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Zombie Knives Ban in England and Wales


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Thank the Lord. None of my steak knives have violent messages engraved on their surface.

So, it seems that I am in the clear.

Great Britain is blessed with public servants, (& social do-gooders), that are prepared to go the extra mile to protect Englishmen from themselves.


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Is there no one who studies history there?  Banning a class of weapon merely shifts the activity to involve the use of the next best thing.  Maybe if they took a look at how a number of the martial arts weapons gained prominence that would help it sink in.  Many were merely repurposed (or dual purposed) farming tools which couldn't be banned if they wanted the farmers to provide them with food.  What does it take for people to realize that the person wielding a tool is far more important to the outcome than the tool itself?

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Those who can, do.

Those who can't do, Teach.

Those who can't teach, Administrate.

Nobody with marketable ability or skills would want the job of running a country and folk with such pitiful abilities and worth have to lord it over somebody to pretend to feelings of adequacy.

It isn't the government's fault they stink big reeking piles of unmentionable ofal, WE elect them and WE don't make them do a proper job. Our state of gvt. is OUR fault.

Okay that's as political as Frosty gets. Period.

It all makes me happy Alaska is a right to carry state, I have sets of tires for both our vehicles that have a couple hundred ice pics in each tire! :) YES they ARE studly tires, you betcha!

Frosty The Lucky.

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On 8/23/2016 at 4:57 PM, ThomasPowers said:

"The Binding Arbitration of Faust"   perhaps?   (Wish I had that book in my Library!)

If one were to condemn all of Germany, would that be "The Whole Damn Nation of Faust"?

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16 minutes ago, Frosty said:

If it were a zombie apocalypse wouldn't it be Faust come Faust severed?

Frosty The Lucky.

Sounds tempting. 

6 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

Who's on Faust?

I don't Gounod. 

Third base! 

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There drew he forth the brand Excalibur,

And o’er him, drawing it, the winter moon,

Brightening the skirts of a long cloud, ran forth

And sparkled keen with frost against the hilt:

For all the haft twinkled with diamond sparks,

and struck down thy zombie.

I guess that seals it...Excalibur is outlawed in England. Someone better tell Arthur....

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"... I guess that seals it...Excalibur is outlawed in England. Someone better tell Arthur.... "

Is that set in stone, or is there any chance of an extraction ?

Let's think about it, what have they banned, hate txt on blades.....whoopy do! Half the prospective purchasers are likely unable to read it anyway!

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7 hours ago, JHCC said:

complaining about governmental and administrative ineptitude is a very popular indoor sport.

outdoor as well, hire the unemployable we do at every election local, state and federal levels.  Keeps them off the caviar line and in our pockets.


5 hours ago, Smoggy said:

Half the prospective purchasers are likely unable to read it anyway!

just like most of the folks in Parliament or congress for that matter.  any pictures?

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Iron Dwarf,

It made me laugh to see that the writing on the blade is the mitigating factor.  Over hear, we'd have someone litigating on behalf  of the illiterate to require that all non-Zombie knife makers put an internationally recognizable icon onto their blades to make them legal for sale.

Then, as soon as knife makers comply, there will be press reports about how the knife makers exploited a "loophole" in the law to avoid the ban.

Meanwhile, it's 2016 we still don't have a way for blind people to tell the monetary value of our folding currency. 

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