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I Forge Iron

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jayco, Give me the inspiration, { {Thanks James for sharing your building project}}--But its took awhile for me to get the ball rolling, Well last time I fired up the forge I got cold and decided it was time to build me something to work outta, So yesterday I started working on it. and it'll probably be a month or so before I get it done. I said I wasn't going to do no forging till I get me a building built, But will probably attempt to make me some door hinges and a door latch. to put on it.. I'll take some picture's and try and keep you all posted on the progress..Tom


Well I didn't get much done today, I got the roof on and tomorrow I'll put the walls up, It ain't going to be nothing fancy , But it'll work for now. I'll try and get the hen to take some picture's tomorrow.. its going to be 16X8 and about eight foot high,, I relized today why I didn't pursure the carpentry business... That hammer hurts ... lol


If you've already got the roof on, sounds to me like you're making good progress!
8 x 16ft. is the size of my old shop. I actually did all my forging in 1/2 of it.....the other end was full of metal,coal,coke,.......and yes, junk!

You will enjoy having a place INSIDE to work and keep your tools. On days when it is too cold or wet to do anything outside, I can build a fire and work comfortably.

I will be looking forward to seeing the pictures!



Good for you Tom!

Smithing outdoors isn't as much fun as they tell you in sunday school, especially once you reach an age.

Warm and dry is soooo nice.



I still gotta get the picture's I got alot of it done I still have to build the door and cover alittle bit more of the front. I have a dirt floor and plan to get some sand and put it down and then get some of the 12X12 patio blocks , I'll sink them in the sand then take a broom and sweep , and I'll have me a good floor and when I get around to building a bigger one . I'll use the old floor. { Patio Blocks) for the new building.
I took a bunch of old roofing tin that a friend give me and thats my outside wall, I gotta feel in some holes .But that won't be no problem..


Glad to hear you got er started, my forge is an old wood shed that I have expanded twice, right now there is a foot of snow outside, but the old forge warms it up toasty, nothing like being in a t-shirt, sweatin while the wind is blowing the snow sideways at 12 degrees outside, my dog just sits in the snow waiting for me cause she don't like the noise, but every once in a while she will come in and defrost, usually when the gas forge is not on, the dragon's breath is disconcerting to her. Can't wait to see your pics, good luck!

  • 1 month later...

Bummer Tom.

Our weather's been bouncing like a yo yo but every day I have nothing else scheduled . . . for me, it's either way cold or snowing. I only need one good day to cut the hole and set the flashing and I'll be able to light a fire in the stove and heat the place. Unfortunately there's a layer of ice on the galvy steel roof under a fresh (since about 5am) 8" of snow.

Not today then.

Oh well.


  • 2 weeks later...

Well I got the smoke pipe in and got to fire it up today.. it seems to draw pretty good. I still have to hook up the air and seal the roof.. But she's coming along pretty good. Planning on making a coal run next month. while I'm on Vacation.. Here' some picture's.

suck_n_-_Copy.JPG darn_neer_done_-_Copy.JPG Smoke_un_-_Copy.JPG


Thanks Guy's .. I sure wished I had one more day off. I'm atempting to build a anvil stand . but I guess that'll have to wait till next weekend. Fixen to pull out and head down to Alabama.


Tom, that sidedraft flue looks good!
Looks like you were trying it with some paper to test the draw. If your's is anything like mine,(and I think it is), you will be amazed when you get the blower hooked up and build a coal fire.

Nice work, Tom



nice place freind, and i like the color lol mine is barn red lol, i use a baby barn not much bigger than your shop, works out well, hope yours does too


Yea, I ended up with some metal out on the road this week, and fixen to make me a heavy duty door locking system.. I got a bar thats about 3 ft X 1 in and I'm going to put it on the inside of the door and fix it so that when I lock it, It will go thru the wall and also lock the fold up window..


Posted (edited)

Well I finaly got the blower hooked up and fired up the forge today, I had to punch a hole in the bolt that I'm using for my door latch so I can put a lock thru it . the bar that I'm using will also lock the fold out window.

Here's a picture of my three legged anvil stand I made.

it was getting pretty warm in there. I started this project back on dec 12 . If my memory is correct. And wouldn't you know it..Winter is over and I've about got er done.. now I'll have a oven to work outta.. lol
I'm glad I had the glove on,, its been awhile since I played with hot metal.


Edited by WagonMaster

I ended up setting up my forge to have removable windows, in the warm season, I just drape a canvas over the opening when I'm done, and roll it up when I'm working, with windows open on 3 sides it's bearable. I been thinkin about a fan though!

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