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Everything posted by Marksnagel

  1. I am Mark! Of this I am sure. Call me what you want. Jack of some trades, master of none.
  2. Allen, I was out your way earlier this week, had a two day class in Raleigh. Looking forward to the pictures. Mark<><
  3. I'm not a really artsy guy but it is really neat looking. I gave up long ago trying to figure out "What it is" and am learning just to appreciate items for their lines and craftsmanship. I like it. Thanks for posting. Mark <><
  4. Sure do! Go to : http://www.iforgeiron.com/forum/153-building-designing-a-shop/ Or look through the forums. Once you go, scroll down thru the topics. Mark
  5. I regularly quench my tongs. They are mild steel and I'm not worried about cracking them. Sorry about your lip but :lol:sorry . I did wipe the sweat from my brow with the back of my forearm on my tong hand and branded my opposite arm nicely as I reached across :blink: . I feel your pain but still :lol:sorry. Hope you heal quick.
  6. I had never heard of David Greathouse until you shared his music. Thank you for sharing! Great music!
  7. Mike, I feel your pain and hear your moans. I started blacksmithing as a hobby a little over two years ago. I told my wife that as long as there are no demands put on me I will continue as a hobbiest and love what I do. Today I went to a horse show and sold some items. All money I made went immediately to present financial shortcomings so this sale was actually a blessing. God provides. There are several shows in the near future and I "Need" to make several more items to be ready for these. I still love blacksmithing but there is this fear in the back of my mind that things have the potential to get out of hand. I had a great time and met a lot of good people today. I have no plans to become a professional blacksmith since I'm a little long in the tooth for a career change (again) especially in this economy. So long as I can keep the time at the forge at a maximum and keep the demands at a minimum it will remain a passion. Keep on loving what you do, just mind that it doesn't become your master and you become it's slave. Tomorrow afternoon I will go back out to the smithy, light off the forge and make something just for me. Don't know what it will be and don't care but there will be no pressure to forge it. Mark <><
  8. Hey Gundog48, I lucked out and found a champion 400 that I have hooked to mine. Don't let the lack of a blower slow you down. If needed use a hair dryer until you can get a blower or you make a bellows. There may be a few detours but don't let that stop you. Good luck. Mark <><
  9. http://louisville.cr...2911437339.html http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/26647-whole-blacksmith-shop-with-ph-for-6000-on-louisville-craigs/ Fiery Furnace Forge posted this earlier that the owner did not want to part it out. But Dave made the offer that if there was someone that would be interested in splitting it to let him know.
  10. Very nice work! Thanks for the pictures.
  11. Prayers from North Carolina for your Uncle Jay, the family and all concerned.
  12. While on the subject of angle grinders and the like, when changing the blades, wheels, bits or any part that moves when power is applied; UNPLUG the tool. Nothing like having the part your hand is wrapped around or the wrench that is used take off the attachment take off on you. I know a few people that this happened to. This goes for the chuck tool on drill presses also. They will spin and when they reach the correct speed centrifugal force takes over and "Houston, we have a launch!"
  13. I would agree with the cheese corer. Grain would fall out too easily. Looks like an adjustable stop to not go past center of wheel. What is the diameter and length of the tool?
  14. Looks good! Kinda medieval looking hanging on the stone wall. :)
  15. I really like the way you twisted it to look like the grain of a grape vine.
  16. Thanks Don. Because of people like that there is always hope for some.
  17. Or was it labled, "Caution! Do not drop! (on anything you like). " :blink:
  18. Really nice. What is the size of the threaded rod?
  19. I added a half wall to the front right half the other day. I may put matching swinging doors on the left side one of these days. Then I will work on the 2nd floor, the panic room and the indoor bowling lane. Perhaps I should stop while the wife still loves me and lets me play. :-) Mark <><
  20. Sad. We are not promised tomorrow. Prayers lifted up for his family.
  21. Chase, I start my coal fire with balled up newspaper, or a couple of pine cones, or a small wood fire (lightwood). Anyway you can get a fire started and it works for you is great but the KCC method seems a bit unsafe. Storing presoaked cobs could be potentially dangerous as in an unwanted fire. At some point in the year you will no longer have the cobs to glean from the field and you will have to find another method. Listen to Dave. Dave is a very smart young man and whatever advice he gives you I would give serious consideration. Not saying to follow blindly because we are to be discerning in all we hear. You are lucky to have him as a friend. Mark <><
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