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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. I always just scrubbed the visible and very sticky stuff off my hands with hot water first, then a good scrubbing with dawn detergent. I think it worked. But I was probably nose blind to it. I may have still smelled bucky . I had a buck who was real lovable (he's my avatar picture) and he would walk up and rub away on me. Hard to get it out off your clothes also
  2. Thank you Billy and Chris. That's what I figure is they probably appeal more ro women. I made some with darker colors and camo patterns for the guys. They seemed to like them
  3. Thank you. I know it's not a new idea or anything but I enjoy making them
  4. Thank you for the valuable information Jennifer. I'll have to check more closely about what may be around here. And thanks to you too Chris. For fear of hijacking this thread, I'll post something that I have done and am currently in the process of making more. And my hearts look better now so I have hope that maybe they can be marketable. I gave several as Christmas presents and they were well recieved. Any critiques or suggestions welcome
  5. Good job Billy Bones. I've not attempted weapons unless you count a horseshoe "letter opener" Jennifer: I don't know anyone who does this and the closest association to me is The Salt Fork Craftsmen I think. Still a bit of distance from me. I'm thankful for IFI and excellent teaching videos by generous people like yourself. It'll help me to post projects on What Did You Do On The Shop Today without being too embarrassed
  6. I wish I had been a lot younger when I started. Those hinges are beautiful. I'm going to watch the video tonight and get the wheels of progress going. I have a box full of stuff because I'm never satisfied with what I make either. But with help like yours maybe that will change
  7. Ironpp It's good you're getting out there and doing something. I have no hands on teaching. Mostly what I've learned is from here on IFI and from select videos and some book learning. But it doesn't really kick in until ýou do it with your own hands. And you might figure out some things that you didn't read or see first. Enjoy it and nice tongs.
  8. Gave me a good chuckle! Thanks Frosty
  9. I bet they love that. That is very kind of you to do. There's something about horseshoes that people really love
  10. Me too. That comes from when I wanted to be a farrier until my knee went south. I'd like to make my own instead of having to track down used ones or especially buy new ones
  11. My first thought was use as some kind of striking anvil
  12. That's what neighbors are for
  13. No problem Chris. Offer still stands. I'm married to a strappin' young buck(haha) and he said he'd be glad to help
  14. I used to smell like an old goat...
  15. Thank you Jennifer. I've been watching your videos but I haven't seen that one yet. You really weild a hammer like a boss! Thanks for your great contributions to folks like me
  16. Thanks Frosty I'll keep that in mind about twisting first. I have some friends that want some pulls for their cabinetry. Simple things but I enjoy making them
  17. That's very true. I have limited tooling and my anvil lacks a pritchel and hardy hole. So I have to be creative to figure out how to do some things. My leg vice is vital to me. But I don't let that stop me. I just find a way around it. Same with a lot of things around the farm. I have a little .22 single shot Davey Cricket that's pink that belonged to my granddaughter.
  18. Chris, we actually don't live a great big distance from you. If you really need help and we can figure out a time (always so much to do) maybe we can help. Irondragon: Y'all are my kinda people! I get knives as well. And some of the guys where my husband works send me their knives to sharpen. We also get tools and equipment for both of us to use. He and my son have been building a new chicken tractor and they've been using my chop saw and my leg vice to bend the conduit they are using. My son was wearing my welding gloves. I told him I bet you never thought about using your mom's stuff to work with Also, that's a great photo! It just now loaded after I posted
  19. Thank you. I like making door pulls and latches. I made most of the hardware for the chicken tractors except the hinges. That's next on my " things to learn" list
  20. Nothing in the shop for a few days. I hurt my back I think from dressing a hammer head with a file and bent over too long. I have a pair of champion tongs that the reins were too long for me, so I cut off 5 1/4" from them. Decided to give the pieces another life. 3/8 " round I believe. Squared and twisted. The foot pads aren't even, so I'll finish filing those to match. I think I didn't use half on/ half off blows correctly to set down the feet. Then peened them down too flat trying to draw out the material. I think I'll give them a vinegar bath and see how they turn out
  21. I just didn't want to seem to offend anyone. Irondragon has given me a lot of helpful advice and I appreciate him as well a many others here. And you are getting there. I know you can't hardly wait. We started with a JABOD that my husband built and it worked to the best of the ability to what he knew to do with guidance from a lot of people here. Charles R. Stevens is an awesome guy too by the way. Then everyone got together and bought me a gas forge. That has become a staple for birthday and Christmas presents is blacksmithing equipment. I'm not a girlie girl I guess. I get guns and tools as presents. Im excited for you to get your forge going also
  22. I know nothing about making horseshoes from scratch, I just forge them into other things. I like the camera angle because you can clearly see what your doing. A lot of videos it seems ýou can't really tell what the tong hand is doing and I think that is equally important as the what the hammer hand is doing I did notice the hammer being loose. I had one that started doing that and it's out of commission until I fix it.
  23. That gave me a good laugh! Thank you for that too. I have enjoyed reading from all commentators. Keep them coming and hope everyone has a great day
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