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I Forge Iron

Shapleigh hardware black prince anvil

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Each anvil maker had their own particular style, and you learn to spot the differences fairly quickly. For example, no-one would confuse your Hay-Budden with the Mouse Hole in my profile picture: most of the MH's mass is in the center and the horn is much longer than the heel, while the HB has a much more slender waist and the heel and horn are about the same length.

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  • 6 months later...
8 hours ago, Yeticowboy said:

I'm new to blacksmithing.  I have one of these anvils also. There's not very much info out there about them.

Welcome to IFI. It looks like your anvil is ready to go to work.

BTW if you put your general location in your profile you may be surprised how many of the gang are near you and some answers are location dependent.

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Back before "Anvils in America" was published; anvils tended to be grouped in a few buckets: Great, OK, and ASO; knowing all the details about your anvil will not increase your blacksmithing skills as much as applying that time to using it.  You have a great anvil USE IT!

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Please post a closeup picture of the side logo stamp, and another of the serial number on the front foot under the horn!


Please post a closeup picture of the side logo stamp, and another of the serial number on the front foot under the horn!

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  • 2 years later...

Welcome to IFI. I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST

Your anvil looks like a good 169 pound Farrier's pattern anvil. I think it was made by Hay Budden in 1912. We would love to hear the story about it. Someone with a copy of AIA (Anvils in America) will be able to give you an idea of when it was made.

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5 hours ago, Ntryt2 said:

I'm new to the world of anvils and got this one with a great story. 

Welcome aboard glad to have you and all that but if you're not going to tell the "Great story," we'll get all sulky and maybe say unkind things when you're not looking. I haven't been tagged as a curmudgeon for nothing you know. 

If you'll put your general location in the header you get to know how many of the gang live within visiting distance.

Frosty The Lucky.

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This came out of the basement of an old mental health asylum. Place had been around since the early 1900's. At one time the "colony" as it was referred to was home to some 3,000 plus mentally ill and otherwise "unfit" in society. They raised their own cattle for slaughter and their own crops as well all with labor from the ill. Makes me wonder what it would tell if it could tell its story!?!?!?

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Oooooh excellent story, thank you! Right now my mind is buzzing with stories about the, "Crazy Black Prince!" I love a good straight line and that one's a beauty. I'm sure it's spirit hides in the shadows when its roaming. I'll bet the insanity of everyone cured at the asylum was drawn out and absorbed by the Black Prince of the asylum!

Oh yeah, that is just too juicy! I have a Sorceress but she just doesn't spark stories like yours does. What fun at demos, you can tell crazy spooky stories while you forge shackles or whatever. 

I'm suffering anvil envy for a strange reason. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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