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I Forge Iron

New bladesmithing specific logo - looking for input


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Heya guys,

So I got some great advice recently that I need to better embrace the nerd, and also update the logo - something that will also work as a shop sign. Video games and anime heavily inspire my creations, so I wanted to come across clearly... although I do worry it sort of slaps you in the face, haha


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There's . . . LETTERING?! :huh:

Swords in the anvil look good but the handle on the hammer doesn't cut it for me.  Flip it over, head on anvil, handle up. It's too low a res graphic for much detail, I think a straight handle is the better option, maybe a knob on the end but that's pretty iffy. 

A single vertical sword with a horizontal hammer driving it into the anvil? 

Corner trim looks good. The design in the anvil looks good enough but I don't know what it adds other than to fill a large BLACK space. 

Of course those are just my opinion.  My logos stink so. . . Really, who wants to patronize a snowman melting over an anvil?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Mr. Rocknazz,

I personally think that the logo is too busy.

I suggest that you avoid the jaggies.

You can save that for a computer game logo, if required.

I second Frosty's idea that the logo size is too small to carry all that detail.

The foregoing is solely my opinion.



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I like how the second "Z" turns into the next "N" in the 360 NAZZ square. The pixelization is kind of crazy, but I understand it. In the right sword the two pixel jump on the second and fourth stack, I'd move over and have just a one pixel jump, just to straighten the sword up. If you were trying to make that sword look curved, then forget what I just said and put more two pixel jumps in and really curve it. Put enough curve in to make it look obviously intentional. Might even make the two swords and the hammer larger in comparison to the anvil.

Another way to embrace the nerd might be to take out the pixelization, smooth it up and put some science-like effects into the logo - periodic table elements, alloy formulas. Take all the element blocks from the periodic table that are used in steel and blacksmithing and form them into a pixel-effect anvil.

But all this is just my opinion. Carry on!

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I get what you are trying to do, but I have to agree that the lettering of the NAZZ is too busy. As a suggestion, bump the letters apart by one pixel to separate them and compensate by increasing the anvil outline by one pixel all around. I like the shape of the sword on the left better than the right. Add one clear pixel between the hammer handle and anvil to separate them.

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