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I Forge Iron

Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Irondragon Forge ClayWorks

  1. For me that is way too big for a propane forge.
  2. You might want to edit your post and remove the quote as outlined here. The quote feature Also links to commercial sites are not allowed, you can mention the name of the company but no link per TOS. Have you called them about it, maybe when they filled the order they inadvertently included two crowned wheels, or they may have an idea of what's wrong. I can't tell from their picture if two wheels are crowned. From looking at their wheels, the only one they show crowned is the drive wheel.
  3. Those hooks look very good and they sure have withstood the test of time.
  4. That's like Axle, he doesn't like to be in the shop when we are working. I think the noise level is a little too high for his ears. But he does like to give his stamp of approval when we are done and look for rodents.
  5. I just went and checked the KMG. It uses a compression spring that takes 40 pounds to compress it so I don't think that's the problem. The only crowned wheel is on the motor drive wheel all the rest are flat. I really think the two crowned wheels are causing the problem like BeaverNZ & Welshj said. I know the spring is a 44 pound spring, but are there 44 pounds of tension when the belt is installed? With the KMG it takes 40 pounds to release the belt. If your spring is short it may not reach 44 pounds at the belt. Easy to fix with spacers under the spring.
  6. Welcome aboard... have you read the sticky about tracking above? It is a good detailed write up about tracking problems even though the picture has been lost. In your picture it looks like there are two crowned wheels which may be part of the problem, our KMG came with only one crowned wheel and it tracks just fine at all speeds.
  7. Yours is a Champion # 41 forge & blower. Here is a link to the catalog page 9 and the pack forge is on page 10. https://ozarktoolmanuals.com/wp-content/uploads/pdfcatalogs/Champion_Blower_Forge.pdf
  8. Yes, I found it in an old Champion catalog, listed as an Army/Navy forge. Mine is a WWI vintage and we use it as our traveling forge.
  9. Sorry to hear that, I'll ring the anvil in the garden 3 times in his honor.
  10. Sad to say there are no replacement parts that could be purchased for those old forges/blowers so all parts will have to be made. The fan shaft could be bushed using brass/bronze bushings but the holes would need truing and the bushings fitted to the shaft's. It looks like there is a remnant of a bushing in one picture. One way to make the bushings (this is what I would do) is to warm up the cast iron housings and pour the shaft holes full of Babbitt bearing material, then bore the right size shaft hole out. As far as welding the holes up and drilling them, it could be done but it takes someone who knows how to weld cast iron and has the proper welding rods. Improper welding will do more harm than good. Most auto parts stores sell sheet gasket material in different thicknesses and gaskets are not hard to cut out. Having never had the pleasure of rebuilding a ratchet blower forge, I can't say if the ratchet has any other parts to actuate the pawls or what they look like. BTW Welcome to IFI, have you read the Read This First thread up in the blue banner. It is full of good tips for navigating and getting the best out of the forum.
  11. You are going to love working on that Fisher anvil. It looks nearly new and only needs hot steel hammered on it to keep the hardened face shining.
  12. Welcome aboard Dreams...Have you read the Read This First thread located up in the blue banner. It is full of tips on how to get the best out of IFI and some may help in flying under the moderators radar.
  13. I'm not sure, but I don't think youtube videos that contain advertising are allowed on IFI.
  14. I can guarantee that every time I get rid of something, within a week I will need it and have to go buy another.
  15. Your T Burner instructions is a sticky, right under Burners 101.
  16. Maybe using too much air making the forge too hot for what you are heating. When I back off on the propane, I have to choke off some of the air and I can leave stock in the forge without burning it up. Now my coal forge is a different animal, especially having more than one iron in the fire.
  17. Everyone else in my family has a given first name after some other relative, except me somehow my parents broke with tradition and named me after a famous actor at the time.
  18. Welcome aboard... I always suggest reading the Read This First thread located up in the blue banner. It is full of tips to help you get the best out of the forum like editing your profile to show your location plus many others and some may help in flying under the moderators radar. As far as which hammer to use, it doesn't matter as long as the faces are properly dressed and you have learned hammer control. As far as sticking a fork lift fork on an anvil to replace the factory hardened face it is not recommended. I suggest reading the Repairing and Modification to Anvils section.
  19. Way back when Y2K was a big deal, and all the "experts" predicted the computers, power grid etc would all fail, I set up my shop with all human powered equipment. Post drill grinder, hand cranked blower's, kerosene lamps, wood heat etc. Then it didn't happen but I still have all that equipment and enjoy the heck out of using it.
  20. That blower looks like the blowers used on FIF. If it is I would avoid it like the plague. It has to be cranked very fast to get any volume of air. I don't know if the 140 rpm is crank or fan rpm.
  21. I would say you quoted Thomas's post just prior to your reply. That is discouraged due to so many members world wide, who have to rely on dial up internet and/or pay extra for data. Quoting a post that everyone has just read is not necessary or not trimming the quote and leaving pictures in the quote eats up bandwidth and data. This thread explains all that.https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/53040-the-quote-feature/
  22. If you want to change your user name, send Glenn a PM and I bet he would do it.
  23. The OP hasn't been on the forum since Jan 2019 so we may never know if he finished it or scrapped the attempt.
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