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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Marksnagel

  1. Really nice looking! I'll add them to the Looooooong list of things that I have seen and want to make. Thanks for posting. Mark<><
  2. Tim, I think the blade looks great. I have several in the same stage as yours but never seem to find the time to finish them. Good job. Post some pics when you are finished. Mark<><
  3. Dave, Do you really wonder why you are being flooded with work? Take a step back, look at your work, blink, look again and you should have your answer. Read what Paul said at the bottom of my post. Believe it. Blessings come in all forms.
  4. Got a 12.61 in 165.83. Now to try with my eyes open Ok second try was 5.16 in 107.80 third try and I'm gunna quit! 4.03 in 104.48
  5. I voted ! Bob and Thomas, I fully agree. If someone didn't vote, don't even enter into a conversation with me about those in power. Proud American and retired Vet. Mark<><
  6. Marksnagel

    bridge anvil

    Nice anvil. Thats about the limit for that truck I reckon :mellow: What does it weigh? Mark<><
  7. Hey Johnny, 1. Cutting any tank is extremely dangerous. Any evidence of gas could end your new hobby. For life. 2. Kingsford will get really costly and burn up quickly. 3. I am partial to coal. It's what I use. 4. Someone with tank experience will answer this one. 5. Ditto #4 Good luck with your endeavors. I can't express enough about the possible danger from cutting a propane tank. Just my thoughts. Mark<>< ps, go to the chat section and see what they say.
  8. Bob, From what I understand, the discussion about Robert has not disappeared but is under review. As with Ciladog, he entered the chat and was very outspoken and demanding. There was a young man who was new to blacksmithing and to the site and many of us were trying to answer his questions. Ciladog was so confrontational with Glenn that it was embarrasing. Ciladog provoked Glenn with his rantings, and yes he was ranting, that the entire chat room was disrupted. At one point Ciladog dared Glenn and Moderator42 to kick his butt out. If I were as new to blacksmithing and this site as the young man was, I would very much consider not returning and even pick a different hobby. It was a very hostile environment for a while. Glenn did better than I would have in maintaining composure but at some point a line had to be drawn. All will clear in time and things will return to normal, whatever that is. Hope I cleared things up a little. If not, squint. Mark<><
  9. Being fairly new to blacksmithing and to this site I feel that I need to give my two and a half cents worth. I feel that Robert should be re-instated. I added him as a friend and will not turn my back on a friend due to (percieved) popular opinion. I won't say if he was right or wrong in the content of his post because that would just be my opinion and we know what opinions are like. I also know that rules are made to be followed. Anyone here ever break a rule? Those that don't like his replies to the post need to get a life. If you don't like what he wrote, cease reading what he writes. Just skip over his post until you find one you like. When you get a magazine and there is an article you arent interested in or don't agree with, do you tear out those pages? No, you turn the page. If you don't like this reply then feel free to give me a negative number. I'll still sleep through the night and thank the Lord when I wake up, go outside and light my forge. Mark<><
  10. Hey Junker, I'm not in GA, I'm in NC. I was just wondering when you were heading out to Boot? Mark<><
  11. Beautiful work Alec. You should be proud! Mark<><
  12. Nice lookng ladle Jason. Now it needs is a pot with some stew in it. Mark<><
  13. Thomas, Are you about to possibly have some surgery?
  14. Quite a fine looking bunch of blacksmiths! Mark<><
  15. Nice looking stakes. We are lucky that there are people willing to volunteer their time and knowledge. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Good lookng cross. Her family will love it. Mark<><
  17. The wifes birthday is in 2 days. Now I know what to give her! Thanks for posting and yes I will give you credit for the idea. Well gotta go light some coal Thanks again, Mark<><
  18. True advice, I am bad about trying just one more thing and then wind up scrapping the whole project due to overkill. Mark<><
  19. Dave, what can I say. Wow! That is beautiful work. I really like the rivets, and the hooks, and the, well, everything. It is rare that a young man has such talent and ambition these days. You are an inspiration to those of us that are just beginning. (Even us old farts) Thanks for sharing your work and the pictures. Have a blessed day, Mark<><
  20. Nice punkin! I agree with Toreous, Sparks would be cool. Mark<><
  21. John, Thanks so much for posting. That was a great amount of info that will be used a lot by many people. Mark<><
  22. I'm also looking for a combo sander. I am willing to wait until I have the cash rather than buy a piece of trash. Thanks Bob for the input. I'll steer clear of HF. Mark<><
  23. Nice tongs! Suddenly I feel so inadaquate . Oh well. It gives me something to shoot for. Nice job! Mark<><
  24. Cliff, Tony will remain in my prayers for a speedy recovery. He is lucky to have a brother that loves him and is willing to lift him up in prayer and ask others to pray also. God bless you all as you travel down this road. Mark<><
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