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I Forge Iron

Dale Russell

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Everything posted by Dale Russell

  1. G'Day All , talked ta MOONY . We've set a date for this yrs Get HAMMERED . 26 th , 27 th , 28 th Of October 2012 Cost ta be worked out still , but most likely the same as last yr Bang me a PM or on e-mail if your intrested in comin' please as we'd like ta know numbers Dale Russell
  2. G'Day all , below is some work by Denise Axelsen ( aka ) female_blacksmith who lives in Queensland Australia . She is a card carrying smith from England who ain't too " computer smart " ( sorry Denise , but .. :) ) so asked me to post this for her ........................................................................................................................................................... My heaviest hammer is 2lb and I own a single burner gas propane forge and 4 pairs of tongs and usually make small stuff, but then someone asked me if I could make two identical 'horse themed ' fire tool sets for two fireplaces in their home. Now there is a challenge and this is the results. It took me fifty six hours to make both sets and a lot of gas. My forging abilities are pretty rusty and slow but I got there in the end ! How am I going to price the customer realistically ? The design was based on the limitations of my forge and the one thing I discovered was the amount of scale on my work from my gas propane forge compared to previously having only used a coke and charcoal forge, which although I used a twisted cup brush attached to my angle grinder did not remove all of it so the finish, for me is disappointing. It is a black finish with wax at the customers request.Should I burn off all the coating and try soaking in white vinigar for a few days and reaply the wax at black heat? My attempts at forging a horses head were poor so my design solution was a mask which then needed a mane to balance it out.The idea came from remembering my childrens ' hobby horse.' The mask is made from 3mm plate, ( actually angle iron hammered flat ) and the mane from 25/10mm bar and attached by a tack weld hidden under the mask and a rivet the other end. The mask was attached with a rivet too. I sunk a 12mm round bar to create the ditches to rest the fire tools and also one on the underside to help bend the back end. The base was made using 25/5mm flat bar and was not really successful in as much as I could not fit it into my forge opening and had to resort to hiring oxyacetylene equipment to finish the bends. This shows my inexperience on the corners where they are a little thin in places. Because I knew the head would be ' top heavy ' the base was designed to be spread in all directions to stabilize it and it does. The kinks were supposed to be just one but I forgot and made two and were added to break up the monotony of the base, not sure that was in keeping with the horse theme ! I thought I wanted a smooth minimal finish but feel it's a little unforged and maybe needs texture ? I acquired a horse shoe after I made my horse shoe ends for the fire tools, think I should have had it first. The twists are chiseled down the centre of the square bar first and then twisted. The shovel was heavily textured with a ball pein hammer and attached using rivets in counter sunk holes. Not sure if there is a reason for attaching the handle to the back or front of the shovel but I liked it on the front ? The broom is made by Warren Olney from the Broom Shop and I love it. The poker is very simple deliberately but wonder whether I should have had a double end for better fire management ? I would welcome any feedback and really appreciate any comments to help improve my skills. Many thanks. Denise Axelsen ( aka ) female_blacksmith
  3. John ( & Dag's ) / Phil , ain't talked ta Glenn about a date yet , strange , had a phone call & 3 text messages in last couple of days askin' the same thing . I'll post the date when it's sorted out . Dale Russell
  4. G'Day Arron , firstly , welcome ta the site . Bung youse name inta this tellin' us where in OZ youse are ( BIG country remember bloke ) mite be some 1 just around the cnr from you ta get help ect from Dale Russell
  5. Adam , i'll ave'a talk ta the crew i bash with & see if we could swing it , althou i's ain't sure they'd pay our " expenses " from " Mexico " . Dale Russell
  6. Strewth ! , if it was closer i'd think about makin' an offer on it meself . Wonder ow much it'd cost ta " mexico " ( Victoria ) . Andrew , if i was you i'd grab it anyway , you can always sell it later on . Dale Russell
  7. Hey Grant , do you make / sell a 50 kz 240 volts 10 - 20 amps version for us blokes ( & shelias ) downunder ? Dale Russell
  8. Basher , as a certificate 4 in hyd systems design / diognostice & repair i'd say too much trouble . Firstly if i was gong to do it with the pumps you have already i'd turn the smaller pump into a low pressure high volume pump , then the larger inta a high pressure low volume pump . Then the fun really begian's , plumbing it up . You will need pressure switches , non return valves , hoses going everywhere ... Probably cheaper to sell the pumps you have & invest in a 2 stage pump ( yes i know you said you didn't like the noise ) & save yourself a lot of time /trouble & most importantly money . Have a talk to your local hyd equipment consultant , he'll likely be able to come up with a solution to your problem My 2 cents anyway , i'm sure u'll find a way around it Dale Russell
  9. You tell your hubby that you put insurance on his workshop at $ 5,000 , he replies that low , i've got that much in steel stock let alone my " anvils / power hammer / tool's " & you think he goes off when i buy a new pair of shoes
  10. You ask him if a power hammer would he helpful in you shop & " buy " it for him You see hubby drooling over a 12 ton " flypress " on e-bay & ask would you be able to use that in your shop & tell him too bid on it ( & win it ) You see hubby " playin' " with the metal outta scrap pile & give him $ 500 to go buy steel cos you know that's the best way ta keep him outta your hair for at lest a month You ask when are you goin' to make the stuff i asked for & not the cheap trinkets he keeps making to sell at demo's / shows
  11. Nick , that was MOONY , he took over finishing up that wrought iron bar that we auctioned off Dale Russell
  12. Ian , sure , but some 1 needed ta get the ball rollin' . If it was up ta me i'd rather not be involved in arrangin' this 1 , as you said Phil &/ or Corin can ave this 1 My 2 cents worth anyway Dale Russell
  13. Ok , got 2 venues we can use Heres the idea , maybe hold a 2 - 3 day event at Phil's , with Corin runnin' a arvo workshop on buildin' gassers . A date ta be worked out ( i'm busy with demos until Feb anyway ) ( & costings ) But an idea who's interested would be great PM me or e-mail to let me know so we can get an idea of numbers ( my e-addy can be found on my profie ) Dale Russell
  14. Corin , maybe we could talk Phil / Forgemaster inta lettin' us hold a weekend at Newie , i'm sure he's got almost as much toy's .. i mean tools ect as MOONY does What say you Phil , can youse handle a bunch out us " hobbyist " playin' around in your shop for a weekend ? Dale Russell BTW Corin , thanks for " not " gettin' me in any of your pictures , wouldn't wanna make any 1 sick .. ;)
  15. Phil , about 50 weeks ( maybe ) Matt , thanks for the cold mate , really needed it .... NOT ! As for somethin' " special & ideas " , more frontin' up would be " nice " . From 39 last yr ta 17 this yr is a bit of a let down Still gotta talk the MOON MAN inta lettin' us ave another 1 , mite need more then just me naggin' in his ear about it Anyway , was a good time had by all , pity i stuffed up the feed Saturday nite , not puttin' me hand up ta do that again ... Hopefully Nick will bung up some of the vids he took over the weekend , the last 1 with MOONY , Andrew O'C , Nick & Jim makin' a 10 kg/ 22 lb ball swage under MOON'S press came out GREAT Not sure if any 1 got pictures / vid of Phil makin' handled punches under MOONY'S 55 kg / 1 ctw Anyang , sure made it look easy Lot's of other stuff bein' made either on the 9 kg / 20 lb or 15 kg / 33 lb Anyangs , the 10 station forge with 1/2 doz anvils around it got a big workout too . Gotta thank Jim for bringin' his gasser down for us ta look at / play with as well Dale Russell
  16. Way ta go Nick , keep this up & u'll soon ave as many " toy's " err i mean tool's as me Next is mountin' it on somethin' bloke Good find in " that " shed .. Dale Russell
  17. G'Day All, Just looked at the 7 day forecast for the area around MOONY'S , mite be an idea ifin youse brung some " wet weather gear " with youse . http://www.bom.gov.au/act/forecasts/canberra.shtml Dale Russell
  18. Jeremy , tis still time for youse ta jump on a plane mate . And remind me , still can't remember what i got up ta at the Iron Corroboree in Feb mate Sure , i'll tip a tinnie or 50 with youse anytime bloke Dale Russell
  19. Well blokes / shelias , tis just 9 days . Hope youse all ave everything ready ta load & the Esky's cleaned out from last yr . Can some 1 take photos so i ave at least a reminder of the things i did please ? ... See youse all at Glenn's , remember enterance is via Jinglemoney Rd this yr Dale Russell
  20. Phil , i's don't know what i's more excited about , gettin' ta MOONY'S or prospect's of a new job . Snap outta it Dale , it's gotta be MOONY'S , job's i can get anyday Dale Russell P.S , Happy Birthday MOONY , Monster
  21. G'Day all , Well it's a month away , can i see a show of hands who's comin' again please ? Also if your still undecided you ave 2 weeks still ta let me know ( or MOONY ) Dale Russell
  22. Ian , well done mate If you don't win again this yr they've got rocks in their heads See you @ MOONY'S Dale Russell
  23. Ok all , tis " 6 " weeks ta this yrs Get HAMMERED . Ifin youse ain't let either me or Glenn know ifin youse is comin' now is the time Last yr we's had 39 ppl ( 18 of them IFI members ) show , ow about we's try for 45 / 50 this yr Dale Russell
  24. Scrapartoz , very nice , i'll try & see if MOONY has any pictures of the 5 sheep that MOONY , Andy , Ian & Sean did for a commision job a couple of months ago . BTW , you interested in comin' ta Get HAMMERED ? 28 th , 29 th 30 th of October @ Braidwood NSW Will be a lot of like mined smith's for you to meet Dale Russell
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