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I Forge Iron

Some old neat shop tools

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The grinding wheel looks like a converted mill stone with the rough side. There was one back home that was on a ranch outside of town. As I remember it was around 8" wide, and around 4'? In diameter in a cast iron housing. If I ever get back that way I need to get some pictures of it.

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The grinding wheel looks like a converted mill stone with the rough side. There was one back home that was on a ranch outside of town. As I remember it was around 8" wide, and around 4'? In diameter in a cast iron housing. If I ever get back that way I need to get some pictures of it.

Yes, some of those old stones were huge. We have one somewhere - I'll get a picture.

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Something slightly odd about the wetstone…. a curious mix of production styles perhaps? An antique dealer confection/compilation? It looks unused and/or relatively modern. Milled timber, the rounded end (spindle moulded) tenons of the legs and the lack of bruising to the edges of the wood make it look like it was possibly made on the transition between machine/factory made items from wood before they all went over to metal.

The working on the sandstone on the other hand looks like it was hand cut rather than factory. All the Mill stones I have seen have a very intricate and precise pattern of parallel lines on the grinding side, only the under side might look rough dressed by a pointing tool like the OP image.

The winch wood work looks the real deal…with its mix of wooden and steel bearings and well distressed timber…nice original draw knife chamfers and all.


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   I was kind of thinking the same thing about the grinding stone setup.  modern wood frame with a old stone. the bearing area of the shaft shows no darkening from heat or grease.  I think someone had a old stone and a lot of time on their hands:D

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