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I Forge Iron

iron woodrow

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Everything posted by iron woodrow

  1. you use soap? all i use is a ppressure cleaner after electrolysis, works perfectly. (and of course, oil, after a blowdown with compressed air)
  2. there is some armour, but have you searched for "armor" or "armour"? i will be posting some shots of a great helm i am working on, in a week or so.
  3. i put in the captcha letters, and it goes to an error 404 page. hence my request......... edit: i used madmikes link and it apears to have worked... fingers crossed!
  4. if anyone who has downloaded this book could please pm me for my email address, i REALLY would like for a copy to be sent to me!!!!! none of the links work, and i am at a loss when it comes to the proxy thing.....
  5. good to see another young fella show some interest :) 15 years ago i had the same plan..... Make a dagger.....but didnt have access to a wonderful site like this, or the advice from experienced smiths such as these on here. Drink it all in! It is brilliant!
  6. artesian abilities? does that mean if you are a bore? seriously though...... if i was in that neck of the woods.. (america) i would be applying! dream job!
  7. i wonder what distance the HAZ (heat affected zone) would go beyond the weld area.....
  8. i second phil on the spotty gum, either you lot are exporting inferior handles., or hickory is not all it is cracked up to be, in my experience.
  9. oh darren you shouldnt have! thanks so much! i love it! so how long will it take to get here?
  10. tried thumbs up the other day...... heck was it uncomfortable! i had no control at all! i can achieve no hammermarks with thumbs down, without any stress or tiredness.... i can also achieve no hammer marks if i dont hit it at all! :P :P
  11. by my comment i mean...... absolutely breathtaking.
  12. i think the grace of the head is lost, to the same extent that a wild horse's grace is lost when a bridle is put upon its head....... it is the most realistic- non meat- horse i have ever seen..... absolutely brilliant mate.
  13. the proof is in the pudding. self taught is a very ambiguous term, as it implies no outside influences, and trade qualified? i am trade qualified, and am in awe of some of the smiths on this forum, yet i served my 4 year apprenticeship with a now "qualified" smith who is not fit to sharpen jackhammer bits......
  14. oh i use mine, i was saying that i have never used a finer anvil.
  15. remove the mole and you have a dress on the ground........ marilyn munroe was a mole! i have a beautiful german arch window anvil, worn as the rolling hills but such a beautiful anvil i have never used.....
  16. it was worth the ticket to canadia, just for such a wunnerful knife.
  17. you didnt make that. it grew on the bottom of the ocean. one of the wonders of nature.
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