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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by TWISTEDWILLOW

  1. Thanks Jerry! if I ever take a trip up to your territory I’ll make sure to load up some spares for ya!
  2. pre warning images at the bottom are not for the weak of stomach, turn back now!! So my wife took our Aussie to the groomer yesterday because he was pretty raggy and needed a bath an a haircut, in all the years since we’ve had em there has never been a single issue between our dogs But when he arrived home yesterday afternoon one of the other dogs didn’t recognize him an attacked him right outta the gate for some stupid reason, I got em broke apart but they tore each other to pieces before I could get them drug apart We kept the Aussie in the house all night to let them both cool down and give ‘em time this morning it was time to let him out to do his business, so both me an ash kept em apart to try an re introduce them slowly an avoid another fight it worked for about 20 minutes then the one broke free an attacked the other… I hadn’t got dressed in jeans an boots yet for the day so I was still wearing pjs an I was barefoot…(yes I shoulda known better) anyways all xxxx broke loose, blood an fur flying everywhere… ash was screaming bloody murder an crying… max had woke up in the house an was watchin everything through the window screaming for me an crying… an I was tryin to pull them apart again… the fight turned around an before I got out of the way my leg was smack dab in the middle of it… one latched onto my leg and tore me up pretty bad. I had to reach my hands into his mouth and pry his jaws off my leg… I got his jaws of my leg an hands then I limped over to the garden shed and grabbed a shovel while reciting some very colorful language… then I proceeded to smack them both upside the head an pry them apart with the shovel till they let go of each other an I got the one drug back inside I limped inside to take a look at the damage and ash went ballistic when she saw it so to the ER we go.. the doctor said it was pretty bad an it went deep an took a pretty good chunk off but it didn’t tear anything to the point of needing surgery, he stitched the front of my leg up as best he could an their putting me on some meds That I can’t take lol so I got to call an get them to prescribe something else now we are discussing what to do with the one dog, Even though he’s been here for for years he can’t stay any longer, I won’t have him around max, he didn’t mean to bite me but it’s to dangerous with a toddler in the house, We hate to put him down so we are talking about taking him to the shelter, it’s a bad time of year for me to be down it’s my busy season so I can’t afford to shut down… ah the joys of bein self employed and not having any help! Lol so now my legs throbbing in pain an I’m limping everywhere with a cane… worst part is I missed an auction at a HUGE machine shop today! lol anyways that’s my story for the day, sorry for my caterwauling just thought I’d share,
  3. No idea on what your local value is but that’d make a awsome little travel anvil! if you find out what you want for it lemme know! I might be interested!
  4. My 1844 William foster is intact but it don’t have a very load ring, an rebound is only about 50 percent,
  5. Ahh live dangerously! Heck Thomas makes Christmas ornaments from barbed wire!!! I wonder if you could make something like that to hang on the gate and have the lock in the mouth so you had to reach in to unlock the gate?
  6. My dogs melt like that year round! They must be defective!
  7. George I was just pickin… I couldn’t afford the fuel cost right now to export adobe bricks to New Mexico! besides I’m not sure if my Oklahoma red dirt clay would even work to make adobe bricks? it’s been awhile but last time I drove down I40, but I recall seein for sale signs across the desert advertising cheap land, but I figure you prolly live so far out that you’d have to haul water in, probably have to use propane an solar for your house too, Wow! Forget the hut!!! they coulda made enough adobe bricks in that time span to build an adobe castle!
  8. Yeah banks here still use em too,
  9. George Boy howdy! if some sun baked mud bricks are worth that much imma start up an export business from peavine Oklahoma!!! i just figured a body went out In the desert an made some adobe bricks and built a hut to keep the sun off em, I didn’t realize there was money in it!
  10. I wonder if the kids start makin adobe bricks now if they’ll have enough to build a little hut when the time comes? if they put enough effort into it they could also add a fireplace an chimney for the winter months! It’d probably be easier to look for a janky ol run down camper on Craigslist though,
  11. Thomas, Send that poor mistreated boy out here to peavine an I’ll take him car shoppin! i can find him something in a affordable budget for a waiter! we will find him a nice “USED” farm truck! 70s or 80 Ford or Chevy outta do! $5 a month insurance! An what do you need floor boards for? Most folks I know just toss a piece of barn tin down to cover the holes! who needs AC when ya got wing vents! key? I think there’s a flathead screw driver floatin around the bed! don’t worry about that play in the steering column, we will stick an ol rusty nail in there an lock her down tight! fuel consumption is only around 5 gallons to the mile!!! we can get him on the road today for less than some people spend on a set of new tires! no guarantee he’ll make it back to NM without stoppin to fix a flat an more then likely swing in a pick up a fuel pump somewhere… but hey! If it get ya to work what’s it matter what it looks like?
  12. I wouldn’t think the nut would back off just because it got soaked in oil, otherwise old camelback drill an power hammers would fall apart because they really get oily! i have three blowers with that round base stand but I’ve never had any reason to take em apart, so I don’t know for sure but I would guess that bolt is a carriage bolt that locks into a slot in the column, if it got loose over time an the square shank of a carriage bolt jumped outta its slot you could tighten it an it would just keep getting loose until it’s re seated in its slot, ive seen that happen on other machines, that’s all speculation though,
  13. I get your point Thomas, I honestly prefer the forges I’ve built over the factory made ones I have, but I still like to play with the factory made cast iron ones sometimes! I guess it depends on what availability of stuff is in your area, for me hand crank blowers are everywhere and easily found here, an I’ve been through quite a few of them so I’m not overly afraid of frozen ones
  14. Ahh don’t be such a worry wort Thomas! the machine ain’t been built that I can’t fix! it just might take me a minute to find the parts! Lol The forge looks to be in pretty good shape, depending on what you gotta give for it I wouldnt be afraid, the blower can always be replaced with something else old or new,
  15. Thanks! I’m still hunting for a little bit lighter but it will do for now!
  16. Not really, you won’t know without looking i personally have never found the dreaded fiber gear in any canedy otto blower I’ve had but… there are reports of it’s existence, just because I haven’t seen one don’t mean they don’t exist! but there’s also a half dozen other things that can put a blower on the Fritz that can be fixed easily… or not easily but can be fixed!
  17. I can spot that candey otto gear box a mile away I’ve got a few! the clinker breaker also gave it away as a canedy otto be careful, I can’t personally confirm it but I’ve read three separate reports so far of people finding a fiber gear in some canedy otto western chief/ tiger blowers that came apart, don’t force anything!!!! When I pick up a frozen blower i first check the impeller housing for critters an nests If that’s clear I start flushing the gear box out to remove the gunk, If I have too I’ll open the gearbox up, but only remove the minimum parts needed to get in there to clean it out an inspect for problems,
  18. X2 it’s hard to help without seein the parts
  19. I don’t have any trouble with any of mine but since I went through the trouble of tipping it over I went ahead an soaked the threads in kroil
  20. Had a customer stop by this afternoon with a post vise, it’s in perfect shape! i gave $100 for it, paid a little more for it then I normally do for a small one but it was hard to pass up one in near new condition, jaws don’t have any chisel an hammer marks, screw an box looked perfect, it’s not all bent an twisted like the little ones I find normally are, it don’t look like it’s hardly been used at all, so I caved an bought it, it’s pretty light an has 3-3/4” jaws, it’s gonna be my new travel vise!
  21. Ive got two commercial squirrel cage fans in the back of my repair shop an smaller fans around the work bench’s, I also keep several cases of water in my shop fridge, an I freeze wet rags an drape them over my neck to keep cool, my old building is concrete block with a tin roof an no insulation so it’s nothing for it to get in the mid to high 90s in here in the shade, an the fans blowing, there’s just not really any escaping the humidity though, when it’s hot it’s hot!
  22. It’s been in the 90s with humidity in the 90s with the inex over 100 here, you sweat an sweat but it don’t seem to really cool ya down, you just turn into a soggy mess! I swear some days I think I could ring out my clothes! Ive already been hearing about cases of heat stroke here locally! Its a little to early in the year for it to be that bad here, im not lookin forward to July an august I work outside 10-12 hr a day an it’s pretty nasty to me, I can’t imagine what it like for the people that ain’t used to it
  23. No delivery bots In peavine, ive read about em but never saw one in person, I have seen the little personal drones here before, an actually just saw one this mornin a few minutes ago buzzing around like a flying weed eater
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