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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by divermike

  1. I was reading a shop manual recently that bespoke the habit of smiths becoming drunks because they were expected to join in all of the greeting drinks with others. Hardly the vision those pics exemplify.
  2. Just got the news from a friend on Facebook of his passing, RIP MR. ORLANDO.
  3. And now with more fires raging, it is even more relevant! God bless those folk.
  4. well I hope it was a day well spent on your birthday, you lucky man! God Bless you and yours.
  5. once the white stuff quits, the Erie guantlet is just too much to take when it is snowing.
  6. great story, your willingness to come to the aid of a needy fem now enables you to join the brotherhood of Knight Forgers!! welcome! I dub thee sir stool dropper.....oh wait!
  7. I took a course by Mark Aspery, he said he would never own a treadle hammer, he believes they are inherently unsafe, and he uses a fly press instead. I could not get him to elaborate, Now Mark and Mindy Gardner do incredible stuff on a treadle. I have one just don't use it much yet. But I will, I will!
  8. when I come up to your shop, I'm gonna have to get you to show me some treadle tricks, I picked one up just before moving here and have not used it to any extent at all!
  9. Frank, you are a very well respected individual, glad there wasn't anything negative in the blog, they would have faced some blowback!!
  10. nice.. glad you got to make the event, I had plans to take my wife to a play, and could not make both events, momma wins out. Sorry I missed it.
  11. I am thinking of selling my 300 lber, if you are in the market, message me.
  12. somebody once said, if you massage the numbers enough, you can get them to scream anything you want. there are some good things on other sites, but fact is, this is the first one I think about, and the first one I speak about, and the fisrt one I tell anybody about.
  13. Nice job, I attended a hammer in with David Robertson, he showed about 20 ways to make simple leaf shapes, I was never the same after that, now that you are beginning to see the shapes you can produce, experiment. Don't let the failures drag you down, learn from them and improve. I hammered one out the other day and the end split where I chiseled to deeply, so I did a RDC....Rapid design change, and incorporated the split! What the heck? Anyway, keep at it, you are doin good!
  14. If you are coming near Kalamazoo, I would love to meet you. I have lots of stuff to sell, and have set up a classroom, so if you don't want to pay Tillers prices, message me, I am holding classes. I am about 20-30 minutes past them.
  15. 66 is too hot to forge in, I keep my shop at 40.......
  16. ooooooooooo....aaaaaaaaaaa...... I love it!
  17. I gathered my reciepts and tax papers, Plowed 6 inches of snow from the driveway, made a big leaf keyring for some practice, then had breakfast, took my wife shopping, then came back and watched all the football games. I told my wife I had to forge something to start the year off the right way!!
  18. Hey pal, that was just what I wanted to see, I have a bunch of the same wrought pickets, and been wondering what to do with some of it, now I gotta give it a go! Thanks for taking the time to put that together, I may just fiddle with your design a bit so as not to be a full copycat, just a real close copycat!! heh heh.. If I pull it off, I will swap you one of mine for one of yours!!
  19. I was a Parsons Brinkerhoff inspector contracted to FEMA years ago, it aint fun!
  20. I am going to ring every anvil, and a couple power hammers in honor of the big guy! He really was a great man. May God bless his family in these trying times.
  21. you guys crack me up, now I am going to go stare at my hoard, my preciousssssssss!!
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