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I Forge Iron

Forging Carver

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Everything posted by Forging Carver

  1. Alright great! And I will try to research a bit more than I do before I ask you guys a question.
  2. My answer to him would be to give him he hammer and let him forge something. This way he can see the time and effort that it takes to make such things and hopefully can appreciate it more. Also, you can't go to a store and buy a customized tool or decor to your liking. They always have their pros and cons. With smithing you can have everything you want and nothing you don't want in the piece.
  3. Yeah true. I really don't need it anyways, but if it were something rare I might have gotten it and maybe flip it. Thanks glenn
  4. OH alright so it's a pretty big rip off then. Thanks for the help
  5. Oh man frosty I am terribly sorry. Believe it or not I have read your instructions more times than I can count, as well as a bunch of posts in the gas forge section. The place where I had the difficulty was where to find the parts. Yes, the mig tips are easy to find but I wasn't sure which you recommended since there are so many different shapes of them. As far as the mpt flare fitting, personally I had no idea where to even look for one of those. I would have never thought to check a hvac place. And yes I have looked up mpt flare fittings and couldn't find a thing. Lastly, the propane supply thing is actually true. I had absolutely no idea that such a place existed. We never use propane in my house except for the grill and I am pretty sure my dad buys the bottles from the local hardware store. I have never seen one before around here, but I will look one up. Once again I am sorry to get you a bit angry, and I hope we can still be on good terms.
  6. Hi, my parents went away and they found this strange looking anvil. My dad thinks maybe it was used to slip on top of a railroad track. I believe the guy is asking $235. Please let me know what you know about this. Thanks
  7. Oh that's a great idea! I never knew a propane supply excited, hopefully there will be one around me. On my line I think I am going to go with a connector to attach to the propane bottle, regulator, gauge, 10 foot hose, ball valve, and connected to my burner.
  8. Frosty, Nick is one of the few new guys that you didn't have to tell to put his general location in so that he may find a local smith! You can tell he is going to be a good smith just by that!
  9. Yeah I totally agree about hollow grinding making a sharper tool and easier to sharpen, but the con cavities are nowhere near the edge to make a difference. From what I see, it is practically a groove in the area behind the edge. Now I am sure that these grooves work in some way, but I don't see how. My tools that have a hollow grind have the concavity on the edge making the cross section of the edge a u or c shape. Anyone have a decent explanation to how the chisels in the picture hollow grind works?
  10. Hi Nick As a blacksmith and in the navy, there are some cool stuff you can make for yourself and some of your navy friends! Along with what Charles recommended, is that in my shop class almost all of the machinery was from the navy. We have grinders, buffers, drill press, lathe, and a milling machine. They used them becuase ups couldn't go and ship out a part if the ship needed repair from a mislead or what not. I hope you enjoy smithing!
  11. Thank you. A ball valve is pretty important to me becuase I want to be as safe as I can, and I rather have all the parts that I know will work. My next thing is going to be trying to locate mpt flare fitting. I checked the hardware store which I couldn't find them and online I can't find them. Different fitting come up and it's pretty confusing. I am going to check another hardware store and hopefully I will find it. I will save that for another post. Thank you all for the help!
  12. Alright thank you. Zoeller is probobly my best bet then. Thank you for the help.
  13. Oh sorry I must have made that confusing. I mean the burner supply line kit that comes with everything you need to run the burner from the bottle of propane. Sorry about that. Thanks
  14. Hi, I am working on e build of my freon forge as some of you know. I am going to buy a regulator kit either from Zoeller forge or high temp tools. My question is, is either of these better than the other? The one from high temp is cheaper and seems to not have much in the description as far as components of the kit. The one from Zoeller has more of a description of everything included. I am going to be running a t burner on my forge. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. http://www.zoellerforge.com/forgeparts.html http://www.hightemptools.com/propaneregulators.html
  15. Hey Quench, I have a few recommendations for you from personal experience. The first is that you should use a hammer heavier than 2.5 pounds for such a large piece of steel. I tried to forge myself a thick piece of stock like that for a hardy with a 2.5 pound hammer and got no where like you. The steel I was using was thinner than that too. I would use a 4 pounder or at least a 3 pounder. Yeah you might not be able to swing that weight for long depending on strength, but do what you can and then do more anoer day. Also, you may be correct about your anvil how you don't get a rebound. Right now you can't do anything about that until you get a better anvil, but it might work out with a heavier hammer. I have to say that that anvil does look pretty nice. i would save this anvil incase you ever do demos or need a portable anvil to bring somewhere. Hope this helps.
  16. Alright thank you. Great project for the beginner welder! The worse you weld, the better it looks!
  17. Well I just finished oiling my hammer with linseed oil. I use paper towels to apply becuase it gives me a good excuse to start a fire . Anyways, I was wondering why it was taking over a day to completely dry. I then felt the hammer and it was a bit sticky which means I put too much oil on the handle. I wiped most off with a dry sponge, but it's still a bit tacky. That can be good or bad. I am sure eventually with use it will get better though. Just wanted to share.
  18. That's really nice! What's the actual dimensions of this? When I first saw the picture to me it looked like corks on the back, so I thought it was small. Then you said those are concrete cores so it must be a decent size. I think I am going to try this out but for corks instead of the concrete cores. Good work!
  19. Nice looking blade!
  20. Seems like a cool project to me! Show us a picture of the finished stand with anvil on it.
  21. Sounds like a cool project. Please put up a picture if it works!
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