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I Forge Iron

World Tour Continues (Part 2)

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Greetings all!

After a rather protracted break (for me at least) I and my fellow partner in Blacksmithing crime Mr Sean Marshall, Esquire have decided it's time to go walk about.
We're travelling to Australia on the 17th of May and will be there from the 17th of May until the 12th of July (although we're seriously considering hopping over to New Zealand for a week or so and coming back to Oz for the 12th, if there are any Kiwi's who read this and wouldn't mind us camping on their lawns....hint, hint)

On the 12th of July we're going to be flying over to the good old U.S of A. That's right boys and girls, after talking about it for some time I'm finally going to hit the States and I'm bringing company. Consider it the friendliest of invasions...

We have from the 12th of July until the 30th of August to get from Los Angeles all the way to New York and we really need YOUR help to make it happen. Once again we have a shoestring budget (which is a nice way of saying NO real budget at all except our credit cards) to try and do this. If you are a member of a Blacksmithing group or know someone who is and you'd be willing to put in a word for us or put us up (or should that be put up with us) PLEASE get in touch via the website. We're willing to do whatever we can for food and lodgings and we'd love to try and get to meet as many folks as we can from this site as we travel through the country. We'd also love to attend as many meetings of the Blacksmithing groups across the States as we can too so if you're a member of you're local chapter please start asking around now if anyone can assist us.

I know we'll be blatantly relying on peoples good natures and charity for this trip but as everyone who read the first part of the world tour knows this is something I started a long time ago and then had to stop before I wanted to or considered the job done justice. Now there's a chance to come that much closer to chasing down a dream I think everyone here can appreciate.

Please, if you can help us to make it happen!


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Hey Ian,

Glad to see ya'll are going to start up the tour again. If you already know the proposed path, could you give a general idea of where you would like to be at a given time? Generally that is. Or are you going to go wherever the yellow smoke leads you.
As you know there are many groups scattered across the US. I'm sure that you will find the hospitality welcoming. How many in your group?
Looking forward to reading about your adventures and maybe even meeting you should you swing past the end of the earth where I am. Well, it's not the end of the earth, but on a quiet night, you can hear things fall off from here.


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There will be two of us travelling this time around. :D

Myself and (fellow metal masher) Sean.

We're getting together tomorrow to start planning out a route across the States. We'll have six weeks to get from Los Angeles to New York. At the moment we've a really loose idea of a route which will consist of heading north from L.A. (staying reasonably close to the coast) taking in Las Vegas (and hopefully Dr Jim H.) and then looping back around and down towards Texas from the Canadian border and then weaving around through the middle over towards New York.
As I said very loose at the minute.
We're going to use the list of Blacksmithing Groups on Iforge to make a firmer route. That way we can hopefully get in touch with them, see who can help and firm things up time scale wise and route wise.

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I'm within sight of I25 about an hour south of Albuquerque NM where I-40 is and 2 hours north of Las Cruces New Mexico where I-10 is.

When I go East I take I40 to Arkansas and then head up I540 to I44 to I70 in St Louis and take that east.

If you are coming through this way I can probably put you up, (gotta OK it with She Who Must Be Obeyed) if you are here near stopping time or buy y'all a lunch at the local microbrewery and brick oven pizza place if you go by here near lunch time.

Note that camping in SE Texas in July/August is not great fun unless your tent has an air conditioner and chain mail cover to keep the mosquitoes out!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Thomas, a decent map will be one of our first purchases. We arrived safely in Oz after a flight that was surprising for not being incredibly uncomfortable, found a train out of Sydney and were collected by Glenn in the early afternoon. Settled in ok and are starting to look over the gates and a few other things too. Still need everyone in the States who think they're worth a visit to get in touch with us and we're chasing contacts as net time allows. Hopefully a few pictures and such will follow as we can get get them processed.

Remember, only seven or so weeks till we touchdown in L.A. :D

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Sir Ian, you would be welcome to drop by my forge here in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Since i just missed seeing you in London perhaps we can meet here. A word of warning! you probably have never experienced the heat and high humidity like we have, or likley the Cajun hospitality, all who come to the Bayou State fall in love with it. check your map I- 10 runs from Los Angeles straight through here. Pax

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well then Fester...been absolutely too long. Glenn has my email and yes it is the same I've always had. What Jeremy K said. Give a holler and let us know when youse will be in the area. Tell Mooney and Chopper howdy. Hook up with mail and we's can mebbe run into one another.

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you are most likely too far south, but Ft Wayne Indiana is at US-69 and US-30, I have room for your tents. and We like to cook. if not then maybe next time wife and I get to your island... local group meets 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month, unless its a national Holiday.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sent you an email bloke,
hope you can still help
best wishes


Your welcome to stop and or stay here if you come by. I am half way to San Francisco from L.A. on the 101 highway. Are you going north at all? Let us know some kind of schedule.
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Progress report:
We've landed in LA, managed to sort a motel for the night in Inglewood. My mobile phone won't work here so I'll have to use public phones to call people if they send me a cell/house number etc.

Rob, should be able to check emails until about 11am tomorrow morning (unless we book another night) then I 'think' we're going to try and rent a car for a few days. Speak soon


p.s email is ([email protected]) just remove brackets :)

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Well, still stuck in Inglewood waiting for replies. Sent emails to Rob and to the President of the Californian Blacksmiths ABANA chapter. Nothing yet. Guess it'll take time....
Another day or so and we'll have to rent a car and start moving regardless, 6 weeks isn't very long and we do have folks further inland who have come good.

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hi ian sean where are u hope is all well hows the usa leg going it was great to have u s here and thanks for all the good times and could u send a few photos of us all here and sorry i was a bit goy when u where here but i had heeps on my mind again thanks for the help from both glenn

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Hey Ian, good to see you continuing the journey. Might you be coming to Qld before leaving Oz, or do Moony & Phil have you working overtime mate?

What do you mean Phil has him working overtime, I don't think he even got past Jinglemoney road more than once, the moon had him flat out all the time. We had a bed and all made up next to the furnace for him and all even stocked the fridge full to the brim with beer, went and bought half a side of cow, and almost a full pig, but no, moonie knew a worker when he saw him, so no Ian for Phil:-(
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Hi all. On interstate 5 heading north for ferndale. Just left brent bailey's place in orland. What a top bloke, fantastic to see him again and he has the best shower ever, lol Helped me sort a phone. My new number is 530 9364121. Heading for the redwoods

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