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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. I know what you mean Chris, but I agree with all the above comments. Even the most skilled of any thing had to start somewhere. You must think like I do sometimes that I have to be perfect at every thing. But blacksmithing definitely takes a lot of practice to build the skills. I used to be embarrassed to post any thing I do on here, but not anymore. My skills are where they are and I've done it enough now that I can see improvement and that's a big motivator. It can only get better from here. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. You be the best ýou can be. And admire someone else's work, but don't make it a standard that you should be at.
  2. Thanks Chris. My husband did most of the work. I'll work on it and see if it needs tweaking. We studied anvil stands here on IFI for ideas for design and stability and deadening the ring. It definitely quieted the ring considerably. It's just a tink sound now and the feet have a solid thunk sound.
  3. So the anvil stand is done! I haven't got to forge yet, but if all works out, hopefully this evening. Got errands to do today. Sorry if the picture is huge. Tried to resize it, but my connection isn't working great today
  4. I've got several in my coin collection, but none that old
  5. Dogs are a must have. For companionship and protection. I have three. A Cane Corso/ boxer mix, a Great Dane mix, and one who is a dachshund/ beagle/ Australian shepherd and pit bull mix. Yes, you read that right. She looks like a dachshund though. My husband used to have to leave out on hitch for as long as three weeks and my mom would ask if I was scared to be here by myself. I told her I have too many dogs and guns to be scared. But anyway, I'm glad you're Ok and you made that creepy guy before he made you. I'd miss my neighbor
  6. My Grandma made the best chicken and dumplings. I try to make it like she did. I just substitute rabbit when the freezer gets full
  7. My husband has long hair and he does like you and puts several ponytail holders on it. Awhile back, he was using a drill, and some of his hair got wound up in it. Fortunately, we got it out easily and I didn't have to cut it off. But he is more careful about where his ponytail is now
  8. One of my specialties is rabbit dumplings. Tastes great and is good if you are using an older rabbit. Same with an older chicken. Younger rabbit is more tender and flavorful. I fry those like chicken and that's some good eating. Fills you up quicker than chicken also so makes it go a long way.
  9. I do have long hair and I'm very leary of it being down. I've heard horror stories of hair getting caught in machinery. My son pointed out it is past my waist. Didn't realize that. But it stays up in a funky bun on top of my head! And I learned real quick to keep it away from goats. They like to nibble on it and the last time I cut any real length off, it was because they had gnawed it way shorter on one side. Nobody would know me without my hair either
  10. Nice collection there. I'm eager to start on a collection of my own. Thank you for the examples. I may copy some if you don't mind, Ted.
  11. Very nice! Great to see other women forging metal. I'm not a bladesmith. Maybe one day.
  12. I'd like to say thanks to Glenn as well. I've told him lots of times, but I don't think it could ever be enough. He has the heart of a teacher. Not only in blacksmithing, but lessons in living life. I'm forever grateful to him
  13. I don't have a beard, but I'm sure that's excellent advice
  14. Wow! Great craftsmenship. The tiny anvil and hammer are the icing on the cake How long did it take?
  15. Thanks kb 21. I'll keep that in mind. JHCC, sounds like a good time getting together with other smiths! My anvil stand is coming along. Got it leveled up, now some feet are getting welded on. So slowly but surely getting there.
  16. DuEulear good tip on the brown finish with the paste wax. Nice to know for future reference. It's amazing how fast something will rust after taking it out of a vinegar soak
  17. Yes sir I agree. My first two anvils lacked a hardy hole, so I feel like I'm working with a whole new tool. Thinking of all the things I will be able to do so much easier, and ideas like you guys' look like they'd be even easier still
  18. Neal the smith: Nice fossil. You got a good, tight wind on it. killbox21: Very nice looking knives. I'd be proud to own either one. Great job
  19. Thanks for the feedback on the quick tongs guys. I appreciate it. MrTMichaud: We never find roadkill. I live far enough in the country that I think everybody hangs onto their stuff. We have friends who live in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, and you wouldn't believe how much stuff people throw out. I guess big city dwellers have a different outlook on things.
  20. Thanks for posting these guys. That's good for inspiration. I would never have thought of something like that
  21. Heehee Frosty, you're right and I even knew that I left myself wide open on that one, duh It was from angle iron dust and rust. I took a cup brush on an angle grinder to my leg vise also. Never cleaned it up since I had it other than the screw. So I thought, why not? Oiled it and wiped down and it's nice and shiny now. My chores can never get done fast enough... The stand is framed out with some black walnut he was saving for something nice. Angle iron "legs" bolted on four sides. They'll come down far enough to stabilize it on the floor. Think we may weld some flat plate on the bottom of the legs parallel to the floor for more stability. It will be filled with sand for weight. Then we'll run a bead of caulk under the anvil. Hope this will help quiet the ring. Then tie down with chain or I'll forge some sort of hold downs across the feet. We are using what we have. I hope it works well and looks good.
  22. Finally got some time in the shop. Farm projects and chores, housework and other obligations are kind of piling up. But finally got time to work on my anvil stand. My husband started it two days ago. I finally got to help today. I'm covered head to toe with black stuff and it's nice to feel like I'm doing something. Can't hardly wait to get it done so I can finally use my new anvil!
  23. He's an impressive creature! I'm not surprised he took champion of champions. Congratulations on a well deserved prize
  24. Totally agreed. Or folks just do like I did and buy a new one.
  25. I hear you. Same way around here. I've bought most of my tongs. I need some to hold bigger stock though. I don't know if my skills are up to making very good ones. I was thinking of getting some quick tongs. Cheap enough and still require some work on my end.
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