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I Forge Iron

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Good day yesterday. I found a stand welded out of square tube. Definitely a support for things being painted as it is crusted with layer upon layer of paint (won't rust tho' :D). Leaning against it are 3 half-inch round bars between 6 and 7 feet long. It's hard to tell from the corrosion - but they're solid brass! I found them in the in-laws shed. I'm going to try and forge a little (in open air) or just take it in for recycling. Not sure what the stand will be for yet.


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The second book from Mark Aspery has several leaf making tools, and these 2 chisels were just too much to resist, these are about ready for final cleanup and heat treating. A left hand and a right hand 90 degree angle chisel, great for cutting branches out of stock.

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Went to the scrap yard Saturday hoping to find some stuff I could use on a comission; didn't have any luck on that but did buy more than I sold. (sold off our Al cans).

I got a 5' 1" rod where the last foot of it is 1/2" sq looks to have been forged and then forge welded in the rod section. I picked up a 20"x 4' piece of Stainless sheet for armour making, an all steel stool for the forge area, the male end joint of a windmill wooden sucker rod (for wood they make great pole weapon attachments what with the long straps down two sides); a 1' dia 3/8" thick piece of plate---very smooth cut! And a bunch of other usefull stuff.

Had to go buy new steel for the comission, sure lowers the profit margin!

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I picked up an M&H Armitage Mousehole Forge anvil 177 lbs (well, at manufacture) at a garage sale last Friday on the way to work. By weight it was about 50 cents a pound. Its in decent shape except for the damage around the hardy hole and back. The face is in decent enough shape for its age and has a nice rebound. That is red paint on there and not blood:). Any ideas for a simple enough repair for the hardy, or should I leave it alone and make an adapter of some kind?

The other item is a neat Brown Boggs shear. I haven't cleaned it up yet, but I think it will be a useful addition to the shop. I imagine it would have been mounted to something. I have never seen one of these before.





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Great Deal on both!! I'd leave the anvil as is and make a seperate plate with a hardy hole. Most steel suppliers have drops that they will sell at a reasonable price.

The missing section could be a manufactures defect, It looks like the whole plate broke off. It might have been a cold shut rather than welded,

There are a number of those anvils in the south that have had the heels and /or the horns broken off as the result of our civil war. Union soilders would break every thing the could. I've never seen a break like that on a Mouse Hole.

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I can offer no advice on the anvil damage however that square forged peg on the bottom of the shears just looks like it might fit a Hardy hole. Seems to me it would lay that leg right along the face of the anvil with the jaws sticking out past the horn. Hmmm I was just wondering.

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I have a shear just like that one but it needs some work, it's too loose and sloppy to work right now. I got mine at work when it was going to go into a dumpster because it didn't work.

Good score on both. I'd use the anvil as is and make a portable separate hardy hole.


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I think I may just leave the anvil alone. Its about 135 years old from my research. I think I will just clean it up a little and get rid of the red paint.
I like the idea of using the shears in a table. The guy who sold me the anvil did suggest that it could have been used in the Hardy. I think they are really cool and were made right here locally in Hamilton, Ontario. I am planning to build a small table for welding and putting a big post vise on the corner. I think I will try to accomodate for the shears as well.

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I've been looking for leather for sheaths for about a month, got some to day at a sale around the corner $7 got 10 of those theater spot lights for the grinder photos etc. $15
Some days zip others bingo.
Three hours average every saturday although I have been skipping some lately.

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How come when I try to click the pic, I am told, "This forum requires a password for access!" I'm already logged in. Started to enter a password but saw it didn't hide the characters so I stopped. Whats up with that??
Edit: FWIW, I had the problem on FireFox and IE8. Looks like its fixed now tho :)

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