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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. Billy, I'm paying extra attention to your table legs. I am thinking of making some sort of a table myself. But I'll have to do some serious studying on it.
  2. Thank you Irondragon. It seems like it's taking me forever though
  3. Thanks Les. I like the fire poker. My hats off to you for getting such a long, even twist. Very nice. DSW, that's a beautiful chisel. I've been watching your videos. Your forging style is much like mine. Only you're better at it. I usually don't like setting shoulders on the edge of the anvil, but after watching you do it in your toilet paper holder vid, I caught a step I hadn't been doing and my shoulders are coming out much better. Thank you for that.
  4. I can't even imagine snow like that. We've had some sunny warm days, but the trade off is 30 mph winds. Blew a round bale of hay apart after it blew off the tarp over it. Then restacking it in the same said wind was fun.
  5. alexandr, beautiful as always. George N.M., thank you for the advice and kind words. I appreciate it. That's a great perspective. The guy that ordered the big order didn't even ask for a price. He just said make them and I'll pay you for them.
  6. Thank you Jasen. I'm still refining and figuring out how I want to do them. The spoon part is still not coming easy. But I am learning more every time. Thanks for the advice Thomas. People are seeing them, and I keep getting requests. I didn't expect that to happen.
  7. Sorry I don't get around to commenting very often, but there sure is a lot of great work being shown. It keeps getting better all the time. I have clothes that double as farm work and forge work. Holes from goat chewing, fence snags, forging, etc. And it's the same here like Thomas was saying about fancy is clean jeans and no holes in your shirt. Button down western shirts are really dressy. And a good pair of work and steppin' out boots are essential. I'm not a dress wearing type of gal, but I do like to get gussied up sometimes and actually look girly. Here's some of my stuff. I don't get to work consistently lately, but I have orders to fill. This is some of it. I have some that don't make the cut, but good practice. Still need finishing. I got an order the other night for 10 spoons and 10 forks and 5 knives. I don't even have a clue what to charge for that much.
  8. Nihil, great looking heart and awesome that your boy is forging. Eventlessbox, nice save. I like it. Not my best looking spoon and fork but, here they are. And shaped the bits and drew out the reins on these Ken's Custom Iron tongs. Have had them for awhile, so I figured I better get busy on them.
  9. Haha made me chuckle! We found a steak knife they dug up in one of the tractors. We joked they were planning a breakout like in "Chicken Run".
  10. These didn't follow me home. They were already here. The chickens dug these up out in the goat pen. It's amazing the things they find. They are excellent finders of things in the ground. I would call them metal detectors, but they find all sorts of things. Recently, they also dug up a Hot Wheels army tank dated 1976. It was in a hole about 4" deep complete with grass roots entangled in it. I cleaned it up and gave it to my little nephew.
  11. Conrad, that's a beauty of a hammer. I'm behind on commenting, but all this work y'all are showing is wonderful. I'll get around to finishing a few things soon and put mine up. My crazy schedule and lack of sleep isn't conducive to much forging lately. But I sure do enjoy looking at the work of others that is so inspiring.
  12. I have some brand new Nicholson files that I've only used one so far. I have a bunch of old ones that I go to. I'm afraid of ruining the new ones! But they will have their time when the need arises.
  13. I'm glad you did this. I've been following your posts since you joined up here and I was surprised to find out how young you are and how good you already are at this. Have you taken lessons or learned on your own? If you've said, I missed it somewhere.
  14. That is gonna be a neat looking piece Das. You make me want to make things like that
  15. It certainly would be. I'll look forward to it.
  16. He wouldn't let loose of that peanut long enough anyway I've been going a lot. I try to drop in when I can and try to keep up with you all the wonderful folks here
  17. Billy, too bad you can't train the mouse to strike for you....
  18. We will probably be here unless we find some land in the meantime. But it'll probably be in the same general area if we can. If you have time, you're invited to work together in my shop if you'd like. It ain't much, but it gets me by
  19. Thanks Jasen. I'm about 70 miles north or so. I'd love for you to stop by
  20. Thank you Das. Y'alls support means more than you know
  21. Well, I bet it'll be great. I'll get a blade of some sort done one of these days
  22. Thank you Frosty. I'd appreciate it to have just in case.
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