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Are we going to all need to start wearing helmets? I don't need anymore friends with TBIs even minor ones. Thomas, next time you want to take a couple days off just stay in bed will ya?

Along with a shock collar for Mrs. Powers enjoyment we might suggest covering all the flooring with rubber padding. Oh heck that leaves Thomas too many other alternatives, padd the furniture, cabinets, walls, door knobs toilet tank, etc. Maybe cover the yard in straw.

No more head banging and I don't care what kind of music you listen to.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Back to the original post here, My bother had in-laws that were nut cases and they would show up for a week every fall to view the leaves, a.k.a. Leaf Peepers.  The day they were to arrive He would pack a bag and go down the road to a Motel and check in for the week, eat in the restaurant and move home when they left.  I use to think he was not polite to them but after spending a day with them once I said he had the right idea.  Funniest part was the In-laws never missed him, never asked where he was.  You don't need the stress at this time and your wife should be supportive even if these folks are her relatives. 

Mr. Powers here is a wish for a complete & speedy recovery.    

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And it just keeps coming.  I left town late Friday and headed for thinner air.  I think better above 10,000 feet and even better above tree line.  Went out taking pictures of the fall leaves and spent a couple hours very near treeline.  I felt a little better and on the drive home Sunday I get a frantic call.  The sewer is backing up.  Thank goodness we have a very small bathroom with separate line to the city sewer so we could still relieve ourselves and take a shower.  It is very hard to make a teenager, who has grown up with three bathrooms in the house, understand that he cannot hog the bathroom.  That was one bad clog.  Took the day off to rent an auger and two hours later I finally had it out.  I suspected roots but no.  Now the clean up.  I'm taking a break before tackling the bathtubs.

Thomas, hope he head is better.  Had that happen to a customer, except no one was around when he fell.  When he came to, being the stubborn person he is he "shook it off". A couple weeks later he collapsed on the golf course.  Everyone thought he had a stroke but it was a very small bleeder.  Driller two holes in his head to relieve the pressure and everything was back to normal.

As for the pot.  I would have to smoke copious amounts all day everyday to get the same effect as one nightly eye drop.  I did loo into it.  Plus the drop in blood pressure (which is good for the eye pressure) does not do the optic nerve any good so it could be counter productive.

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Everyone has bad days, you just got several in a row. There is light at the end of the tunnel, unless you hear a whistle (grin)

 Hang in there, take on one project at a time, and strive to make it to the other side. 

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On ‎30‎/‎09‎/‎2016 at 5:08 AM, natenaaron said:

  We were not expecting them this year.  Apparently there were discussions with other family members and it was decided that my wife and I would host.  We were not included in these discussions.  

That is just not right. I think you have every right to decline being a host since you weren't consulted. Could you make some (retrospective) plans for your own Christmas, not involving relations? They don't know when you booked that cruise.

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I'm of many mixed emotions now. I have to agree Charles has a very good point I'd have to give the nod to the Missus. It's her house  more than ours. (menfolk that is)

Avoiding stinky hassle relatives can be a tough one. A good friend I only see rarely had one of the best tricks I've ever heard for getting relatives who over stay their welcome to leave. After dinner the relatives NEVER offered to help clean up after, he put the dishes on the floor for the dog to lick clean, then he put the back in the cupboard. Relatives were gone BEFORE breakfast the next morning. Don had washed everything after bedtime but is was beautifully effective.

I was visiting my Sister who at the time was sharing a rented house with cousins. The house had a cool story but that's a different story. One of the house rules was everybody did their own dishes. And big surprise nobody did so I took a page out of Don's play book. I was cooking as a contribution for having a bed on vacation, I'm a GOOD cook. So I served dinner to everybody but Shannon and myself on their dirty dishes. I stopped little Sis, Shan from washing their dishes earlier. She and I ate off clean dishes but the cousin's had dry crusties on theirs.

"What's this?" Cus Billy asks with an angry expression as his fork catches on crusties to stuck his plate. "I dunno, I washed mine," I, replied. The expressions that cycled back and forth around the table were priceless a true Kodak moment. :lol:! :lol:! :lol:! :lol:! :lol:! There was a stamped as everybody got up, dumped and washed their dishes. I'd made plenty tor triples so nobody went hungry.

End of problem and it was in fact pure quality time as we all gathered around the kitchen sink and did our dishes after meals. Well, while I was there anyway I can't say what evolved after I left.

Sometimes it's HARD. Others it's just plain hilarious fun.

Different families different customs.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I'm reminded of something a good friend likes to say.  Marriages end over three major issues; relations, relatives, and money. 

So don't expect to stay married if you're having relations with relatives for money!

In all seriousness, I think it's hard to overstate the stress that relatives can put on a marriage.  I can't think of a married friend who got from engagement to wedding without at least one family argument.  Better than half of them (myself included) had family members who weren't at/in the wedding as a result of those arguments.

I have to wonder how many of them will go on to make trouble themselves when their kids get married. 

Nate, I hope things get better for you. 

Thomas, please take care of yourself.

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Jerry, the lady of the house may rule, but I strictly enforce the "respect for all who live here" rule. Sandy is at the top of that list and even the dog has her place. I have even hosted (and been hosted buy) her ex with no problems. Tho I think somthing about me being rather tall, and wrestling horses, mules and hot steel may have somthing to do with folks respecting my opinions...

Natenaaron, I think Glenn has the right of it, in the long run renting a sweet at the holiday inn for a week or two may acualy be cheeper in the long run. 

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My Wife did come down and lasso me and drug me up to Albuquerque where she was watching some of the grandsons whilst our kids were house hunting in Utah (near Hill AFB).  So most of a week with no internet and I took longer naps than the grandkids did.  I'm hoping I'll be turned loose to go back to work on Monday and they will take off this large plastic cone from around my neck---watch out when your other daughter is a DVM!  Stopped by the Used Book store where it happened today to "get back on the horse"  so to speak.  No incidents today but it does seem that recovery takes a while.  I am so glad it was a *minor* incident! Postponed my next smithing class till the end of the month under the "no heavy lifting" clause and mourning the No Alcohol rule as well (a US Navy Website was quite clear on that one pointing out that stuff that kills brain cells is not suggested when you are trying to repair them....) Also found out that my neurologist is considered top notch by other workers in the field when I was being debriefed on the incident at church at the Saturday service...

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