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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daniel.85

  1. Looks about as good as knives can get so far! more pics and details are always nice.
  2. That old man sculpture is my favorite! I would LOVE to have that in my shop, coolest thing ever. I don't think I could say anything more than anyone else has already, your stuff is as inspiring as art can be.
  3. Looks nice, I bet you had lots of long thinking sessions in that area. :P
  4. Well forging out the shapes that you need doesn't require to much, you can grind them to shape a bit as well. Whats important is getting the proper heat treat on them which depends on what you will be using to make them. Having a punch or chisel snap under a big hammer blow would be no fun at the least. Tool steal rods can be purchased online or wherever, hammer out what you need, normalize, grind, heat, quench, temper, use. Also its good to have a punch lubricant if your going through anything fairly thick.
  5. If you are worried about gas there are always extra precautions you could use. This guy has a little shed outside to store his tank and runs the gas lines in when needed, so if the tanks leak it wont make a big shop bomb. Also just like when putting new regulators on, use some soapy water to dab on the connections, if it makes bubbles its leaking, check every day if you want, takes seconds and isnt bad if you have a morning safety check routine on your machinery.
  6. There are a few more if you look, I think, here's one though.
  7. CRAZY! It sunk so far into the ground, I would not not want to be that close, didnt think it would go so high.
  8. I love the color combo on that hammer! Ive seen your videos on youtube as well, great stuff, I may give you a call some day.... You should make a few videos of the new hammer forging different size stock. What do you think the max is for the 150?
  9. Rainy days spent surfin Evilbay. Nice looking hammer though, anyone ever use the Strikers? They dont look much different from Anyang. http://www.ebay.com/...=item35ba996109
  10. These guys made the sword from Thor. http://maddwarfworkshop.com/ This guy does some amazing work as well. http://www.powning.com/jake/commish/willowraven.shtml
  11. Wacky looking anvil if you ask me. http://www.ebay.com/itm/MINT-128-lb-FARRIERS-BLACKSMITH-ANVIL-Forge-Iron-TK-139-/110845952657?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19ceef0291
  12. Lets see how crazy this one goes. http://www.ebay.com/itm/EXC-COND-HUGE-8-IRON-CITY-190-Lb-Post-Leg-Vise-Blacksmith-Anvil-Forge-Tool-/190655462336?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c63f37bc0
  13. Seemed like some good info on this site for anyone looking to start heat treating their own stuff. http://knightsfurnace.com/heat-treating/heating-treating-glossary.html Tool steel temps http://knightsfurnace.com/applications.html
  14. Drill and pin the handle, the pinholes are already in the blank. Gluing and clamping the handles onto the blank till its dry would be good before you pin it. Then shape the handle to what you want. http://www.hawkinskn...ies.com/7.shtml http://www.knifemaki...tegory-s/75.htm http://www.knifemaki...ategory-s/4.htm
  15. Looks good! Start a photobucket account and upload all your pics to there, then you just copy and past the image link to whatever you are posting, its the easiest way and you can have the pictures anywhere you want in the paragraph.
  16. Good for him and the people that need the money there. Funny with the katana she said "High carbon steel from trucks" Im guessing thats the 5160 spring steel lol. I didnt know these things a few months ago, I always like that about new hobbies, once you learn more than the average person about a topic you see it differently than you would have before.
  17. Go to photobucket.com and make a profile, its free, and you can upload the pics from there just by copying the image link to your post.
  18. Seems like it would work for some stuff, good a place to start as any, just work your way up from there, may not be the most efficient forge but wont hurt to try, just be safe. Also, see my signature below, it applies, haha thanks Phil, its already useful.
  19. Haha, I like that, going to be my new sig, right below, see? lol
  20. Spend the next couple weeks reading/googling/surfing forums till you have understand all the terminology and techniques used with those types of presses, you dont need a huge custom one to get started, if you already have a small log splitter to convert, you just wont be able to work very heavy stock as you get smaller. Start by reading all these; https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:F6gbivwEKGMJ:www.elementalforge.com/LogSplitterConversionKit201001.pdf+log+splitter+forging+press&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgRre9yaBLbwcBxzMOqLRUAahW-_TPFjQfhBHyhkH0RrMJUUvHQoFY0pEBy8o1ZW2kylW90nWPSJdakZCzMBVUBm3XBIeiE7u27YYIeWfrGVUjIxuOJGWu5OQNZHMhUBH41ds6S&sig=AHIEtbRNvUtd5U5RmttzzH18RGNtMs2M4A http://knifenetwork.com/forum/showthread.php?t=54637 http://primalfires.yuku.com/topic/1979#.T2f0aNWBp7I http://www.dgentile.com/en/overview/54-the-40-ton-hydraulic-forging-press.html http://www.metalartistforum.com/maf/index.php?/topic/3895-60-ton-forging-press/ http://www.dfoggknives.com/hydralic.htm
  21. Depends on how many tons it rated at.
  22. They just had a 27ton log splitter in that video I believe, they may have gotten a bigger one now from what I read. Not much to duplicate, just make a set of dies and weld up some adapters or however you want to do it. You dont want to have to cycle through the entire length of the cylinder each time ether. Here is a log splitter conversion write up https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:F6gbivwEKGMJ:www.elementalforge.com/LogSplitterConversionKit201001.pdf+log+splitter+forging+press&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESgRre9yaBLbwcBxzMOqLRUAahW-_TPFjQfhBHyhkH0RrMJUUvHQoFY0pEBy8o1ZW2kylW90nWPSJdakZCzMBVUBm3XBIeiE7u27YYIeWfrGVUjIxuOJGWu5OQNZHMhUBH41ds6S&sig=AHIEtbRNvUtd5U5RmttzzH18RGNtMs2M4A I thought about doing the log splitter but then decided to start buying what I need for this, I should be welding it together this summer if all goes as planned. http://primalfires.yuku.com/topic/1979#.T2flgdWBp7I
  23. Someone could have earned their life's wages on that thing, very cool.
  24. The guy I buy coal from sometimes has the big 460lb rathole from Fontanini and I look forward to seeing it every time. I would go for one of those or http://www.blksmth.c...haus_Anvils.htm The guys at yesteryear have the biggest anvil available, 1200+lbs, and they highly recommend that brand. I would too after hammering on one that weighs as much as a small car! Fontaninis are just so pretty though, http://blacksmith.org/forums/threads/1127-Cha-Ching!-New-Fontanini-460-pounder!
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