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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by TWISTEDWILLOW

  1. Your welcome! The acorn had a little knob on the end that would lock into a hole an keep the vise leg from movin on you, you don’t actually have to have it to use the vise though, On another note, before you sell the vise! have you considered getting into blacksmithing yourself? if so you could forge the replacement parts an have yourself a nice post vise! then you could use the post vise to help make other things to sell instead! An you could use the money from selling your wares to buy more blacksmithing tools! Hope you stick around we love seeing new people get into smithing! just something to think about!
  2. Howdy from eastern Oklahoma and welcome to the forum, I’m pretty sure your post vise was forged not cast, as far as identifying it, that will be hard to do because only a handful of manufacturers ever marked their post vises, like Trenton, fisher, Indian chief, iron city, keen cutter, Columbian ect… but even some of the vises produced by those companies were sold with no identification stamped on them, prices vary depending on region and condition of the screw box an threads, im not up to date on prices in Florida but here in my territory I normally give $75 for a complete working post vise in the 3”-5” range, an $100-$150 for 6” or better, complete and working condition, a post vise like yours were it appears the acorn has been cut off the leg, an is missing the mounting bracket, wedge and keeper, would only bring $50 or less here because you'd have to spend time an fuel rebuilding the missing parts, but like I said I’m not sure about your area, they could be goin way higher down there than they do here
  3. Yeah I didn’t think so, I’ve found old branding irons before an they were forge welded, ive never seen one bolted together an I would think you wouldn’t want Two bolt heads on your brand either Scott, it’s possible, weve got a million of them old spreaders around here, I’ve never looked one over so I dunno if there’s any parts on them like this or not, an yes it most definitely rusted! Lol
  4. Lol well I guess I’ll that’s possible! Sorry I forgot to say, they told me they dug it up out in a 200 field though, so I was thinking it might have something to do with old farm implements? But I can’t figure what?
  5. After looking at it I believe it had the star shape on both ends but one broke off, and I believe they were parallel
  6. I dug around a yard sale today an found a bunch of random stuff I never new i needed! a bunch of books, a coin collection from the late 1800s to the 1930s, antique scissors ect… but then there was this whatchamacallit they ask me if It was a old branding iron an I said I don’t believe so but I ain’t gotta clue what it was It looks to me like it was bolted together, you can kinda see the old bolt heads on both ends of it,
  7. That’s interesting thanks for the heads up, I know I tried using mine on the wood stove and pipe and it went on the Fritz so I didn’t believe it’s reading
  8. Sounds good! I can get y’all unloaded so y’all can get down there,
  9. I think we should take my route an just unload it all slowly and keep it all in one piece lol
  10. Thomas that would kinda be counter productive i can’t use the parts if their all busted up!
  11. Thomas, when you say truck, we’re talkin bout a little 4 cylinder pickup bed full right? Not a Peterbilt with a 50’ box trailer full? that would take awhile to unload cause I ain’t got no loading dock or forklift!
  12. Thanks I just looked up that thread, I had forgotten about that post, well I hope he’s doing better now where ever he is, I sent him a howdy PM just to check on him,
  13. Sorry to get off topic but has anyone else noticed BIGGUNDOCTOR ain’t been around in over a month now? hope everything is alright out his way,
  14. Yes that phosgene gas was what I was thinking about
  15. Might be a stupid question but are those safe to cut open? I read somewhere they can give off a really dangerous gas when they get hot, I don’t know that to be a fact though
  16. too rough shape?!?! what’s that? have you seen the anvils I drag home? im all about those $1-$2 a pound beaters! Heck for that matter I buy broke down blowers, post vises without screws, and random cast iron parts from ol forges for that matter! I’m not picky I rarely pass anything up if it’s cheap enough lol you sir are very sadly mistaken! Billy don’t pass up no $50 wrought iron or cast steel anvils! I don’t care if the thing is missing a horn or broke in half! I’ll always find a use for them! what I won’t do is pay $10 bucks a pound for something used that I could buy new for less!
  17. Jerry, that’s why I said *IF* they were wrought iron, A wind chime does sound cool
  18. Sending thoughts an prayers his way and to y’all’s family too
  19. Have you seen what wrought iron sells for online?!?! I saw one major company wants $57 for 22 pounds of wrought iron before shipping! i don’t have a bunch a money but if a piano had several hundred pounds of wrought iron in it then I’d be more than willing $50 a pop! After I’ve drove around and collected all the free ones! you could resale it an more then make your $50 bucks back! i know I know I know… you buy yours for $.20 a pound at the battle ship cannon graveyard I’m just sayin though it’d be worth the $50! Lol
  20. Howdy from eastern Oklahoma! And welcome to the forum, we’re always glad to meet new people! remember we love pictures! Cant wait to see your work!
  21. To bad pianos don’t have 2-3 hundred pounds of wrought iron in them… id start buying all those $50 ones on Craigslist and scraping them out!
  22. Could always stick it in the yard an plant morning glories around it!
  23. I’ll toast a cold brew after work today, there’s fewer an fewer ww2 vets left in my area every year,
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