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I Forge Iron

Rojo Pedro

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Everything posted by Rojo Pedro

  1. I would think peen first and than a leather mallet to scroll ??
  2. Thats cool. Hopefully they named it 'The Barclay' I will have to look up dishing anvil but a picture would certainly help others like me to understand what it is
  3. The raised horn reminds me of the french style. That horn and anvil are totally awesome
  4. For me it has been a relatively cool and very wet summer. Only about 50 days over 100 so far this year but I have had about 18.5” of rain since June 22. (average 12” per year) by far the wettest monsoon season I have experienced. I have worked outside in the desert SW my whole life so I am well acclimated My hydration routine is lots of water followed by hops infused water containing beverage(s)
  5. You may find it fires up easier when mounted in the forge. Mine starts right away but runs a bit wonky for a few seconds until a little heat smooths it out. I also like to warm up my forge with the doors mostly closed but opened once it gets hot. Your results may vary I think the flame looks pretty good and I would mount that bad boy and heat some steel - good luck and have fun
  6. Yes good score for sure. Looks well used and very serviceable Have fun and thanks for the pictures
  7. Thanks everyone. It has been a great space and a source of much sweat and relaxation. Stay hydrated I do.
  8. Started smithing 4 years ago with some craiglists scores and a washtub forge. a year later in July 2018 got tired of the SoAz sun and added some shade. I was using a rivet forge which is in the back covered with a tub and bucket. fast forward to this morning and I am well settled in. I almost exclusively use the gasser I built a couple years ago and now have a big coal forge that I should really learn to use needless to say I am bitten and really would like a big boy shop. Thanks for looking
  9. Hey Greebe Did you get that anvil? How about some pictures! I will show you mine....
  10. The only issue I have run into with my square hole at the horn is when I got the anvil new, I radiused the edge near the horn and transitioned back to sharp about half way down the face. Ended up if I had a tool in the hole, I could not use my biggest radius on the edge. I eventually radius most of the edge and mostly in the middle where it would not interfere with any tooling. My rookie experience with a new anvil.
  11. Those hinges look factory made. I like the little nicks on the sides. Is it some type of reproduction?
  12. I like it. Is that a piece of the starting stock? What size
  13. I hear what you are saying about the unsupported hardies. I had no tooling when I bought my anvil so all hardies are made to fit and are completely supported. Have fun and let us know what you think after using it ahwile
  14. Still some day light when I got home so I punched a couple holes using my crude sucker rod punch. I works good but I have to keep it cool and redressed. It is only normalized and I may try to heat treat but will probably find some different material
  15. It looks to me like an upside down 5 being used as a 2. So how much does it weigh?
  16. Nice! Not sure about the shelf but love the pointy horn. Let us know what you think of it after you have used it awhile.
  17. Real nice Ted. I like the length of the hooks My lady always wants more S hooks so I tried to make 3 identical ones from some 1/4” garage door spring. Turned out pretty close but it was harder than I thought. Couple fun hours for sure thanks for lokking
  18. Nice! Pound some hot steel on it and it will shine and smooth the face after a bit. Have fun!
  19. I found the bigger dogs to be more calm and friendly. The little ones can be nervous but you never know. I had a huge Rottweiler pin me in the corner of a wall as I was on my knees changing a pump motor behind a big filter. He must have weighed 150 pounds and I was totally defenseless as he had his way with me! It was all good as he was just a big playful puppy but it certainly left an impression on me :-)
  20. I spent a lot of years as a swimming pool repairman in the 80s & 90s. I met thousands of dogs and was only bit once. 80% of dogs are nice and 90% of mean dogs are just bluster and blowhards. It takes a bit of practice to spot one of the real mean ones but they are rare. I found I could go in just about every yard unaccompanied if you treat the dog like a buddy and dont show any fear at all.
  21. Real nice hammer Martello. Looks very useful and rather pretty in its simplicity. Good job Like your anvil too
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