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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daniel.85

  1. Daniel.85


    Does your mom know you're hookin? jk, looks good, hooks are great practice, such a simple thing but there is still so much you can do creatively.
  2. I was also looking over the solenoid control valves for what I would need, didn't want to use the hand lever. I know I need a 20 gpm open center non-dentent control valve just haven't looked into that part specifically yet, still debating on Ibeam or tubing for H-frame. I'll give bailey a call when I get to ordering the control valve and the other components.
  3. As long as you can make them work safely Id say just use them and upgrade later if you need. I just read through Don Foggs hydraulic book and plan on ordering the first set of parts here soon, I'll be doing just a 24ton, 5x8cyl, 5hp, Hframe. If it ever pays for itself I may do something bigger like yours! Surpluscenter.com and northern tool seem to be where Ive been able to find most of what I need. Do you plan on making it foot operated or hand lever?
  4. Sounds like you'll be off to a better start than a lot of us did! No brake drum forges and rail anvils haha
  5. Looks good, that should work great till you find a real anvil that fits your needs.
  6. Looks nice, stubbier than other french style hammers Ive seen, I like that. What size stock did you start with?
  7. I soaked this in Vinegar for a few days, scrubbed it clean and seasoned it like a cast iron pan. My mom wants to use it to make sausage and a few other things.
  8. Ive been looking at these too, looks like it would be awesome. From what Ive seen they are more for the glasswork crowd and just reworked for us, Gas Saver is what I saw too.
  9. Looks great! Take your time with the rest of it but make sure you show us pictures.
  10. The coal keeper for my area sells it for $14 per 50lb bag. There is also a place that sells it in bulk for .35cents/pound.
  11. Yes, that is very important, I like to give things back to the people that have given me anything, be it Items or Information I always try to show my appreciation. Blacksmithing makes the greatest gifts as well, most people have never even known a blacksmith let alone had something made for them by one, so even the smallest piece can be very cool.
  12. Nice to hear you like the chili forge, I talked to the lady out there the other day about ordering the Tabasco with probe port and stand. She said when I order it in April(my anniversary present!) it would take about 4 weeks to receive. They were very nice and professional on the phone and emails. I had wondered about blocking the openings at all, I work with smaller stock a bit too so I think Ill get a fire brick or two for when Im heating that type of work.
  13. That is nice, you should post a video of it singing to make us all happier. How long did it take to get? I remember reading that ordering one with a side shelf can add to the wait time.
  14. Where about in Missouri are you? Im toward the Springfield area.
  15. Just talked to my uncle last night, his friend use to do some blacksmithing years ago and said I could have all his stuff, Not sure exactly what is there other than he used to try to make swords and my uncle tried explaining to me that he had a cool old hand crank blower thing, he didn't know if that's what it was called. So I know he has a blower at least and who knows what else, I should know in the next month or so when my uncle brings it down. Keeping my fingers crossed for an anvil, they live out in the old farm land boonies so who knows what he may have found.
  16. For that money Id rather buy this and clean it up a bit. http://www.oldworldanvils.com/used_equipment/nazel.html
  17. Looks like your keeping on a good track, upgrading as you go. Nice job making tongs too, always nice to make what you need.
  18. They type of sales Mark is doing is ok with me, just selling what is already made. I don't mind doing that and it doesn't take away from my love of the hobby but when it comes to commission type jobs that is where I do not go. Dealing with clients like that is just something I do not want to do in a hobby.
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