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Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

  1. I really like my hearing aids. Should have gotten them ten years ago. Did you know when the turn signal is on in the vehicle it goes click, click, click. I didn't until getting them. The only draw back is I have to take them out when at the forge and put in the ear plugs.
  2. Welcome to IFI, I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST Your thread has been covered extensively in the Gas Forges thread and I imagine this will be moved there.
  3. That is also dependent upon where in the world you are located, hence the suggestion to edit your profile to show it. Right here in the Ozarks the price varies by location. In Arkansas I can find them for around $60 U.S. but just across the line in Missouri the cheapest I have found are $150 U.S. or higher. I have no idea how much they go for in the U.K. or Europe.
  4. Then maybe start acting like an adult. You could start with eliminating the childish internet/texting slang. Then read the stickies here. https://www.iforgeiron.com/forum/9-feedback-and-support/
  5. That would depend a lot upon where in the world you are located, hence the suggestion to edit your profile to show your location. I always suggest reading this. READ THIS FIRST
  6. Depending upon where in the world you are located and other factors, you may very well be breaking the law by removing river rocks.
  7. If you haven't read this yet , READ THIS FIRST I highly recommend it to get the best out of the forum.
  8. Another possible source for forge pans are plumbing shops or scrapyards. Old water pressure tanks are just waiting to become forges. This one is a side blast, if I ever find time to finish it and the steel is heavy enough to last a long time.
  9. We won't remember this once leaving this post, hence the suggestion to edit your profile to show your location. The fumes from the insulation is the least of your worries, the controlled flame from a propane forge emits CO (carbon monoxide) which is known to be deadly. Adequate ventilation is an absolute must.
  10. I have a cover over the slack tub. Serves two purposes keeping mosquito's out and prevents cutoffs from the hot cut hardy from landing in it. Only remove the cover when needed.
  11. In my case my wife will continue using all that stuff and wonder why I had a four pound dogs head hammer.
  12. The Big Blu Max 155 hammer at ESSA is mounted on one inch thick horse stall mats. The isolation the mat provides, I can't feel the floor vibrating when standing next to it in use. However no isolation mat will deaden the sound of the hammer hitting hot steel.
  13. A nice looking forge indeed. Might make an expanded metal shelf for the bottom, never have enough places to set things. It's got the drop down handles, made out of flat stock. Easy enough to put some short pieces of garden hose or similar to make hand grips and make the handles more comfortable or get creative and make twisted baskets.
  14. Around here an hour trip is like a trip around the block. To find anything one has to go to Rogers, Springdale or Fayetteville and the big city is two hour's away Springfield MO.. We make those trips several times a month.
  15. There is an "antique/junk" shop here with three Beat to death Vulcan's in the 50 pound range with tags that say $475 firm. Haven't been there in a while because I don't like wasting my time.
  16. From what I see, I wouldn't replace the pan, but put a layer of clay over it up to the grate.
  17. Great find, all it needs is a spring & wedges from what I can see, easy to make. If the $20 is Canadian, that makes it $15.86 US, breath Chris breath.
  18. Until I picked up that coal oil jug, I used an old time battery filling bulb or turkey baster to fill the lamps. This flat wick lamp isn't that old. The only markings on the brass burner is Made in the US of America. I picked it up in an old antique/junk shop for $5 US because I liked the cast iron swivel/swinging hanger.
  19. Welcome to IFI... I'm going to advise you to read this thread. READ THIS FIRST
  20. Those look good. The adjustable pot hangy thing is called a trammel hook or fireplace trammel.
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