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I Forge Iron

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came across this on ebay and it has me puzzled.
It looks like a piece of rail iron to me?
Yes it looks well made but obviously its more than it seems going by the price?
can some one enlighten me ?


rub it and a genie with 3 wishes appears? no no sory just add water and it swells up in to a 200 kg peter wright.


Well it was just a piece of old rail till someone took a file to it and spent a couple of hours on it. I have one similar and its very usefull, I'm not so sure about $250 though, $60 maybe?

A nice one = plenty of work(to make that is)! :D



Whoa! Pricy! The anvil is very nicely done, many hours in that no matter what tools were used to get from rail to anvil. Not sure about $250 though.

The forge is not that beat up, it needs reclayed and the old clay is being left in like it is valuable. I agree, $1200, no.



its kinda like this http://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/atq/2434231145.html 1200 $ for a rivit forge thats pretty beat up worth maybee 75 bucks.....

But, but, this forge is "MUSEUM QUALITY", according to the ad. :D:rolleyes: :D


came across this on ebay and it has me puzzled.
It looks like a piece of rail iron to me?
Yes it looks well made but obviously its more than it seems going by the price?
can some one enlighten me ?

Very nice work, but at 4.4 lbs, my little ASO that I started with, also made from a piece of rail, but not that nice was 18 lbs. And to go for $250 AUS? Right now, the AUS is worth a little more than US dollars too.

its kinda like this http://phoenix.craigslist.org/nph/atq/2434231145.html 1200 $ for a rivit forge thats pretty beat up worth maybee 75 bucks.....

This person has no clue and Museum quality because every little museum has rusted out equipment, doesn't mean it's in anything like working shape. Sheesh. I'd turn it down for $50, and he's asking $1200? Of course, in this day of Internet searches, it might be kind to the post to send him links to other rivet forges for sale elsewhere to show him the error of his ways. :D


It's just the idiot collectors with no clue about anything. Which is why railroad track, totally knackered anvils, or anythiong you can put the word 'Blacksmith' with in the ad. go for so much money on Australian fleabay!


For that money you could buy a new one with a warranty.

That one undoubtably has an out of sight warranty. Soon as you`re out of sight the warranty`s up. :)

That one is very nicely made, someone put a lot of hours into that . Make one and keep track of your time. I estimate to make that anvil with all of the nice lines crisp edges and flat surfaces would take about 10 hours with heat treatment. Last time I checked 25 bucks an hour was a very poor shop rate. Perhaps 6 hours if you had a mill. Still not really enough money. That being said I would not pay that for it because it would be of little use to me and most people. But the price does reflect a realistic replacement value.


That one undoubtably has an out of sight warranty. Soon as you`re out of sight the warranty`s up. :)

Probably has the Two Piece Guarentee as well. If if breaks you are guarenteed to have at least two pieces.

Im with Tim.... In my opinion the value is not that of an "anvil" The value is that of a folk art peice or just the craftsmanship exhibited. Id own it... I probably wouldn't spend $250 on it but If I was going to sell it its in the ballpark of what I would ask.. Also for a jeweler at $250 it would make a very real and usable tool.. Dont forget its in Oz... If you wanted to buy that new anvil for $250 its likely going to cost $250+ to ship it to Oz

Its a beautiful peice of work, Just because it doesn't suit you doesn't mean its worthless...


I have to say that I agree that in OUR world, it's not worth that much, and the seller may even know this too, but the way things are right now it's not surprising that anyone will try to test the market, it may seem rediculous to us but there may be(probably is) someone out there who will give him what he ask for it, and the seller will walk away with the cash. Hell, if I had an old truck worth a few hundred buck and I had a choice of selling it for that down at the small town lot or taking it to the world exposed market and asking a few thousand with a good chance of getting it, well you get the picture. I don't like it either and it's caused me to lose out on good usable equipment to some collector with more money more than once, and hey, I use one of those hand crank little forges at my demos, never thought it was worth THAT much. Wes


That was a sweet looking little jewelers anvil and while $250 is a chunk of money when you look at what a new Peddinghaus needle case stake will cost you and that little anvil looks like an OK deal, not great but OK. I have been doing more jewelry like objects since my health has declined and have scabbed together a small anvil out of some objects for jewelry making about that size, didn't cost near that much, more like $2.50, but that is nice and if you are professional or near professional that is going to be a nice tool to work with for many, many years. :P


wow that generated some discussion. I glad it was what i thought it was and not some ultra rare anvil. hey i thought the same as every one else"someone has put a alot of time into it." but i also thought hey it is just a piece of rail iron !


the forge , no....... the anvil, try making one, South shore.......10 hours ? not likely, I made one years ago by hand,.......forging that horn I found out how hard rails were....... I wish I still had it ,....the work alone was a conversation piece, try beating a track for an hour or two into a horn shape, it will open your eyes kudos to the maker


I have forged more than a few bickirons with my power hammer. I have an idea of the amount of work that goes into it. Forging that out by hand, that's just crazy talk. Lets say it was hand forged then filed no milling or grinding allowed I would say it took more like 20 hours.

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