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I Forge Iron

Chef Blade


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This is a chef blade being donated to the Classic Wines Auction on 3-1 in Portland, OR. The auction benefits families and children in various ways. Last year, I was asked to donate by a good client, and did so. The blade fetched $750. My client is also building another house this year and wants more work. I wouldn't even think of rejecting his request. Besides, he's a good guy, and I like making pointy things.


The knife is 14.75 overall with a 10" cutting edge. The ht at the heel is 55.1mm and the thickness at the heel is 2.21mm with a flat grind. The handle is stabilized buckeye burl and ebony.


Also, this is a blade welded w/o flux from start to finish in a natural gas forge.



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It's always nice to know that's ones work is appreciated, and I'd like to thank those who responded. We all work hard at what we make and this is a good forum to show our talents, from those just beginning to those more accomplished. To me, the openness of the members responding is what makes the forum viable. Again, thanks to all for looking.


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