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Hi, I have a couple of questions about nickel chrome alloys. How similar is nickel chrome to inconel 718? I'm looking for a metal that can withstand extremely high temps, huge amounts of wear and tear and still be weldable. Would a nickel chrome alloy be suitable? Thank You.


IkeMike: Welcome aboard, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in the header you'll have a better chance of hooking up with members living within visiting distance.

I'll risk being accused of being snarky but you do realize this is a Blacksmith focused forum don't you? Sure inconel and monel are forged for special projects but knowing the metallurgy of exotic alloys and being able to compare one to a common heat element alloy is WAY off our radar. 

Maybe ask on a model jet / rocket forum? Ones that run liquid fuel jet and rocket engines. For myself all I know about nichrome alloys is in heating elements.

We love to help people but your question's not even close to blacksmithing related.

Frosty The Lucky.


I have used Ni-Chome alloys many times in my damascus, L6 and sometimes 8670, even a few stainless steels, and they all work different, and strength depends on the heat treat used


Try asking the question over on the Blacksmiths forum. Or Knifedogs forum. I'd like to help but never played with 718. Your are alot less likely to get brushed off?

6 hours ago, ThomasPowers said:

This is like asking if MDF is as strong as wood without saying if its Balsa wood or ironwood

Or indeed without specifying the application under consideration. I doubt the de Havilland Mosquito would have done as well if it had been made of ironwood instead of balsa.


Another question asked without realizing nobody knows else the details. Had I known it was blade related I wouldn't have replied. The only time I've heard an alloy called Ni-Chrome is in relation to heat elements. But Ni and Chrome as parts of an alloy is a whole different kettle of red wigglers. 

We all forget other folk aren't sharing our vision, head maps, mental experiments, etc. and ask a question without enough details to get a usable answer. We all do it, sometimes the voices distract me and I change subject in the middle of a statement and lose everybody. 

The trick is knowing this is normal, everybody does it and folks listening, reading, etc. WILL ask for clarifications. If the person asking gets all offended then they CAN expect to be ignored when they need help elsewhere.

1 minute ago, Anachronist58 said:

Why do magnets work?  I would like a simple answer, please.

Since you said please. Because they can.

Frosty The Lucky.


I was just curious because when I go to look it up on google it gives me info on how nickel chrome is used for electrical wire but no real info on how strong the alloy is or what other properties it has. As to the alloy, I don't know because there are variations. Basically nickel chrome could either be 80% nickel and 20% chromium or 90/20. 

You see I didn't even know that it was called nichrome. I got it from here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nichrome


Yes, but it appears too me, that Inconel 718 is a nickel iron chromium, in that order of percentage,  alloy.  There are other nickel chromium alloys, such as Inconel 617.  I have not fully vetted my citation, but I will bet a ham sandwich on it.  Point is, your choice would be VERY application specific...

Robert Taylor

On 11/1/2021 at 2:19 PM, ThomasPowers said:

The man who played the bongos while seeing if the world would burn!

Richard Feynman, there's a N in Feynman, he had to make a point of pronouncing it Fine-Man so people would get it right.

The betting pool amongst the physicists about whether or not the first atomic explosion would set the atmosphere on fire was an in joke on the politicians and reporters. A lot of them were getting worried about using it as a weapon about that time. 

Richard Feynman was an odd duck but as brilliant as they come. He had a strong attraction to blue collar workers and would watch them at work sometimes for hours. He picked up the bongos because none of the high brows at college thought they were up to their standards but the regular kids liked them. Somewhere I have a recording of him playing his bongos. No idea if he was any good I'm no judge.

Richard Feynman is my favorite atomic physicist. I forget how long he spent trying to determine why spaghetti always breaks into 3 pieces instead of 2. He determined harmonics should've caused 4 pieces. No idea if he figured it out, those results weren't in the books I read.

Frosty The Lucky.

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