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I Forge Iron

Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

  1. Welcome aboard DPuppyOne... Please read this...READ THIS FIRST It will help you get the best out of the forum. I have forged many a spring and bed rail frames. It works like spring steel 5160 for me. You may have to test it to see if it's any good for what you want to make. Not knowing where in the world you are located it's hard to give accurate advice.
  2. Today started out nice & sunny so I decided to mow (more like brush hogging) but the battery was dead on the zero turn and wouldn't take a charge. Off to the battery place for a replacement. Got it running around 1400 hrs. so I'm merrily zipping around the yard. Got about 3 acres of weeds mowed and it started getting cold and damp feeling. I looked off to the west and a huge thunderhead was brewing. Got the mower secured in the new addition just in time for the wind, lightening and rain to start. It's a beautiful day in the Ozark's.
  3. Welcome aboard Andy, Have you seen this thread yet? A great bunch there.
  4. Welcome looks like you and your little brother are off and running. To resize pictures, after you click on the upload to put the picture in the post, double click on the picture, a pop up appears to change the width & height. I use 500 for the width and check the original aspect box and the height is set for ya. (you can also edit the post and do the same thing although the forum limits edit time to 30 min.)
  5. The Youtube video loaded for me, it was made by stock removal (nice knife though), didn't see any bead blasting. I doubt YuriD will see the replies, he hasn't been back since Feb. 2018
  6. Welcome aboard, I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST It is full of tips like editing your profile to show your location because so many answers depend on knowing where in the world you are located. There are many other tips, some may help in flying under the moderators radar. As far as the bricks cracking, yes because soft fire bricks do not take well to the rapid thermal cycling in a gas forge unless they are K26 bricks. I'm sure the folks who have been designing and building forges for decades will fill in the blanks. To upload pictures you need to resize them by 50% so they won't time out, large pictures take up a lot of bandwidth.
  7. Caveat emptor as always Buyer beware, if a deal is too good to be true it usually is.
  8. If it doesn't stick stop hitting it.. it isn't going to get any better. ~ jlpservicesinc
  9. Welcome aboard, I suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST It is full of tips like editing your profile to show your location because we won't remember it once leaving this thread and so many answers depend upon location. There are others and some may help in flying under the moderators radar.
  10. That is the hundred weight 127 pounds 1=112 pounds + 0 +15 pounds as when made. There are several threads on the Wilkinson Queens Dudley anvil. If you do a search using your favorite search engine (Google) like this without the quote marks "Wilkinson Queens Dudley site:iforgeiron.com" I got 73 hits.
  11. Set the anvil in calk to stop the ring, then make the chain for the hold down, kill 2 birds with one stone.
  12. Welcome aboard, I suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST It is full of tips like editing your profile to show your location and many others.
  13. Saundra welcome aboard. I always suggest reading this to get the best out of the forum. READ THIS FIRST It is full of tips like editing your profile to show your location because so many answers require knowing where in the world you are located. Along with others about how to upload a picture and another how to do the most effective search. Some even help with flying under the moderators radar. This thread has a lot of info about the Fisher anvils. Posted by the curator of the Fisher Norris museum. Be prepared to have a little anvil envy while going through it though.
  14. More than one welder is the norm for me. I have found out that there is no do everything welder. I have 4 welders (5 if you count the O/A torch set), a Lincoln Tombstone AC, a generator DC welder combo for using where there is no commercial power, a HF wire feed for light quick work and a Hobart 187 handler MIG that I use the most. They each have their place in my shop.
  15. Not an ASO, but an old one which has been abused and lost it's hardened face plate. Looks like maybe a Mouse Hole or one of the many clones from back then. But you are right a boat anchor now.
  16. In recent years the market for vintage tools has taken off like a rocket around here. You have a virtual gold mine there.
  17. I would go with the leg vise. In my limited experience with a calking vise they sometimes won't hold the stock tight enough and you have to keep the pressure on the pedal so some operations that require you to move around is difficult. Not to mention the $200 difference in price.
  18. If you are/were getting a lot of fireflies, your air blast is too strong. Charcoal unlike coal needs a gentle breeze.
  19. Well my dog wants to know why all the human's are wearing muzzles. Did they bite someone?
  20. I hope this pandemic is over before tick season gets in full swing. Otherwise we will have Corona with Lyme.
  21. I agree, that is in fine shape for it's age and heritage, perfectly usable as is. Have you done a ring & rebound (ball bearing) test? That will show if it has any de-lamination of the hardened steel face. Sharp edges are a detriment to work, by causing cold shuts. All I would do is wire brush the rust and apply a coat of BLO (boiled linseed oil) to it and put it back to work. What is the weight? Here is a thread about the William Foster anvils (there are many more). https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/41467-william-foster/
  22. You have to resize the pictures to 50% so they will upload. Without pictures it will be a guessing game to Id it. There are several threads on repairing anvils. Most folks who try do more harm than good.
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