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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. I went to buy some yeast to make doughnuts with and nearly every bit of it was gone. The worker said people were buying it up. He managed to find me one though. And the store that is normally very crowded felt almost deserted there were so few people
  2. Nice work blacksmith-450 and Frazer. The scissors are cool. It doesn't look like it'd take much to even out the handles. I've given away a bunch of stuff and I've got piles of stuff still sitting. It is a good idea to get your work out there to be seen. I wanted to make spoons and forks and I just made some and my husband put them in his lunch bag. The guys at work started wanting them after seeing his and now others want them. I guess I'm a one trick pony right now but I ought to get real good at them. I appreciate all the business advice. It is not easy to figure out for sure.
  3. She flew. I forgot to mention that
  4. My daughter traveled to Las Vegas last week for a 3 day trip. I was surprised she said they didn't push any special precautions because of the coronavirus. Only heightened security on arrival because one of the presidential candidates was going to be in the area somewhere.
  5. Thanks for all the votes of definitely ask about the anvil guys. My husband has been telling me the same thing
  6. Both the knife and sheath are exquisite. Very beautifully done
  7. Not to mention high pitched screaming little girls are capable of...
  8. We will continue prayers for you and your family Robert and Sheila.
  9. Thanks Jennifer. My friend has an order for cutlery for her husband and her for their anniversary. Since she's my friend and they have supplied me with material before, I wasn't sure about even charging her. But she said she understands the work I put into it and wants to pay me for it and for whatever I quote. This other order is for a 20 piece set. I'm not sure what to do with that one quite yet even after much contemplation.
  10. Oh wow. I guess it wouldn't hurt to see then. I also thought about what else they may have because it's a pretty good sized shop
  11. Yeah, you're right. It's just amazing to see one sitting out like that. They are a rare commodity in these parts
  12. Really nice work bobasaurus. I'm going to make a bottle opener for a friend for his birthday this weekend. Yours looks good
  13. I was driving to town one day and I happened to notice what looked like an anvil sitting out by someone's shop. I drove back by, and sure enough it's an anvil on a stand. It looks like it's up against the wall and doesn't get used unless they move it. And there are no other immediate signs of a smithy. But it's always in the same spot. I can't tell from the distance but it looks to be a decent size. I've been contemplating seeing if it might follow me home. I've been thinking about seeing if it may be for sale. Should I just go up to the door and ask? Maybe take something I've made as a token of good will? I don't need one, but I see no harm in acquiring another one if the price is right!
  14. Thomas sounds like a good weekend you had. Nothing in the shop yet today for me. Got my propane tank filled up yesterday so I can start work on two more paying jobs tonight. It's a good feeling that people actually want to trade cash for something I make.
  15. 6 cameras. Wow. I can't imagine. I can't imagine even making a video. BillyBones had said I should make one for forging forks. Everyone should just watch your video for making forks because that is where I learned it from. So if I do them good at all, the credit goes to you Jennifer. Thanks for everything because that is just one thing I picked up from you
  16. Ah, Das congratulations! Love that picture of them. I spent most of the day with our friends 3 month old daughter. I love babies
  17. Excellent JHCC. Very nice work. I need to try some cala lilies Billy, I like the table leg. A heart would probably look pretty cool too
  18. Frosty, you crack me up! That is the funniest thing I've read in awhile. Gave me a great mental picture
  19. I work from left to right. Forge, anvil then vice. About a step from forge to anvil then maybe a step and a half to the vice. But I agree, whatever is comfortable for you. I also work with the horn oriented to the right. It seems like most work with it to the left. Of course, I move to wherever I need to. The great things is, the rules are what you make.
  20. This is interesting. Thanks for posting it.
  21. Those are nice. I like the way you shaped the horse head. And you got the ear to stand out real well. Nicely done on all three
  22. I sure wish I could help you out. I've only ever used Rustoleom clear. But Irondrgons suggestion of the satin sounds good. I'm not big on the glossy look I get from the clear I have used.
  23. GFH, that's a nice bottle opener. Gives me inspiration. Blueberry, creative work on the octopus. I was watching a guy make an elephant head for a chess piece last night. Thak Ironworks on you tube. That's something I want to do with animal heads is 3D interpretations. Jennifer, thanks for showing different ways of doing the diamond. I can see those as fence post finials. Really, it could be used in all kinds of applications. 671jungle, thank you. When you've messed up as many as I have, you get lucky and one or two come out ok sometimes Although I will say, it has improved my ability to spread material and my hammer accuracy is improving also.
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