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It depends on what I'm doing, but I usually wear an apron. It keeps your clothes in a lot better condition. You can get a decent one (welding apron) from Harbor Freight pretty inexpensively.


I usually wear a slpit leather welder's apron i got from HF for $8. Thats a great deal i believe, and its saved some clothers. Also, i like the front pockets that you can put stuff in for easy reach, like the neadle noses or punches.


I wear an cheap leather apron from HF when forging. Saves my clothes and I can throw it away if it ever wears out without feeling it in my bank account! :cool:
I think I payed less than ten bucks on it and I've been using it now for about 4-5 months with no issues. I did wash some of the yellow dye out of it and let it air dry in the sun before putting it on for the first time. (saved my shirts and pants from that yellow staining that never seems to go away ;) )
If you want to save some cash, try the leather welders apron at HF. If you want one that will last for more than a year or two, I would save up and get the best one you can find.
That's just my take on it.
Good luck and stay safe :)


Hi Vic, go for the welders apron it should give you good service, they are easy and light to wear, and will give you adequate protection.

The more expensive leather aprons can be rather stiff and awkward to wear especially if you are bending over a fair bit


I wondered how I could get that yellowness out of it other than through wear and sweat! I too use the HF weldor's apron. I paid $10 and it came with the apron, elbow length gloves, and a leather pouch for holding rods. I haven't found a use for the pouch yet. NOS is right though, that yellow dye will ruin clothing and the leather also leaves little leather fuzz balls all over everything. I never thought to wash it. (slaps forehead)


I got a denim apron from amazon it has tons of pockets and split leg. If you don't like the pockets that are down low because of the potential for hot falling into them you can always sew them up but xxxx they are handy, and i've never had a problem with anything falling into them yet as they are very close to you. The reason I like the rockland one is because it rests on your shoulders and is so comfortable to wear I don't know I have it on. Of course it's more of an all round apron it's not the apron of choice for foundry work or nothing lol..


i have this stanco apron: Stanco Manufacturing
i use it when grinding, welding, and forging. blocks sparks and heat very well. one thing is, until its well broken in, dont wear anything light colored under it, as when you sweat, the orangeish dye bleeds onto whatever is under it. i have a few white tshirts that are orange in some spots from it, but atleast they dont have burn holes in them.

Posted (edited)

"don't forget to cut some fringe on the bottom left side!" is a reference to an old blacksmithing legend!

There are many myths and legends (embellished stories) about blacksmithing.
From my experience it depends on who is telling the fundamental story of how the story ends. I have heard several endings for the same fundamental story.
The basic setting for the story in question sometimes starts out similar to the following.
Note: As told to me by a very famous UK Blacksmith.
Once upon a time, and many, many years ago, a great king was going to provide a celebratory dinner for all of the craftsmen who labored in his kingdom.
The king was trying to decide on who was the most important craftsman in his kingdom.
The king wanted the most important craftsman to sit beside him during the dinner.
So, the King asked each one of the craftsmen why they should be considered to be the “most important craftsman in the kingdom”.
The king asked the Carpenter, "Why do you think …..

:cool:I do not want to mess up the story for you or, add the ending I like best. So I will leave it up to you to find the story, and the one you like best.
Enjoy the search!

Edited by Ted T

I use a full apron when grinding (and sometime when forging/welding) - keeps grit and other crud out of my pants and shirt pockets. And keeps clothes a little cleaner too.


Caught a good deal on a vegetable tanned "blacksmiths" side 15 or 16 years ago, very tough and stiff cow hide. I beat the living day lights out of that thing to soften it up a bit then braided a strap to go around the neck and waist with a nice dear antler button to fasten the waist through the braid. When I bought my leather, the guy asked what I was planning to make, once I told him he took me to his garage and gave me a post vice and a blower... Which made the whole deal an absolute steel...



I have 2 leather aprons I use all of the time, forging, welding, plasma or O/A cutting, grinding, buffing and polishing. 1 full length with center top pocket ( great for soap stone, scribe and ruler ). In the summer I will wear the full length one with shorts or a kilt. I like to use the split leg apron for detail or finish work that allows you to sit down. I know from the cuts and burns on my aprons that they have saved me from injury a whole bunch of times. As for the yellow goldish virgin apron color, it goes away pretty fast with use.

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