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Christmas ideas, what to make this year

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as for Christmas gifts (there is no X in Christmas!), I am making RR spike split crosses mounted on chunks of granite for the parents/inlaws, key hanging racks, candle holders, little 3/8ths round rod snakes, key chains, curtain tie-backs, and maybe some bottle openers.


Europeans in the 16th century started using X in place of Christ's name as shorthand for writing Christ. the Christian monks and scolars were knowledgeable of the the greek letter X,-Chi or khi- whicj is the first letter in the Greek word "Christos" or "Kristos" (Greek:CristoV) The Greek and Hebrew word "Christos" comes out "Messiah" and mean the same thing: "The anointed One." for many years the X was understood by Christian clergy and as time passed,many Christians, educated and not, were not aware of the meaning. Over time the meaning became lost and was later perceived as a sign of disrespect. Edited by jimbob
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The X is also called the the southern cross its on the flag of Scotland it was also on the battle flag of the south in the civil war ...all for the same reason
People also made their mark with and X ...swearing before God that they would do as agreed to.

Edited by jimbob
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The X is also called the the southern cross its on the flag of Scotland it was also on the battle flag of the south in the civil war ...all for the same reason
People also made their mark with and X ...swearing before God that they would do as agreed to.

Actually, Jimbob, the cross on the flag of Scotland is known as the St. Andrew's Cross.
Andrew is said to have been martyred by crucifixion at Patras (Patrae) in Achaea. Though early texts, such as the Acts of Andrew known to Gregory of Tours, describe Andrew bound, not nailed, to a Latin cross of the kind on which Christ was crucified, a tradition grew up that Andrew had been crucified on a cross of the form called Crux decussata (X-shaped cross) and commonly known as "Saint Andrew's Cross"; this was performed at his own request, as he deemed himself unworthy to be crucified on the same type of cross on which Christ was crucified.

About the middle of the tenth century, Andrew became the patron saint of Scotland. Several legends state that the relics of Andrew were brought under supernatural guidance from Constantinople to the place where the modern town of St Andrews stands today

Hope this clears things up.

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Hey Dave,
my friend calls me Cliff Claven (from the TV show Cheers) because I know a bunch of trivial trivia, and other information. I wear it as a badge of honor.

Personally I gave up on Christmas, and the other holidays years ago. I am not a religious person, and I also suffer from perpetual bachelorhood.:rolleyes: The holiday season can be a particularly depressing time of year for me. What I do now is if I see something I would like to give as a gift, I get, or make it, and give it. I found out the hard way that sometimes we do not get to do things later, because the person the gift was intended for is gone forever by the holiday/birthday/etc.. I would rather let that person know what they mean to me now than possibly risk them never knowing because I waited for the "appropriate day".

My Dad was my smithing partner, as well as my partner in a lot of other endeavors. I am sure he knew how much he meant to me, but I feel remorse for not telling him more than I did. I lost a lot of family history because of I'll do it later. Mom passed away on Christmas morning 03, again I have a lot of shoulda, coulda, wholudas with her as well.

I think that we need to live more in the present, because the past is gone, and we do not know what the future will bring us. This is the only time period that we have some control over.

I apologize for the lengthy vent.

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I have enjoyed what you have to say and I can sure relate to what you have said.
I have beaten my self up many times wondering if I should have or could have done more for my parents.
But I believe in the long run that you (like my self) are only human and have had to learn a lot of life’s valuable lessons as most of us eventually do.
But all is not lost because you are sharing some good thought provoking information that may hit home with someone else.
Thanks for the good advice!
Rio Bravo
Very nice work!!

Ted Throckmorton

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Decided to spoil myself so i built a powerhammer that ive been threatening to do for a while but never seemed to get around to. For gifts ill probably try corkscrews like mr hofi makes , bottleopeners, candleholders, potplant hangers and maybe a letter opener or two

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Christmas 09.

Upon request we forged-fabricated a 40 inch outdoor fire pit poker for an old camp. .5 in square shank, .375 basket twist handle, .625 in hole for hanging. The business end has a chisel pointed dog and it pulls as well as pushes. Oil finished for outdoor use. Included is a period hook. The piece balanced well in the hand and the client liked it.



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Yup!!! Ha Ha Ha ;)
That is one genuine door knocker alright.
I love it when someone jumps out of the box of the usual and customary,
and then creates something fun and unique.
I think you may have set a new design standard for door knockers! Very cool. :cool:
I plan on stealing at least half of the idea of your creation!

Thanks for keeping this place interesting and fun!
Ted Throckmorton

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