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I Forge Iron

Tommie Hockett

2021 Donor
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Everything posted by Tommie Hockett

  1. Awesome grinder! HF is hit and miss. Sometimes you get great things that hold up for a long time and then you buy a drill and it catches fire 15 minutes into the project you're doing(literally). I think that they have spotty quality procedures in whatever factory there stuff is built in, that's why its hit and miss.
  2. Heck yeah the wife and I will definitely tune in!
  3. Appreciate it yall!!! And that is just what I plan to do frosty Das, I figure that I have made one heart so now I must be an expert smith so onto sword smithing I go...
  4. Howdy howdy fellers and ladies Im back after a long absence. Appreciate all the prayers while I was gone. My wife has been practicing making horse shoe hearts and I actually had a spare moment for a change.... not really I just made the time to get out to the forge and she showed me how to do it. It may not be the purtiest thing but I am stinkin proud of it and my wife for taking out all the hard work for me haha. Thanks for looking yall and if you have any tips theh are very welcome
  5. I'm sorry I keep forgetting to put things on here. My son's employer "toby Kieth's I love this bar and grill" has adopted his family and are taking up donations also. They have also told him that if he needs to take 6 months or year off they dint care that he has his job when he feels able to return. Also I am by no means asking for this just putting it out there that mom's donuts in gainesville tx has a gofundme page setup. My stepson and his wife have decided that any donations above and beyond helping them to rebuild their lives and my step daughter and her partners lives will be donated to other house fire victims.
  6. Thank you all so much. And I ask one more favor of all of you. If you do not have smoke detectors please get some. My Daughter's house did not have any. Not that it is her fault. Not at all. You never think something as terrible as this would befall you and yours. The landlord should have provided them under law but it isnt his fault either..... the fire originated in the our childrens room due to faulty wiring and a space heater. That has not been confirmed by the fire marshall yet but it is our best guess. They all tried valiantly to rescue the babies but the good lord needed them in Heaven more than we needed them. I am very thankful for the time that we had with them. This doesnt seem real it is like watching a movie that we are all apart of, I keep hoping to wake up from it...... the four adults lost everything that they had including 2 dogs. However the outpouring of Love from the community has been overwhelming there have been donations and there is talks of benefits from several of the local MC's. I just thought that you all might like to know more I'm sorry if this doesnt read very well, I have been having a hard time putting my thoughts together. Our Granddaughter's name is Elizabeth Francis Cosgrove and our Grandson's name is Justin Micheal Cosgrove. We will always love and remember them. You're prayers are greatly appreciated. Also my job has been very helpful they are giving me the next 3 weeks off and taking donations for us and they have setup a thing where other employees can donate their vacation days to me so that I may be able to stay at home longer.
  7. Hey guys I am sorry that we have not been on in awhile. We haven't forgotten all of the good people here that have taught us so much. And right now My family is in need of you're help we need for y'all to send up some serious prayers to the man upstairs. On Monday morning we lost our grandson who was 3 years old in a house fire and our granddaughter held onto life until God called her home early Tuesday morning. Our family is grief stricken and lost at the moment and we need all of the strength that God can provide. We appreciate all of you're prayers.
  8. CONGRATULATIONS!! from me and mine to you and yours
  9. Our family will be praying for him.
  10. Lmbo. We will all just learn together then. Also I am not sure if this is fact so just take it as opinion please. I found with personal experience that if you add some wood ash and saw dust the clay doesnt crack quiet as much. Also don't make my mistake... stay away from perlite
  11. Good luck buddy. I trued using a paint mixer on a drill... it worked but i had a heck of a mess to clean up. Just add some water till it is pliable.
  12. Oilfield... janitor of the oilfield. I do containments for all the liquids. Acid friction reducer oil and whatever else might be there. We also do restraints. Big honking ropes wrapped around iron pipes sk that if anything does go wrong it doesn't swing around and kill a bunch of people.
  13. That is a purty shoe horn. I really like the wire (inlay).... i reckon is what it would be called
  14. I agree whole heartedly with you Tubalcain2.
  15. Loving the bowie! I really like the pins or rivets? In your handles.
  16. While I understand where Tubalcaun2 is coming from and I agree with him. I also agree with Frosty, somewhere in the bible it states that we should pray for our enemies. I'm sorry I don't know the chapter or the verse. So please we all have very raw feelings on this subject and until more evedince comes out maybe we as humans should leave it up to the Almighty. We can all rest assured that he will no doubt sort it out. Remeber evil can never tear us apart if we stand unified as one nation under God!
  17. Please pray for the victims and the families affected by this act of evil. I don't even know what to say here yall some xxxxxxxx xxxx has shot our fellow Americans and it seems that he then killed himself. The talking heads on the media want to turn it into a gun debate. All I ask is that we don't politicize this the man was sick in his heart and he was evil that is all there is to the matter. I am so saddened by this that I don't know how to properly convey my words so please just pray for everyone that was effected by this and pray for the country to turn itself around and get back to where we started from.
  18. Hmm i wonder where one could get ahold of a horse hide. That would be fun to tan
  19. Yes sir no problem! It is what I use to get the oil out of the hair on my pelts.
  20. If it doesn't soak up all of the oil put some corn starch on it and rub it it will take away the oily feel and soak up the excess oil.
  21. That Is great! Made me laugh but I don't think the kids would like the idea plus Chellie would skin me alive
  22. Lol right on I was just thinking... might be a heck of an idea, at least you wouldn't have to reline it if it was only sand
  23. Hey bud this could be a very ignorant question so please bear with me. If you used straight sand won't it just fall apart or cave in when it dries?
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