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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Loneforge

  1. That composite is a killer ....Nice job raising the bar there!
  2. Steel is 1095 and 15N20. Yes I do etch deep enough to get texture! Thanks for the compliments.
  3. Not really Ivory.....the ebony part is true though....just had to say it. The spacer is White Tail Antler. Ebony wood on the grip and Nickel Silver guard.
  4. K and G offer a dandy 24 hour epoxy and black pigment to add to said epoxy....works dandy!
  5. Impressive indeed! Nice work Zigmund.
  6. Nice clean work. Love the W's pattern. Darren
  7. I also read a post where a guy soaks antler in tepid water for a month or so which will soften the Pith considerably. Pull antler from water and simply force onto tang. Apparently the soaking procedure makes the Pith soft and yielding like a sponge. So it will displace itself as it is forced over tang. He then described clamping the horn in place as per normal gluing instructions, Except he leaves the clamps on for a couple weeks. This allows the pith or marrow to dry and make a postive grip on the tang.....No glues needed. Hope this helps. He did recommend to be ready for the stink when the antler is pulled from the water.....I have sanded antler so I know that smell........Cheers, Darren
  8. 1095 and 15N20......Surprise! Ziricote handle. 4" blade and 8 1/2" OAL.
  9. Cool Knife. Handle came out cool!
  10. This blade is 29 layers total. 15 layers of .030" 1095 and 14 layers of.003" Nickel 201. There are no folds or rewelds. It was all welded at once in a can. After the billet was welded it was drilled to make the circular patterns that you see peeking out there. Next time I do this pattern I will make a higher count to get more drama. Thanks for looking and all the kind words Gents. You inspire!
  11. Ferric chloride. And after etch I used cold gun blue from Birchwood Casey.
  12. Drop point hunter forged from 1095 and Pure Nickel, dressed with Box Elder Burl and Antler spacer. Thanks for looking.
  13. Another perfect reason to shop test unknown materials. Good call! What is the brand name on the case hardened file for our future reference. Thanks for sharing this info! Darren
  14. One handle fit...3 more to go.
  15. I have a sweet set of Mound tools....designed for scraping Babbit from bearings....very nice tools to use as Sens, They have no teeth, nice clean edges for scraping.
  16. It's tough under the hammer! But it does finish up nice. I found lots of heat is the answer. Thanks for the compliments.
  17. Whoah....thanks guys. It means a lot. I just plug away and produce.......glad you like it.
  18. Forged from 52100 with Box Elder Burl scales and Nickle Silver Bolsters. Nickle Silver pinstock. Thanks for looking.
  19. Here is a set of 4 integral steak knives that I'm doing. They are forged from 1084 and 15N20 twist, 18 layer total. I will post more pics as I get more done. They will be dressed in red Box Elder Burl. Thanks for looking.
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