the face. I started out with the round horn to the left but soon switched the horn to my hammer side. It's all personal preference but you raise a good point. Pnut
  15. I tried using a gift card for some shoes online and they still wanted a credit/debit card with the cardholders name on it. I don't know about Walmart though. I'll find out next time I go there. I can't believe I didn't think of that already. Haha. Pnut
  16. Yes, they said I could order it myself. I'm just not a fan of using credit cards online. I need to replace the pre paid card I used specifically for online purchases. I got a notification a while back for a charge I didn't make so I cancelled it and haven't replaced it yet. I much prefer using money orders but that's nearly unheard of these days. Pnut
  17. I was looking at those hammers. Unfortunately they only stock the four pound version around my location. Fiskars calls them a demolition club iirc which I find amusing for some reason. I'd like to give the three pounder a shot. Pnut
  18. I used a U bolt, a piece of flat stock that I drilled two holes in, a couple of nuts and a piece of angle iron to attach it all to the stump. If I get outside soon and remember I'll snap a picture. It's basically the same as what Arkie posted above just with a piece of angle iron instead of the tongue bracket that mounts it to the stand. Pnut
  19. pnut

    Round or Square

    I think most knife makers prefer a forge that the flame doesn't hit the work directly. Pnut
  20. pnut

    Flame Check

    The only thing I can find regarding the biological half life of zinc states it can still be detected from 6-43 days in rats depending on the region of the body. The longest being 43 days in the amygdaloid cells. As for the radioactive half life the longest is for the zinc-65 atom which is 244 days. Zinc-65 is the most stable zinc atom. Pnut
  21. It also It also gets you actually forging which in my case seemed to be the biggest hurdle. I wasted a lot of time worrying about things that with a little research in the right place (IFI) I figured out how little I actually needed to get going. Pnut
  22. Nice tool. I'm envious. I'm hoping my little accaio anvil will attract other anvils like a duck decoy attracts ducks hahahaha. Pnut
  23. The problem would be with the fibers you knock loose from the kaowool becoming airborne. There's so many other things to use it's not worth it. I use wood ash now that I have collected enough but I've also used unscented kitty litter to good effect and plain old dried and pulverized clay I dug out of the ground. Find a metal ammo can or old toolbox and start saving wood ash in it or buy a bag of vermiculite at the garden center. It's that time of year when the box stores are preparing for spring in my neck of the woods so it's already stacked up outside of Walmart. Pnut
  24. pnut

    Burners 101

    I seem to remember reading something you posted about an oil fired forge and a mushroom cloud. Am I mistaken? Pnut
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