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I Forge Iron

iron woodrow

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Everything posted by iron woodrow

  1. i have two little daughters who are 4 1/2 and they love to watch me at the forge, and love to learn to swing hammers.....
  2. once you have a big enough tank, you dont need an excuse. It is simple to set up, and it is a very effective non labour intensive, and proven system. Much safer, and less dust and mess than wire wheel wheeling. And in my mind, cheaper also, when you consider the fact you can reuse the electrolyte and container
  3. if it is stamped 126 and is a peter wright it would be 173lb (approx)
  4. he is going in for a kiss. Which stuart knows is the right way to do it. and roy has his anvil the 'wrong' way....... Lol
  5. as far as i could tell the originals were caulked in. the little lead slug had a definate "seam" on one side.
  6. brill. i worked on the restoration of a 1890s spiked fence of a cemetary in brisbane, as trees had fallen and damaged the spikes over the 100 years since its last repair.... i scored some lovely wrought iron, netherton best best, and also noted that each 5ft, 0.9in round wrought spike, was leaded into the stonework, i didnt realise it was also used in this application! the boss insisted that the only way to do it better was to epoxy the replacements (mild steel) all back in.... a *true* traditionalist.... :blink:
  7. i love that your anvil and hammer are mirror polished brian, no wonder your work is so smooth and fresh.
  8. possibly for bicycle hubs, bottom brackets etc...?
  9. very nicely described, and i am sure you will assist many people with this "tutorial" !
  10. i used to use a similar john heine 20a punch press for forgework, they are a wonderful machine, and i would get one in a flash if i could. perfect for slitting and drifting.
  11. love it, and i am so jealous!, i got to looking at the rest of your site, whose traction engine is that??,
  12. this case has been thrown out, as it is a waste of the courts time
  13. brilliant video! amazing the amount of choreography involved....
  14. with a title like that joe, you had better not come to australia....... or get hammered at moonys..... :P
  15. hence my statement, he obviously has an idea what he is doing, and is trying to stir up some safety sallies to comment!
  16. obviously a faked "hollywood" blow. but.... he does have a video on youtube, so he must be an expert!
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