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I Forge Iron


2023 Donor
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Everything posted by JHCC

  1. Okay, here's one thing from yesterday that came out okay. This is a section of truck leaf spring made into a scrolling hardy (since my anvil lacks a side shelf). I think I may need to touch the edge up a bit with a file. Reverse view showing doubled-over stem: And here's the spring cut to shape before bending. I do love that PortaBand.
  2. I was living in NYC in 2001 and worked about six blocks from the World Trade Center. Some days, you could smell the burning all the way to 125th Street.
  3. Forging from leaf springs, coil springs, lawnmower blades, files -- and now forging from stools?!
  4. How is the anvil from your other post working for you? Unless you need a lighter anvil for travelling demos, I'd think seriously about holding off until something better comes along, especially if you're on a limited budget.
  5. Again, a personal history note: I used to have a lot of hand pain -- sometimes the whole hand (numbness and pain, especially when cold), sometimes as @Lou L describes from the ulnar nerve. I spoke with a neurologist (whom I was seeing anyway about my sleep disorder), and he discovered that it was neuropathy caused by a vitamin B-12 deficiency. All kinds of things that can go wrong with us, I suppose.
  6. I overheard a man in the Cleveland airport advising his companion, "You have to live your life so that you have either a great time or a great story." Words to live by.
  7. There are many fruits that are eaten as vegetables; rhubard is the only vegetable that is eaten as a fruit.
  8. At least GoT has the archers being commanded "Loose!" instead of "Fire!" (Although there was a scene in this last season that shows a sword blade being partially quenched for reasons that are unclear. Interesting to note that Gendry seems to have made the transition from being an armorer's apprentice to being a swordsmith.)
  9. Interesting rim around the head of the RR spike. I don't think I've seen one like that before -- must be an Australian thing.
  10. The episode with concertina playing in high school was educational, but best not repeated.
  11. That there is about the snazziest JABOD I have ever seen.
  12. Today, I made clinker. (Actually, I made a bunch of stuff, but I'm not really happy with most of it. A rather frustrating session in the forge.)
  13. Fair point. @Robin447, if you're reading this, that was a general observation about people who make one post and leave, and was not necessarily about you.
  14. I've seen worse. (Of the ones I've seen at all.)
  15. ...you find yourself scanning the shoulder of every road you drive for metal roadkill.
  16. 99.99% of what I see here, I just have to let go. But when you hand me a silver platter with "I really need to learn to proofread what i write" on it, how could I let that pass?
  17. If the doors of punctuation were cleansed...
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