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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. Yeah that's right. He hadn't heard anything about a closing until someone saw it on their website. He's headed that way to see what that means for his job
  2. Still no TP in any of the local stores. And my son works at Toby Keith's at the Winstar world casino in Oklahoma. They announced today they are closing the casino. This is getting real y'all
  3. Yes thank you for taking the time to make and post these videos as well as all you do.
  4. Wow, gorgeous piece Theo. It'd be cool to see it glowing!
  5. Sorry you're stuck at home Chris. But you take care of yourself. I don't get out much anyway, so it's normal life for me. They are telling people to stop hoarding on the news today so that's good. I still have TP and paper towels. I hope there's some when we need it.
  6. Nice Rojo. I especially like the twisted scroll on the hair barrette. Les L. Love the cowboys. I've seen them in all kinds of poses. I should probably try one myself. Virusds, can't wait to see the finished knife. I haven't been to the shop in a few days. Planning on getting some work done tonight
  7. If anyone is like us and out in the country, you feel kind of cut off from all this stuff. We only know things by reading or the news, which I am very selective about. Haven't been anywhere to spend money except to Subway to get a salad last night. They have a sign asking that if you'd like a refill, to ask for another cup. I have noticed a decrease in traffic the last couple of days. That doesn't bother me at all because there is so much traffic nowadays that it feels more like the city sometimes. I guess more folks are staying home
  8. You guys crack me up! No, we brought Corona for the hosts. It was Revolver blood and honey for us. We were invited to some friends house for food, music and drink. He is from Mexico originally and she is from El Salvador. He speaks broken English and my husband has a good grasp on Spanish. It's amazing how much fun you can have despite a language barrier. But we are teaching each other. I don't drink much so last night wrecked me. I'm actually making a bottle opener for him and I will post it when I'm done
  9. That's great! Although looking at that bottle is making me a little queasy. We had a little too much cerveza and tequila last night and are recovering today... was a good time though
  10. Sounds good! Be sure to post pictures and don't be afraid of showing us your work. I love seeing what everybody is doing
  11. Whatever you do, keep it enjoyable. You are like me in that you have perfectionist tendencies and that can be an exercise in fustration! I have to make myself relax sometimes. But striving for something to be just right ain't a bad thing either I hope you recover from surgery quickly. Take care of yourself
  12. Nice table Justin. I'm still enjoying watching your progress. You're getting better all the time
  13. Hello Bleu86. Pleased to make the aquaintnence of another Texan. I'm a bit far from you. I was green as grass when I started out here too, but this is the best place you could have found for knowledge. What are you interested in learning to do? You'll find that what you want to make will evolve as you learn more of what to do. My advice is to learn the basics first. Then you'll be able to apply those into producing whatever you want. Most of all, enjoy the ride and read and ask questions. Welcome to the gang
  14. Thank you Chris. I still have a long way to go. Constantly learning and tweaking and getting those ah- ha! moments are fun. Not nearly where I'd like to be, but enjoying the journey on the way. You'll do just fine. Are you interested in doing general blacksmith work as well as knife making? I've never thought to ask before
  15. I'm glad you are in the home stretch now. Soon you'll be putting out those neat knives of yours on a regular basis. I look forward to seeing your forge running
  16. She is creative piece of sculpture Aus. Very well executed.
  17. I think everyone in town was at wal mart. We had a hard time even finding a cart
  18. We ran into wal mart for 3 things. Ended up going ahead and buying other things after seeing the empty shelves. A lady offered us some of her toilet paper, and I thought that was great. We didn't need any, but seeing every cart leaving the store with it, we thought we'd better. Can goods and Ramen noodles are slim pickins.
  19. Right on Thomas. Very well said
  20. Thank you Virusds. I won't say what I really think about all this because it might get edited anyway. But your post is pretty spot on
  21. I don't buy a lot of that stuff anyway, but is there really that much of a shortage? I think not probably but people are preying on fear
  22. Thank you my friend. It's such a weird feeling day. The world is shutting down and it's raining cats and dogs and the forecast calls for solid rain for several days. My friend sent me ads from the internet where they are selling bottles of hand sanitizer for over $30 a bottle and cases of water for $25. Its the craziest thing I've ever seen
  23. I'll have to see what I can do. They are calling a meeting for the staff and residents to explain to them, but my moms comprehension isn't real good.
  24. Sorry to hear about the possibility of no work for you Steve. I hope it doesn't come to that. I just got a call this morning that they are cutting off all visitors from the nursing home for probably 2 to 3 weeks. I'm worried my mom will wonder why nobody is coming to see her and not understand why
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