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It’s a cold set (cold-cut top tool), not a set hammer. 




(Drawings from Stokes, J.B., “Basic blacksmithing: a training manual”, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 1992)


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Now I have options other than just my little propane forge. I got 80 pounds of nugget coal, (it's anthracite coal, but slim pickings around here) and this little bad boy from the antique shop/flea market.

Blower works well, no rough sounds, no major rusting, looks in pretty good shape overall to me at least.






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Nut coal is just fine, and should do well in that forge. Just remember that anthracite goes out pretty quickly if it doesn’t get enough air, so give the blower an extra crank as you take your piece out of the fire.

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25 minutes ago, sfeile said:

I'll have to double check tomorrow but it feels like a heavy tin to me actually. 

It looks like sheet steel to me. No clay unless it says "Clay Before Using" in the pan. Remember just a FEW DROPS of oil in the oil port! Unless you like that much oil on the floor of course.  

Nice forge, you're going to enjoy it once you get the hang of managing a coal fire. Being able to localize heat without getting the torch out is a sweet treat for gas forge users.

Frosty The Lucky.

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These old things don't  much care so long as they have a little, I used my power hammer oil which is chainsaw bar oil with 1/4 c of a super slick engine oil additive but I don't recall the name. Anyway, motor oil, gear oil, lard, etc. They were designed to run on whatever was at hand in a day when I don't think there were many specialized types of lube oil, especially not on the farm. They'd probably just use motor oil if they had something with an engine that is.

I'd use heavier than 3 in 1 but it'll probably do. All it needs is a coat on the gears. They're angled so slung oil hits the other gear's shaft and oils the bushings. It's really a well engineered system meant to go a long time on little or no maintenance. 

Frosty The Lucky.



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50 minutes ago, Frosty said:

Remember just a FEW DROPS of oil in the oil port! Unless you like that much oil on the floor of course.  

Oh, like the quart of gear oil I had leaking out of mine for a day? Lol. Yeah.... I did that... 

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4 hours ago, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

I think we all did that. I was happy to have a dirt floor until I learned how little oil it takes. My Champion blowers let me know when to add a little by the gears chattering a little.:o

I know it'll leak out because I had to clean all that oil off the floor. :rolleyes:

Frosty The Lucky.

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I figured that out yesterday. :lol:

I found a little issue with it other than that. There is no way to clean out under the grate. I got a piece of pipe today and am going to cut the solid end off, lengthen it a little and make a trap door for it so I can clean ash/clinkers/etc... out of it.

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5 hours ago, Daswulf said:

John if you can figure out what it fits those pto drive shafts can be a little pricy. And you got both halves. Nice find. 

Das, are you suggesting that I might be able to resell them? How would I go about doing that?

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