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I Forge Iron

iron woodrow

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Everything posted by iron woodrow

  1. re knife to a gun fight- myth busters did a test on that one. Look it up ;)
  2. the iron period we speak of is puddled WI, as opposed to charcoal WI. Which began in the iron age, but i was referring to the end date of the puddled period. Which appears doesnt have an end, more a slow demise. Thank you for your very broad answer! :P
  3. please define "wrought iron period" as i am largely unaware of the dates that this marvellous medium spanned. did it extend far into the 1900s?
  4. danger, do me a huge favour and open the biggest one up, i had one of those follow me home a few months ago, but it wont run.... and i cant for the life of me work out the missing part! i think there must be some form of piston inside that is missing....
  5. lovely little hammer kubiach, but i would only use that for panelbeating :P it looks like a strongman trying to forge with a tackhammer to me!
  6. hi. my name is woody, and i am a hammeraholic......
  7. love the control of your hammer. i just spend ages hypnotized by the linkage..... and how a similar one could be used on my steam hammer..... this technique could equally be used for spear head sockets also.....
  8. hi owen, what does the valve look like? is it a rotary system?
  9. mine is going into very sandy soil, so i am laying down a 6" slab first at the bottom of the hole, then the wood, im using 4"x8" ironbark railway sleepers (ties), but i have been advised to put the grain running vertically. it is great working for a cane railway!
  10. thankyou beth, one can always count on you for a positive response! :) thankyou too mitch, whirly, sam and loner, prokopto, the customer is using it for combat safe re enactment, so the edges and tip had to conform to australian group standards for steel combat.
  11. naw, i havent put anything in the hole yet, i have been on changing shifts ( hence the 4 am breakfast log on) so the project is going painfully slow...... in your opinion, does such a large ratio mean less foundations are required, or more?
  12. looking at the axes, i believe the ones you refer to are pattern welded throughout the whole head, but the edge is the only ground/polished part, therefore the pattern shows more contrast there. have a look at the poll on them, you can see the lines where the layers are distorted in lines. truly wonderful pieces.
  13. hi, i did my calculations, my hammer tup is 313lb (142 kg) and anvil is 7334lb (3327kg) so that is more than 1:20 isnt it? good ratio. isnt it? oh, and i think i got my head around the throttle treadle idea! takes a while for some things to work out in my head........ apologies for my incredulity on the matter!
  14. just looked at your website danger....... :o LOVE YOUR WORK!
  15. it is like when you do re enactment and people say, 'people were shorter back then'
  16. nice knife, but the shed is what caught my eye! congratulations on your shed!
  17. how is the tang done? did you forge it into a point and force it into the wood? or is the handle two halves seamlessly glued?
  18. this particular hammer, no. but i have seen it done with others. i know the working history of mine for the past 110 years , but not the maker of it.
  19. irony or ignorance? how were people shorter? we see shorter door frames, and assume that people were shorter. going by this assumption, people living in igloos must be 1ft tall? :huh: i think it is more that this hammer was used with relatively heavy swages and tooling, and the height was necessary so the offsider didnt have to cripple himself lifting tools any higher..... or for making dwarven battle axes...... :P
  20. poor old girl. she just cant make it..... i see her seat is waiting too..... and air line! love the grinder collection. i dug my foundation hole yesterday, i have to raise the whole hammer 160mm off the ground. at ground level the anvil is only 380mm off the floor! :huh: must have been for making dwarven battle axes..... :wacko:
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