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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Marksnagel

  1. Very nice score. I'm on the other side of the state from you and am looking for one to do demos. If it wasn't for the dogs vet bill, the fuel pump on the truck dying and misc other day to day items I would have one. But I am happy with my stationary forge for now. Good luck and enjoy.
  2. I can't tell you what it is but I can tell you what it isn't. It's not a mooring cleat. Cleats, bitts and bollards all have smooth rounded edges to allow the line to slip when the deckhand eases the line. Any remotely sharp edge may cause the line to bind. Also, all I have ever seen have been cast. Seen a few broken ones in my time. 20+ yrs USCG Boatswainsmate.
  3. I was wondering where I left that! Thanks for finding it for me! Well whatever it is I'm sure you will put it to good use.
  4. Prayers from NC to all involved in the storms.
  5. Your mom and your family are in my prayers. I am always amazed but never surprised how God sets things up to work.
  6. Continued prayers from NC.
  7. Glad to hear the positive report. Still in our prayers.
  8. Sorry that you are upset origami roofs. Perhaps your dues or membership fees are too high? This site is a source of great knowledge and experience. One of many things I like here is that the membership is so diverse. With such a diverse crowd we get diverse personalities. I overlook questions that do not interest me and answer ones that I feel are within my limits. Mostly I am a sponge and soak up all I can. Mark <><
  9. Pete, both Amy and you are in our prayers here in NC. Mark <><
  10. Ok, Stewart broke the ice, I'll break the lens................ This way if you see me coming you can hide the children and the weak at heart.
  11. Garrett, the family, and all health care givers involved are in my prayers.
  12. Since my forge was outside under the oak tree for the last two years and everything had to be brought from the shed, I used to have a ritual. Now that my smithy is finished and I am inside out of the weather I need to start a new ritual. When I figure it out, I'll let you know. But I do know that if I get waylayed or sidetracked in what used to be my ritual something would be forgotten.
  13. It is amazing what is just laying around out there waiting to be found. Good for you to stumble across the deal!
  14. Very nice Red. My only concern is any sharp edges that would cause the line to fray. But I really do like the design. Mark <>< Old retired Boatswains Mate
  15. Way to go Yves! Being timid will not bring in sales. You've done well. Mark <><
  16. Randy, I wrestled with the idea of putting in on like you said but the way it is now affords me the most possibilities. I can lay the piece crossways. The forge is old and the hood is new. The lip around the forge has cutouts to allow the material to pass into the fire better. Glad you like it. I will remember your advice for the next one. Thanks.
  17. So I walked past the forge under the tree and stared at the semi worked on smithy. I made up my mind to not light a fire this last saturday and dedicate the day to working on the smithy.here are some pics of where it is now. Done except for a half wall in the front right and a few panels of tin on the front eave. Other than that I am good to light a fire and get back to work. Before the walls were finished. Done and moved in. Forge and anvil Front view Forge and blower. Some ugly guy that pounds on hot iron. This is the first structure that I have ever made and the scariest thing is that all the work was done by myself alone. We'll see what happens this hurricane season. I took my brake drum 55 Forge and added another 55 gal drum with a large cathedral opening in the front as a hood to the top. The opening is cut about 190 degrees to allow longer stock to be placed across the fire. The stack is 10 inch dia and runs from the hood thru the roof sticking 4' above the roof with a rain cap on top. I lit a small fire in the forge and the stack draws a draft. Both of the windows on the sides are covered in tin but hinge upwards to allow more daylight and a breeze to flow thru when opened. The floor for now is sand/clay mix because its what we have here. We had 40+ mph winds for 2 days and it it still tight as a tick. Everything is inside and if I get the chance this week after my day job I will fire up some coal. Thanks for looking. Mark <><
  18. I believe that I can see a rivet pin in the thumbnail pic which would be a hinge point. Or are my eyes are playing tricks on me?
  19. My first thoughts were a leather punch. Is the tool hollow from the tip to the cutout on the side? I would assume that the cutout allows the cut materiel to fall out. Or not.
  20. They look great. As with all new home built forges, the improvements just keep on coming. If we don't improve, we stagnate. So many times I have made changes only to make more changes. It is a never ending process and part of the craft/trade. We all are looking towards the next upgrade or new tool. As you said, when the zombie apocalypse comes, you will be ready. Guns run out of bullets and chainsaws run out of gas. You never have to reload a machette. :P
  21. Herchammer, Outstanding post! Thank you for putting things in the right perspective for us.
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