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I Forge Iron

The Super Sexy Spike Knife


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They were recently working on the tracks in my town, and a bunch of the cut up track made its way to my scrap yard of choice, along with a bunch of spikes, so I grabbed a few the last time I stopped by.  Decided I wanted to do a spike knife, but didn't want the spike haters telling me how bad of a blade it was, so decided to go san mai and put a core of 1080 and 15n20 in it.  In the bottom of the bucket of spikes, were a couple of smaller ones... wasn't sure what to do with them, so decided to use one as the guard.  I was just trying to do something goofy and fun, and this is the end result.  Now back to the damascus.



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13 hours ago, Dustin Quade said:

As always your work is super impressive. I especially love the pattern you achieved with the blade well done.

I really appreciate that, Dustin.  Still really new to this whole thing... making good progress, but really enjoy it when people like my efforts.

15 hours ago, ausfire said:

I have no idea how you did it, but I have to say that is the most beautiful thing I could ever imagine from a railway spike. Man, that is really something!

Thanks.   I did make a video about this build.  Its kind of long and much like this knife, its a little strange and goofy, but it does show the steps I took.  I don't post the links, but as always, if anyone is interested, just send me a PM and I'll send you the link.

20 hours ago, Frosty said:

Well, well, well. an honest to goodness RR spike KNIFE!

Well done sir!

Frosty The Lucky.

Well... a railroad spike something.  LOL.  I really appreciate it, Frosty.  Thanks.


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7 minutes ago, 7A749 said:

Yeah, this one is is sweet. 

Were gonna need to get together soon man.

Great job!!

Thank you, Steve.  I'm tied up with work for the next little while with the Cherry Festival, but things calm down in the middle of July.  Wife's going on vacation with the kids and her mother, and while she's out west, I'm taking a few days off work to just hang around the empty house, and hopefully get a lot of forge time... and weekends, as usual, I'm usually smacking some steel around.

Oh, I think I just got another order for one of those damascus Thor's hammer, so was going to do up a billet big enough to play around with trying to make that heart for you too.  I'd like to be able to nail that, and add it to my limited repertoire.

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10 hours ago, HEAP of JEEP said:

but it does show the steps I took

how many steps was that again?:D


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10 minutes ago, littleblacksmith said:

how many steps was that again?:D


Somewhere around shabba-dabbo-do-million... LOL

Its bad when you lose count on step number 3:rolleyes:

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2 minutes ago, HEAP of JEEP said:

Its bad when you lose count on step number 3

I was thinking the same thing when watching the video, especially when you went from like 6 to 5 or something like that. LoL


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1 minute ago, littleblacksmith said:

I was thinking the same thing when watching the video, especially when you went from like 6 to 5 or something like that. LoL


Yeah, I'll be skipping the actual step numbers in future videos... LOL

Thankfully, I think the weirdness of the video matches the weirdness of the knife.  Someday, maybe, after I get better at the craft, I may actually try and do some videos to actually help teach people... but that's step number 829, and I'm only on step 932.... wait a sec....

I take my Jeep videos very seriously, but in the few months I've been doing knife videos, my subscribers have doubled because of them, so maybe its time to actually put a little effort in to the forging videos too.  I've actually got more subscribers for forging videos, now, than I do for Jeep repair videos, and I've been working on building the Jeep channel for years.. although I did really make an effort on the cable knife video and that one seems very popular.  I just haven't been smithing all that long, so still don't really feel like I have much to offer in the way of teaching experience... The cable knives are the only ones that I've done a bunch of, so feel like I have a pretty good technique for them... everything else is always a "first".... I think I'm trying a dagger next... I'll probably run video... and since it will be my first one, I doubt the video will help much at all... I'll probably title it, "How to Forge a Damascus Dagger", but like most of my other forging videos, its just going to be an old fat guy, playing around at an anvil, hoping I don't screw up so bad that I have to start over... so very little actual "how-to" knowledge.

Oh well... I'll keep forging, and as long as people are enjoying them, I'll keep throwing videos up about it.  For me, its all about enjoying life, and trying not to take any of this to seriously... its gotta be fun, or I have better things to do.  Forge on, my friend!

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19 minutes ago, HEAP of JEEP said:

I may actually try and do some videos to actually help teach people...

oh, well your videos have already began to help and inspire me. since ive started watching your videos I have made a couple knive that I may start a new topic on them, and am in the process of finishing up two Damascus knives (one made from go kart chain, and the other is 144 layers of pallet strapping and band saw blade which there is a little bit of delamination, but it was a good learning experience)

a Damascus dagger would be really cool! I have thought about making a dagger but I think its a bit advanced for me at this point.

24 minutes ago, HEAP of JEEP said:

still don't really feel like I have much to offer in the way of teaching experience

well you've helped this youngster!

                                                                                          Thanks for the videos, sincerely,


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22 hours ago, HEAP of JEEP said:

Thank you, Steve.  I'm tied up with work for the next little while with the Cherry Festival, but things calm down in the middle of July.  Wife's going on vacation with the kids and her mother, and while she's out west, I'm taking a few days off work to just hang around the empty house, and hopefully get a lot of forge time... and weekends, as usual, I'm usually smacking some steel around.

Oh, I think I just got another order for one of those damascus Thor's hammer, so was going to do up a billet big enough to play around with trying to make that heart for you too.  I'd like to be able to nail that, and add it to my limited repertoire.

Yeah, we can shoot for July sometime, I'm taking my son to Cedar Point in a couple weeks. Hoping to have a little time for some of my own stuff then but money jobs always take priority. We will figure it out. I love your videos. They're great :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Frank B said:

Very nice. Did you bandsaw the spike down the middle then insert the other steel and weld?

No, Sir.  I cut the head off the spike and set it aside, then took the rest of the spike and flattened it.  Drew it out a ways... don't remember the exact length... probably 8 inches or so, then cut that in half and used it as the outside layer of a laminated billet.  Sort of like a san mai, but mine was 5 layers instead of 3.  So it was, layer of spike, 15n20, 1080, 15n20, other layer of spike.  Once the blade was shaped, I used a smaller spike to forge the guard, then fitted the walnut for the handle and welded some threaded rod on to the end of the tang, drilled and tapped the head of the spike to screw on, and used 5 minute epoxy when I put it all together.  Hopefully that will keep the head of the spike from coming lose. 

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10 hours ago, HEAP of JEEP said:

I cut the head off the spike and set it aside, then took the rest of the spike and flattened it

That's genius! The first two I tried the bandsaw down the middle route both developed a crack on one side near the bottom of the saw cut. Definitely have to give your method a try. Thanks for sharing.

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On 7/16/2016 at 7:47 PM, Redneck carp's-tongue said:

A railroad spike? Are You Serious?!

That being said, it's quite impressive; I like the damascus pattern towards the end of the edge.

Am I serious?  Um.... generally not...which usually ticks off my wife, but I do like monkeys...SQUIRREL!!!!

Sorry, what was the question again?:lol:

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