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Everything posted by MRobb

  1. Welcome to Iforgeiron! There are a lot of very knowledgeable & friendly people here from literally all over the world. Tell us where you are from and there might be someone close who can help you along. Keep checking back and post pics of your work so that we can see how you are doing. Mitch
  2. Wow. Really nice! I like it. This furthers my inpsiration on a sign post I am working on. Thanks for posting. Mitch
  3. Sounds like a great man. I did not have the pleasure of knowing him. My prayers go out to his family & friends. Mitch
  4. MRobb

    Ed Viadock

    Prayers sent from Florida. Mitch
  5. MRobb

    Hand rails

    I like them! Very well done! Mitch
  6. Hi, Pete. You were asking about FABA members. PM Francis Cole. I'm sure he is a member.(I should be, but jut just haven't done it yet)

  7. Those are great! I'm sure all recipients will be very happy. I'm definitely going to have to save this pic for later. Thanks for posting. Mitch
  8. Cool! Maybe someday............. great video. Thanks for posting.
  9. Very nice! Thanks for posting.
  10. So sorry to hear about this setback. Also about the loss of your loved dog, Libby. Prayers sent from Florida as well. Mitch
  11. MRobb

    forged hacksaw frame

    Nice one! I like this design. Definitely going to have to save this image for the future. Thanks for posting. Mitch
  12. That's pretty neat. Where did the picture come from? Who makes these? I wouldn't mind having one. Mitch
  13. Those of you blessed with low humidity (and temps), enjoy them. I live in west central Florida. It's already getting quite hot. Out humidity on dry days is usually around 70 to 80 percent. It's starting to rain more and getting closer to rainy season. The temps and humidity only goes up now. My shop is inside, so I don't have to worry about the rain, but do crank up the fans. Mitch
  14. Very nice! I really like it. Simple,sturdy, clean design. Nice welding too. I could really use something like this at home. I may have to "borrow" your design, if you don't mind. Thanks for posting. Mitch
  15. Hi Luke. Welcome to the forum. As I read your intro, I see that you've been bitten by the blacksmith bug. Now you are hooked. There is no escape. But, who wants to? There are many very talented smiths on this site. Any questions, just ask. Someone is bound to jump in and lend a hand. Great looking light sabre! Really cool! Mitch
  16. MRobb

    Bottle opener

    I like it! Thanks for posting! Mitch
  17. Now that's impressive! You certainly have done a fine job with her. A much better use for that old Iraqi steel. Congrats! And THANK YOU for your service!!! Mitch
  18. Looks good! Nice job for your first. Mitch
  19. That is sweet! What are you going to use for the handle material? Look forward to seeing it finished! Mitch
  20. How cool is that! Happy Birthday! Mitch
  21. All great ideas. I like the "grab & grind" station and the adjustable bending forks best. I also have a Kaowool plug for the back of my propane forge. Works great. Thanks for posting! Mitch
  22. MRobb


    Very nice! I look forward to seeing pics of it finished. Mitch
  23. Prayers sent! Good luck. Mitch
  24. I love it! Very well done. How big is it? It looks quite large. How long did it take you to make it? Mitch
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