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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. I haven't been on the forum much lately but you guys are rockin' it and putting out some spectacular work. I haven't managed getting to the shop much lately, but I did start on another cutlery set for an order Monday night. If I finish it some time soon, I'll post up some pics. I really love seeing so many sharing their work and letting us see.
  2. That's great! What kind of handle are you planning on for it?
  3. That's what I thought it may mean. That's exactly what I wanted to do. My sister is in agreement and I'm sure my brothers will feel the same way. Thank you for straight shooting pnut. I'd rather it be that way
  4. Thank you pnut and Thomas for your kind words and advice. That's exactly what I'm thinking about chemo and all that stuff. I do not think she'd survive it anyway. I'll have to look up palliative care because I don't know what that is. I will mosey definitely talk with the oncologist and any other professional involved. Im trying not to freak out too much until we see someone
  5. Thank you my friend. I really appreciate it
  6. Well my mom is back in the nursing home. Nobody called to let us know she was discharged or what the results of the biopsy were. But we found out she does have cancer. She will go to an oncologist in the next week. The doctor told her she has cancer, but I don't think she understands. Her comprehension isn't very good. I don't know what to do on that front. I will go with her to the oncologist and keep y'all updated
  7. Open invitation there anytime if you need it
  8. Glad to have you join the gang John. Please do post some pictures of your work. I would love to see it
  9. Most things we have gotten from HF have actually been good. I was thinking the other day about the set of needle files I have that are around $4 I think. Best 4 bucks I ever spent.
  10. Great news about your insurance coming through. As Dory from" Finding Nemo" says, just keep swimming, swimming! If you do travel, after you visit Charles, drop in at our place. I'll cook supper for y'all too
  11. Condolences to his family. Elouise, my condolences to you as well.
  12. Thank you CtG. The doctors words brought me a lot of comfort yesterday. At first I thought, this is it. But im just going to chill and wait for the biopsy to come back. My Dad spent the last two weeks of his life in ICU and he didn't speak or really respond too much. He had still worked through all of this and when they had told him he couldn't work anymore, he cried and that was his biggest concern was my mother being taken care of if he were to die. Looking back, I think that's when I really took the reins of seeing after my mom.
  13. Thanks Thomas. I thought about that and you're right. I really should because the first set I sold has sparked interest in several items
  14. My Dad had lung cancer. They removed it and and he went through chemo. Got rid of the cancer, but he then got congestive heart failure as a consequence. That eventually took him. He was on life support in the end and he had fought for a long time before that. He managed to scribble a note that he was tired, but wanted to stay. But finally gave up and was ready to go. My mom couldn't make the decision and I was his only child. So it fell to me. I don't want to have to do that again. So I relate Frosty
  15. I don't really know. With the colder weather, I would think it would cool off a lot faster though. We were planning on building me a new forge and we still will. But we came into a little extra unexpected cash and hardly any time with getting ready for spring on the farm, I've got a diamondback 2 burner coming. Should be shipped today
  16. Duckwalk, nice little sticker there. Very nice gesture for a generous neighbor. I have done nothing in the shop lately. I have an order for another cutlery set. I don't think that'll take me long though, so maybe I can get to it pretty quick
  17. I understand what you mean. And thank you. I am thankful for all of the support from you guys. It's helped me keep my thinking straight and not to freak out too much
  18. No joke! Except my Dad didn't pass away until he was 50. He was my hero. Too bad I didn't let him know that often enough. Wow, that blows my mind
  19. pnut, I understand what you're saying about feeling guilty. But you shouldn't because you took the best care of her you could and loved her and she knew that. That's what mattered most to her. I'm saying this not only as a daughter, but as a mother also. You're a good son. Doctor just came in. Biopsy is not back yet. He said it looks like cancer to him, but what kind is the question. He said it could be a mass that could be gone in a couple of weeks with antibiotics. So that's hopeful. She will be in ICU until at least Monday morning. But she feels ok today.
  20. I am my mother's fifth child and my Dads only child. Her second marriage. Since we have different fathers and the closest in age to me is over 10 years, I felt like an only child. With the exception of my nephew. My sister's oldest son is only 3 years younger than me. So he felt more like a little brother!
  21. Opioid addiction is a monster. I'm glad your mom got to see you come through it too. My mom is a big factor in who I am today also. I was a rebellious teenager and well into my 20s and I know I did a lot to disappoint her. I am the youngest of 5 kids, but I am the one she seems to rely on the most. So I've come a long way. You're doing great and I'm happy for you. I understand exactly how it is
  22. Thank you pnut. We try to ask her what she wants and respect her wishes. Sometimes she'll ask what we think. She used to have a memory like an elephant, but it seems sometimes she's not aware of things very much. Since she had the stroke, her power of speech isn't very good. That's how I knew something was wrong. She was talking fine, then all of a sudden she sounded like she had a mouthful of cotton or rocks in her mouth. She's the sweetest soul I know and hardly complains about anything unless she's hurting.
  23. HammerHeart, that's wonderful that your mom is doing so well. She sounds like my mom the way you described her. Thank you
  24. I will. She'd have a big smile and hug for all of y'all also. She loves hugs and kisses
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