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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by coldironkilz

  1. Hi, GIJosh, just so happens I was born and raised in Fresno and still have brothers and sister living in Fresno. I live in NE Washinton for some time now. Winters are much colder here than in the central valley of California but our summers are a good 10-12 degrees cooler. Good luck with your decision.
  2. I have been want to try heat painting/coloring for awhile. This afternoon I ran a test stick using 1/4 x 3/4 flat, forging just the business end of the bottle opener. I use a gas forge so I heated the project in the dragons breath then quick to the quench bucket. Next time I will pull the piece from the flame just as it is reaching dark straw in color.
  3. On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: 12 days for working 11 tongs for gripping 10 bags of charcoal 9 different hammers 8 half round swages 7 drifts for punching 6 bottom fullers 5 books on smithing 4 hand held chisels 3 sets for cutting 2 lads a striking and a Pedinghaus on an tree stump Merry Christmas everyone. Smiley
  4. Happy Veterans Day.
  5. JHCC, you might try a caricature of Joe Lewis " the brown bomber" .
  6. The opulent boy who was full of joy, would reiterate his story just to deploy, the GAPE in the mouths of them that would enjoy, the stolid way it was told.
  7. Lovely! Melding wood and iron in that environment, very fitting.
  8. Joel OF This pleases my eye, in my view it qualifies for; firmitas, utilitas, venustas.
  9. Chinobi, I didn't design that mechanism into the frame. I considered using a sheet magnet with picture attached. My wife convinced me to abandon that thought in favor of the glass and photo backing so...off to the "think tank", I must go.
  10. I worked on the picture frame today, like everything I do, it's got some errors, but it's a starting point.
  11. Well I got the door knocker finished earlier than expected. I like the over all design, the execution was interesting; keeping things balanced. I ran into problems when I failed to drill the holes for the tenons in exactly the same position on opposite tabs. They are only off a fraction but that's enough to cause a slight miss alignment of the knocker, which may not be noticeable in these images. Next I think I will tackle the picture frame, I had a thunk this morning.
  12. VaughnT, Thanks for all your effort, I have a "much" better brain picture now. I decided to go with the door knocker first as it got the most mention. I don't have a product yet, still working out some execution issues. I am using the shoe as the base and the twisted loop as the knocker. I got it about half finished this afternoon. I may have some time this weekend to work on it more, but I need to separate the calves and the bull from the pregnant cows this weekend, so I'm not sure. In any event I will post pic's when I have the thing ready. I like the table idea, I'll ponder that one, !@#$%^ Thanks Adam, thanks Caladin.
  13. My shop in progress. I get to work on it a couple weeks a year. I work in it mostly during the winter. I clearly do not have enough tools.
  14. VaughnT, would you elaborate on that coffee table idea?
  15. Let's see now; picture frame, trivet, door knocker, base for anything else, the beginnings of a wine bottle holder, wall mount for a hook, mirror frame, ring towel holder. Wow! I'll get started right away. Thank you for so many great ideas.
  16. I just picked up a few tips on how I might avoid some of the flaws I have in this piece from a thread in blacksmithing-general discussion, "Making a scroll jig" started March 01, 2011.
  17. I never saw that coming Cracy Ivan, great idea.
  18. I have been thinking this concept might be useful as a 1) picture frame, 2) trivet, anyone have other ideas. BTW this example has many flaws which I will fix if I run any others. If not then off to the scrap pile with it.
  19. Those are nice Gergely, I quite like them. Frosty, what you say is true, however my accountant snarled at me when I exclaimed that the beverages are a legitimate cost of doing business.
  20. Winter's grip still strong here, high today 17f wind 5-7 mph, snowing.
  21. Sea water freezes at approx. 28f , -4c .
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