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I Forge Iron

Dale Russell

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Everything posted by Dale Russell

  1. G'Day Bruce ,Unknown brand flypress , does say " 12 " ton , counter weight is approx 200 mm ball , my mass converter makes it out at approx 33 kgs . Hope thats some help mate Dale Russell
  2. Jeremy , you beat me too it :) But i'd realy like to thank the bloke who set it over the mark . 1 of the ruffest , gruffest persons i've ever met & the same person who has a heart of " gold " Mr Richard Thibeau ( aka ) rthibeau on this site . I wont say ow much this man just gave , but i know it was part of the $ he was savin' to come to OZ next yr for Get HAMMERED @ MOONY'S 2013 He'll probably go off at me about this , but ppl like Richard are a once in a life time & to call him a " mate " is a honor & a privilege . Thank you Richard , youse bloods worth bottlin' Dale Russell
  3. Lee , didn't know you had flown back home to make those tongs , if i had i'd ave had a word with customs about " not " letting you back inta the country ... ;) Dale
  4. Bruce , thanks for the update . I'll get onto Amanda about knocking up so gumnuts Dale Russell
  5. A wise smith once told me this . Tack weld the 2 bits together ( ARC ) , put in fire , heat where you want to weld ( get nice & hot ) , Weld " in the fire " . Take out of fire , flux should almost fall off as it cools a little ,. Hammer the weld to look like a " real " forge weld . Thank you Bill Epps , a real niffty trick . Dale Russell
  6. Hi World Some more Vids of the tree project for you all to look at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DgtYc6zkZI&feature=plcp http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jho3HSkrpwA&feature=plcp Enjoy :) Dale Russell
  7. Hi all , Some updated info about the tree . Hope you all enjoy the vid http://www.treeproje...rg.au/news.html http://www.pozible.c...description/0/0 Dale Russell
  8. 99pppo This is what you need to seal around flue & roof ... http://www.ebay.com....=item439d9a2302 Dale Russell
  9. G'Day all , John , $ 50.00 , covers fuel for forges / gennie & feed Saturday nite Bring extra , as there mite be some auction items up for grabs Dale Russell P.S . . I'm on a mates puter , mine are shot , meanin' i wont be able to check on this thread as much . If you ave any questions , PM me & i'll get back to you when i can
  10. G'Day Adam , firstly welcome ta the site . Next , bung youse name inta this ( also check incase some 1 in W.A is near you ) http://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/7176-oz-roll-call/ Dale Russell
  11. G'Day all , Just a reminder that Get HAMMERED is " 6 " weeks away . If your coming & ain't let either MOONY or myself know now is the time , gotta know numbers so we'll ave enough tucker for Saturday nite Lee , it's pretty much " free form forgin' " . The second yr i brought up some stainless steel to do some leaves & branches for the " tree project " other then that no . If u've a idea would be happy to hear it . Corin is gonna do a lesson on Gas Forge construction i think . Dale Russell
  12. Cains ,, you ave Iron Woody you could drop in & see Dale Russell
  13. I'm a blacksmith , of course i need more room ... :) Dale Russell
  14. On youse mate :) Tip , make em outta flat bar ( 19 - 25 mm x 3 mm ) , cut both ends on a angle , knock down the point , the fuller the center to form the stem ,, hey presto , 2 leaves outta 1 bit of piece :) ( this is ow Strine showed use ow ta do em ) Dale Russell
  15. Gibbo , click on the tree project link , then contact , they " may be " still takin' leaves Dale Russell
  16. John , not sure , ave ta ask Corin . Lee , yep , it should be fun . Woody , is there any other way ta be .. :) Dale Russell
  17. G'Day all Just a reminder Get HAMMERED is only 10 weeks away . If your coming & ain't told either MOONY or myself now is the time . Remember to bring all your camping gear . : Food for all meals except Saturday nite : " Dunny paper " : A project you wanna work on ( MOONY may ave some stock kickin' around but ask before you go hackin' inta that nice big bundle of steel he just had delivered for a job ) : And most importantly " BEER " So far we ave bout 15 IFI members coming Dale Russell
  18. Check out post 300 on page 15 on this & u'll see more photos Dale Russell p.S , you mite even see my " ugly " head in the pictures too ... ;)
  19. John , yeah , theys both as " bad " as each other ... ;) Andrew , i was next in line :) Matt , i'm sure MOONY has some extra room somewhere ta find a spot for a hammer or 10 ... LOL Dale Russell p.s , rumor has it MOONY'S on the hunt for another " BIG " toy
  20. Phil , 2 things , 1 , i don't see any pictures of the hammers MONY has sittin' out side his own shop 2 , wern't you 2 blokes ment ta be workin' & not runnin' around lookin' at " more " hammers ? Dale
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