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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daswulf

  1. They have flat black engine paint. Never tried soapstone on it but I would think chalk would probably work on it.
  2. I have had good results using duplicolor engine paint. It goes straight on the bare metal after it's been cleaned and degreased. Holds up well for me. Being a work table about any paint will get scratched up tho.
  3. Good to hear Frosty. Keep you both healthy and you'll stay continued in my thoughts. Home is where the heart is.
  4. Sounds good Thomas. How about the camping/ tenting situation. Thought I heard that you can camp at the grounds.
  5. Lol you are easy to spot, and you are a good guy. I don't entirely know what to expect at QS but I plan on trying to make it. If I do I'll be prepared for camping out.
  6. That's a great first go Aus!
  7. Smoggy, they were probably more offended that he split from the family brewery and then labeled himself as a black sheep like possibly he wasn't welcome in the family but that's just a wild guess on my part. Theres a comedian I saw somewhere on the Internet with a routine about what happens when people get offended. Basically, nothing haha. Nothing happens to you when you get offended. I thought it was pretty funny.
  8. VaughnT that's pretty much what I've been doing now. Letting the gremlins find greener pastures. And letting my mind find green pastures I haven't visited in a while. Went to visit a good friend I haven't seen in a while. Was showing her some pictures of my sculptures and she loved em and was showing her friends. She owns a bar so I took some out one night to show her and others that liked them. Well at a bar I made 3 sales and got 3 commissions. It felt pretty good and has been getting me more motivated. If only this heat and humidity would ease up. I do have some simple heat and bend s hooks to make. Sounds like a good easy project.
  9. Frosty, She and you are in my prayers. Hope the best.
  10. Kozzy, as I would agree with the " yummy heart-killing fat trimmings" for my own use or whatnot I think it could possibly hurt to use on something being sold. think I would stick with something neutral to the " special diets and beliefs" then just educate the buyer of other ways to maintain the fork or whatever it is. Come to think of it, could walnut oil be a hazard to people with nut allergies ?
  11. Very awesome lamps. Looks like a time consuming but worth it project. Thanks for sharing the process. And I like your adjustable scrolling wrench haha. I'll have to make me one.
  12. Always love what you come up with Black Frog. What size rod did you use?
  13. Beautiful dagger. It's actually my favorite style and everything about it is pleasing to my eyes. Awesome work. Must be a good friend.
  14. Does this mean I'm not the black sheep of the family anymore? Sure, now they will just call me the weirdo.
  15. Nice spoon and very cool twist on that hook. I'll have to try to figure that one out.
  16. I like the blade profile as well and the form fit handle.
  17. Heap, that's a good lineup of more stuff for the table. Having a good variety shows the Different things you Can make. Nice work.
  18. Xpert, free is a great price. Anvils attract more anvils. like a lot of things, don't see any anywhere, then you find and get one and you find them everywhere.
  19. SomeGuy, in the initial post you asked for opinions. Those are our opinions. I don't feel anyone here is trying to keep you from thinking. Or thinking outside of the box. I feel that in general on this forum we don't want to hear about anyone getting hurt doing dangerous stuff that they don't know enough about. I'll say for Me that I don't know enough of what that YouTube guy is playing around with electric wise and it didn't look safe to me for anyone without the electrical knowledge. We are not here to put people down but to share Good information. There is enough risk in blacksmithing already. If you are adamant about learning about forging in these ways I just suggest you start reading about induction heaters and other electrical knowledge that can get you going in a safer direction.
  20. You can do a lot on a 100# anvil. I think you did good. Mount that guy to a stand and get forging. It would help to radius some of the edges a little bit.
  21. well if you found the right buyer that HAD to have it it could go for a thousand. if it's local and there are more out there or demand is low it could go for $5.
  22. Deja vu. I think he is hinting you should put your location in you'r profile because value/price is often dependent on location. something like that would depend on how bad someone wants it. do you want to use it? will it be yard/ wall art? what would you pay? generally I havnt seen them going for a whole lot.
  23. I think it looks dangerous and he said "don't try this at home" I think it would be a bad idea to mess around with stuff like that. That's my opinion.
  24. Welcome aboard. Personally I would pay that for that anvil. It looks pretty clean. Should be a good starter anvil and if something else comes along later you can upgrade. I say get it and get hammering.
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