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Everything posted by CrazyGoatLady

  1. In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, "Surely, you know this means war..." I shall mount the defenses in preparation for your attack! Who am I kidding? I'm no match for your wit Frosty! The best I can hope for is survival and live to fight another day
  2. How about the Bat-tusi... Layne, I've seen a few other places that offer mowing and brush removal called some variation of the goat lady name. I saw a farm on TV once that has a food truck they operate called The Bearded Lady with the logo of a doe on it. Wish I would have thought about it first and that could have been my shop name! Although people might think I have a beard. Which I don't. Honest.
  3. My friend is a BACA patch holder, but I don't think he's affiliated with any other club anymore. Heckuva good guy. More a brother than just a friend. Have you worked on your new anvil yet? I'd be proud to own it
  4. 671jungle, congrats on your leg vise acquisition. I don't know what I'd do without mine. You'll love it. I'm glad Picker mentioned the ant hill sculptures. I was thinking of that earlier and I couldn't remember what material is used to put in the beds. They are striking to look at. Billy, that's great you're getting those kids out there and doing things with you. My granddaughter had a pink Davey Cricket single shot .22. She would wear PeePaws cowboy hat and looked like Calamity Jane. Such fond memories. You'll never forget them
  5. Very nice Grumpy. Good find. It needed a good home. Interestingly, I have a friend who's a biker and his name is Grumpy also. Everytime I see you post, I think of him. He's wanting to learn smithing too. He's looking to get one of those church window anvils
  6. I think that would make for interesting art pieces. I don't have a clue how they could be held together though. I run propane, so no clinker art for me. Frostys donut would have been really neat
  7. Thanks for sharing your stories everyone. I've always been a loner type person. Then life beats you up and that doesn't help. It's amazing to me that I ever even had a family. And Chris, I'm with my 2nd husband but he's the best any woman could ask for. The first one, I wouldn't wish on anyone! Blacksmithing is a great community of folks as proven by IFI. Now, to just actually get around people may be a challenge, but it sure helps to know your not the only one
  8. It would be nice to be around other folks for sure. I'm so countrified anymore, being around a lot of people kind of makes me shaky. A trip to town makes me feel like I need a sedative But meeting up with others with the same interests might be a cure for that
  9. Haha I LIKE it. I used to wonder about them starting school and if asked about going to Grandma and PeePaws farm. What do you learn kiddies? Blacksmithing, reloading, skinning and butchering. Knife throwing, black soldier fly composting, etc. etc.
  10. They'd be so cute with their little hammers. I was teaching my little granddaughter how to throw knives. Of course, I made her brother stay about a mile way. You never knew where one would end up
  11. Picker, trust me. My Vulcan didn't feel anything like a cast steel anvil. Mine is not Swedish, but I sure love it
  12. Prayers will be said for his family and friends.
  13. Too right, Frosty. Being an extreme introvert doesn't help. Thank you everyone for the encouragement.
  14. BillyBones, sounds like they are awesome kiddoes. Your anvil is pretty awesome too. I can take no credit on my stand. I just wanted functional as well. Clinker Art... you never know.
  15. I got to thinking. That price might have been a little higher than that. I looked at so many anvils before I bought one. But I do remember it was good enough to make me seriously wish I was there. I paid not too far off of that for the 100# Emerson
  16. I hope I can find me a soderfors one of these days. Ohio seems the place to get stuff from. Just for giggles, I looked up blacksmithing stuff in Ohio on craigslist. A guy had a peddinghaus # 12 nearly new, but wanted what you'd pay for a new one. But he had 250# soderfors in immaculate condition that he wanted $800.00 for. If I could have made a flying trip, believe me I would have
  17. Oh yeah, we made a trip up to Kansas last fall and I wish we could have stopped at the cowboy museum but no time, dang it. I'm just a little funny about the D/FW area and that's where NTBA is located from. I've got a lot of bad memories from things that happened in that area and I'm not crazy about going that way.
  18. Yeah, you're probably right Daswulf. I don't think anything bad about NTBA. I'm just one of those people that is kind of bad with making actual phone calls myself!
  19. The NTBA, I have looked at but it doesn't seem up to date. I may just contact them and see where it goes I'm a little more drawn to your group. Salt fork Craftsmen. Wish I were a tad closer
  20. Right on, Chris. I feel like the Lone Stranger sometimes. If it were not for you guys to talk shop with, It'd be kind of lonesome honestly
  21. Now there's an idea I wouldn't have thought about. I don't know anyone personally besides me that even Smith's. There was a guy on Forged In Fire a few weeks ago that was from Gainesville. High school kid. That's only about 15 miles from us. That's about it. Thanks Jennifer
  22. I know he cleaned it up real nice. I saw that one listed before he bought it and it wasn't near that pretty I was posting at the same time you were. I wouldn't mind having your anvil. One of the most miserable days ever was when we were at the State fair of Texas several years back. It was cold and rainy and the Longhorns got beat by the Sooners by 54-3 I think it was. The gloating by the OK fans was maddening! Haha but I'm not a huge football fan and I like my Oklahoma friends here on IFI.
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